The HEX scammers are out in force today |
Boom at HEX with the leak |
Inquiry adjourned until 26th March: |
Dalradian's public inquiry started today in Omagh. |
Yes, because we are determined to not get any gold out of the ground. |
Does this share inversely track the price of gold ? |
my mistake was last month! |
The lack of communication is appalling. It should not be beyond them to post here with a little more notice.
Thanks mineng |
Is anyone on here seeing them at 121 London conference tomorrow? |
This company must be one of the most dishonestly promoted - by the management - ever. An updated feasibility study - aimed at restarting production - was promised some years ago but never materialised. Instead GAL has allowed the shares to be decimated through spending on drilling and buying a Scottish red herring before generating anything to pay for it. Yet heavyweight backing misled ordinary investors into thinking they would ensure a sensible strategy. One wonders if there is a hidden strategy to fleece them and take GAL private now that they have helped pay to extend the resource before a new production company is resurrected to benefit only the heavyweights. |
 As i'd lost track:
As at September 30, 2024, the issued shares of Galantas total 114,841,403. Ross Beaty owns 3,744,747 common shares of the Company or approximately 3.3% of the outstanding common shares. Premier Miton owns 4,848,243 common shares of the Company or approximately 4.2%. Melquart owns, directly and indirectly, 28,140,195 common shares of the Company or approximately 24.5% of the outstanding common shares of the Company. G&F Phelps owns 5,353,818 common shares of the Company or approximately 4.7%. Eric Sprott owns 10,166,667 common shares of the Company or approximately 8.9%. Mike Gentile owns 6,217,222 common shares of the Company or approximately 5.4%. Excluding the Melquart Ltd, Premier Miton, Mr. Beaty, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Sprott and Mr. Gentile shareholdings discussed above, the remaining 49% of the shares are widely held, which includes various small holdings which are owned by directors of the Company. These holdings can change at anytime at the discretion of the owner.
We obviously waiting for gold to hit 5000 before we get around to production! |
Hello pelgis, I just checked, we last conversed on here 12 years ago!
I hope you are doing well. Are you still flying?
I certainly miss a few others from this bb. eg fordtin and flippinec.
I haven't been back to NI recently, but both kids are now at Uni, so maybe I will try to get over again. I can use my new Irish passport! |
Re: somewhat near the mine from what I remember..
Yes, of course it's near the 'mine', the new road will by-pass Omagh to the south/west. Excellent positive news for the town- perhaps could even be a positive for local mine operators if excess backfill is 'collected' by the contractors to use on road construction. I'm sure nobody has thought of that before. ;) |
 somewhat near the mine from what I remember..
A5 road upgrade announcement hailed as 'momentous day'
2 October 2024, 10:29 BST 165 Comments Updated 1 hour ago Stormont ministers have approved the long-awaited A5 road upgrade project - including a full dual carriageway.
The total cost of the road upgrade will be about £1.2bn, with €600m (£500m) coming from the Irish government.
Infrastructure Minister John O'Dowd said that work on the project would begin in early 2025 and would completed on a phased basis.
First Minister Michelle O'Neill described it as a momentous day while Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly welcomed the announcement as good news.
Project planned since 2007
The infrastructure minister confirmed phase one of the scheme would be between Strabane and Ballygawley in County Tyrone, which he said was where many of the deaths and injuries had taken place on the road.
O'Dowd said phase one was half of the total project, 34 miles out of the total 53 miles.
He added that he would make formal decisions on the remainder of the project in due course.
O'Dowd said the total cost of the project was still to be finalised but his department was estimating it would be £1.2 billion.
The 58-mile (85km) road project was first announced in 2007 but has been beset by funding and legal challenges.
At the end of September, O'Dowd confirmed the preparatory work had been completed and he was awaiting approval from the Stormont Executive before publishing the plan.
On Wednesday, O'Dowd said the first notice of planning would go out on 14 October. |
What a dog this is. Ever since Mario Stifano took over it's been all downhill.
After a brief surge in PR when he took over Galantas has gone quiet. The old story of production has quietly disappeared and been replaced by regular subscriptions by Melquart to fund more drilling.
What a disappointment.
They do say that Canadians like to drill all day while Ozzies actually want to get stuff out the ground. So it appears.... |
5.15p Not quite the 'spiral decline' Galantas had envisaged. |
On my scale of -5 to +5 I give this RNS a +2 = positive and brings value to the company. |
This is what I do like about the latest RNS - Provisional revenues generated from concentrate sales totalled approximately US$1,103,000 in 2023 and approximately US$207,000 in Q1 2024. The net proceeds from concentrate sales are being offset against development assets, until the mine commences commercial production.
At least Galantas has a small income stream.
And - grades returned an average percentage increase of 113%* from the grade modelled in the technical report "Resource Estimate, Preliminary Economic Assessment & Detailed Feasibility Study on the Omagh Gold Project, |
longhole mining method and backfill - This method is̷9;one of the most productive ones and covers a variety of ore thicknesses and dips (0 – 90⁰). This method unavoidable adds dilution (20%), but it offers advantages such as very high productivity and efficiency because the blasted rock falls into a supported drawpoint that is excavated8239;below the stope bottom, and which allows ;for the removal of the blasted rock using remote control LHD or rail cars for longer transport. The method also offers mid-range mining cost and low hazardous conditions (easily ventilated).   |
That is an interesting release today. Could open the door towards getting this up and running given funding. They have an existing cadre of institutional support. Maybe they can add to that? |
Rather than sit on dead money here I took the loss and moved the cash into something else. Newbies beware, don't believe a single word Stifano says. He will misslead you. |