One or two people laughed at me when I bought Thruvision well below 1 p each, spotting that not only it was oversold but also it would survive. Within 7 days today it has risen as high as 1.85 mid (up 89%). I bought in VAST and made three times the money in four months. I bought Videndum and made nearly three times the money in a week.
I am sure that there are many doubters here or people who are deliberately trying to berate us (the long term holders).
They will not laugh anymore when GEX announces that it has discovered the largest reserve of helium in the world. Time will tell. |
remember we have Mt Winter news in April so it should start heating up soon. |
Good interview. I expect drilling in June with the funds and contracts all in place already. |
fully funded
7mins 47 "we have a contingency to cover these costs"
with the rig costing 10k per day itll only cost @600k to drill Hussar.
they raised 5 million so this talk of a placing is utter nonsense .they have plenty of funds. |
new interview
Georgina Energy (LSE:GEX) - Scoping Study Validates $208M Revenue Potential |
My understanding is they are saying Hussar EIS2 submission by May, which could mean late April or May.
Presumably DEMIRS have indicated they are happy with EIS1, in so far as it goes, which could help speed-up the combined approval of EIS1 & 2.
Also there is a bi-directional airstrip a couple of Km west of Carnegie Homestead (just next to the Gunbarrel Highway - south side) some distance to the south-west of Hussar:
If GEX have their own airstrip and want to use it, instead of Carnegie, then it would only need to be basic. The airstrip shown in the photos on their website from the recent site visit, already looks pretty good to me - wide, long, fairly even dirt surface - minimal maintenance, minimal work required. |
Submit EIS2 latest mid April - BOD being cautious having missed to many deadlines (EIS2 took two weeks to complete)
DEMIRS approval 10 working days - end of April early May
Repair road / air strip - March/ April - local bulldozer will fix the dirt tracks
Drill preparation (does not need new civils) Mid May
Drill re-enter - 3rd week of May |
A few decent buys there in red. Someone continues to load |
Mkt cap of 12 million ,what rupees? |
Market CapToday 12:41
Should quite easily get to 20 million on the lead up to drilling and would still be undervalued compared to others. |
Only Owen @Getsum4 · Mar 9 Best damn asymmetric opp, on the UK market! #Gex
there is simply NO OTHER stock on the whole market with as much potential as GEX.
if you want to get a position and hold VERY TIGHT GL |
There's been consistent buying for a few weeks now at 100k or more sizes. On the days where news is released we see a drop back, the news usually having a v minor negative that was operational and at this stage not even needed.You have to wonder if this is manipulation for someone to accumulate. I can't think of any other reason why telling us they need to clear the runway and do some repairs was in that announcement! |
In my dreams GEX has made the largest discovery of helium reserve in the world. Its share price jumps by leaps and bounds and reaches £1 a share within six months. Dreams do come true. It is not an illusion. |
100k BUY @6.345p |
Rumours today online about the take off agreement being signed and more news from the Winter drill [all good] has possibly meant people are going to buy from here |
Whatever it is , has moved the bid to 6p |
Load and sit tight. We will be drilling in June/July which is not far away in time. |
A rollover purple, not 2 buys. |
2x 125k BUY @just shy of 6p |
i dont see why this work cant be started now whilst EIS2 is being drawn up so there is no further delay. the contractors have visited the site so hopefully they will start straightaway |
Ita not like they'll be landing a jumbo there. Some small planes which don't need anything other than a mud track without holes in.This is the outback, not Gatwick. |
Henry, there is no reason, at this well re-entry stage, why the access roads and airstrip would need to be repaired to anything better than they were when the original drill took place in the 80's. Probably very basic work and not complete new work.
You can see from the recent site visit photos, the Hussar access road is hard surfaced, so probably just needs some repair, not relaying (they presumably managed to access this for the site visit); and the airstrip is a dirt type, so might just need some evening out and compacting after the recent rain.
hTTps:// |
AIM is sentiment and momentum driven a clear path to drilling and this will get a serious rerate. I think the BIOD are being super cautious about EIS2 and if they had not put dates in the last 2 RNS this would be 10p already. Expecting news on EP155 permits very, very soon and EIS2 to be submitted before mid April at the latest and with drill on site in May. Looking forward to a strong rebound and run into a billion pound Helium discovery.
Lowest Helium m/c play with a £100 billion pound reserves. Offtake news could well be with us this week, with up front funding being a company maker. |