Asking for a friend of mine who had FRP shares originally which went into administration in 2017. But it still shows on her portfolio as FRP advisory group. so she tried to place a trade which has eventually been rejected with a message 'This stock is in administration and we cannot place this trade'.
My understanding is this shouldn't have been part of her portfolio anymore hence she has lost all the value of her shares? I would appreciate if you could help her out with your opinion. Many Thanks |
Investographer filtered for repetitive posts. Your point has been made. No need to keep ramming it down our throats. |
Geoff Rowley blatantly lied to shareholders in that he was going to conduct a thorough investigation. 18 months later, he has uncovered nothing.He should have kept to his word & not lied. I wonder what is in it for him for covering up for Lord Waheed Alli? |
And its Rocked the City so much the share price rises....... |
If I was in your shoes and thought lawyers had a cast-iron case, I'd be quietly satisfied, not coming on here trying deliberately to spook FRP shareholders with a one-sided argument arising from a personal grievance.
Did anyone force you to buy shares in Koovs?
I suspect not. So accept some responsibility for your past actions, move on and try to get on with your life without bitterness. |
Friendly advice, meant sincerely:
The best way to deal with an unfortunate financial situation is to lick your wounds and move on. Or hire a lawyer, spend loads of fees in the process and end up even more bitter & twisted. |
The behaviour of FRP AFTER the administration is what will be his undoing. Geoff & his cronies thought that shareholders would melt away.He didnt count on Seth Freedman appearing on the scene.How can they extend an investigation by 12 months because of shareholders concerns- then not contact any of the shareholders that raised those concerns- Whoops |
"The offer from SGIK 3 Investments Limited to purchase the underlying business of Koovs in the UK and in India was the best one we received from a creditors' perspective," Rowley said
If others had considered it worth more at the time of administration, presumably there was nothing stopping them bidding higher.
Whatever, if the guy's got a grievance he should take it up with the authorities. He's been banging on about this, on & off, for months now. |
Hhmm , More like a storm in a teacup but time will soon tell us. |
Geoff Rowley & FRP Advisory have got themselves into a right mess with their botched investigation into Koovs & it's management team led by Lord Waheed Alli. They made no progress after 12 months & had to extend the investigation due to shareholders concerns. They still have not contacted shareholders! The law firm that they called in RPC Law are complicit in this cover up that has been reported to the FCA & The Insolvency Service.Investigative journalist Seth Freedman has exposed this whole sordid affair & that is gaining traction in the City. Kwasi Kwarteng the Business Secretary is being kept up to date with events that are rapidly unfolding here. The FT & Sunday Times have already run pieces highlighting a few of the problems here.This story is going to rock the City |
Prediction of autumn bankruptcies in this article |
Decent Trading Update.
Revenues up 25%, exceeding February guidance. Also increased market share in restructurings and insolvencies which overall were weakened by Govt support measures. The real test will be seeing how this pans out with the withdrawal, finally, of the main support measures which, being unsustainable with the massive tax burden, cannot continue indefinitely.
Results on 27th July. |
Especially good given this is Aim and Liberum are not the company's broker, so no axe to grind. |
If anyone has access to the report and could send it I would dearly love to read it |
It was initiated at Buy at Liberum with 170p target |
Strange with the falls today in beg and Mano, something is afoot.. |
No tip that I can see - inevitable resistance around this level seems to be holding for the time being, can buy 70,000 @ 129p at the moment |
Has this been tipped somewhere? |
This has risen 25% in the last 3 months. And in the last few weeks the trajectory has sharpened. |
Only 396 shrs available to buy at 126p, can sell at 125.5
Just no stock about, might move quickly but would have to use limit orders, fill or kill or dma to buy a decent stake |
 Yes, thanks for the heads up.
Some quotes from the RNS:
Highest quarterly leap recorded by Red Flag Alert as almost 100,000 additional businesses drop into significant financial distress in Q1 2021
-- 723,000 businesses now in 'significant financial distress(1) ', a 15% increase from Q4 2020 to Q1 2021 (almost 100,000 increase)
-- 42% year-on-year increase in 'significant financial distress(1) ' (213,000 businesses) since Q1 2020
-- Number of businesses in significant financial distress increased in all 22 sectors analysed by this research in the last quarter
The latest Red Flag Alert research for Q1 2021 has recorded 723,000 businesses in 'significant financial distress(1) ' after the largest numerical quarterly leap (93,000) recorded in the research since its new version was launched in 2014. This 15% increase (from 630,000 in Q4 2020) comes as the UK starts its exit from lockdown.
Julie Palmer, Partner at Begbies Traynor, said:
"The dam of zombie businesses could be about to break. The last 12 months have undoubtedly been some of the hardest that many businesses have ever encountered. We must remember that this is no ordinary recession and while businesses have had significant assistance from central government, large parts of the economy have been put on hold with substantially reduced revenues.
"Opening the doors of consumer-facing businesses on April 12(th) may well seem like a big step in the right direction for many of these companies as they try to shake off the traumatic trading of the last 12 months. However, our experience shows that unmanageable levels of debts and subsequent overtrading are likely to be the hidden icebergs waiting to sink even the highest profile businesses" |
Interesting Red Flag report update issued by BEG this morning. |