Keeping the faith here, good things ahead
Gla |
All my old friends, you need to come back to BIRD.
We have been through it all.
I know you trust me.
It will be better.
Good question....
I posed it at the last two online shareholder question events.
It was not chosen to be answered on either occasion.
As you suggest, it's likely been put down, inhumanely i hope. |
Ged5 - I forgot about the poor sales staff but there again their performance has been poor to date.
India contract to land soon? When I say contract it should read as another freebie because I can't see it's government shelling out rupees to make the peasants lives easier in these remote areas. Out of sight out of mind.
What happened to our veterinary tie up? Galloped off into the sunset no doubt. |
Absolutely, Ducatiman.
Not sure it is that easy for this lot to achieve revenue.
Cmon Digger, you're supposed to appreciate all the hard work they're doing. Sales staff must be exhausted. |
Revenue is easily achieved. Raise more money and buy another business.
Thats the normal path.
Try selling in uk Then India or similar Then invent another product Then start acquiring businesses
Each time there’s a new story to tell! |
Based on revenue not profit! lol, dum de dum. Obviously not a lifestyle company. |
Was it solid gold though ? |
Don’t forget India Yump. They got a gold award. |
If I were you I would be looking very closely at nhs sites for signs of the ERF being continued from March, although I’m not sure you intend to be here that long anyway.
The best you can hope for is some sort of additional national nhs commitment to digital pathways (although that’s already happened if you read the docs.)
No doubt Walter will dress that up as a new national opportunity for Bleepa, but we’ve already had that as well. |
Joined you for a few @20s for the recovery here, GLA |
Trading near cash prices, yet the market is really opening up and has never looked more promising.
60p should be easily achievable; it's only a £25m market cap.
Give me progress in India, 4 x ICB, and a pathway towards national rollout, and we could be looking at multiples of 60p. |
Wonder how any holders from the November 2021 placing feel about a 60p target price. They paid .7p before consolidation ie £1.4
And what about all those options at 1.2p (£2.4)?
Target prices are just a waste of time. They are either highly inflated or quickly surpassed. We'll see which one applies here.
Agree with Yump in that national contracts don't seem to be on the table yet. |
Recent Panmure note - TP 60p.
"The scale of any national contract would dwarf Feedback"
"We believe both winning and implementing a contract of this size would be possible"
"The company is a true speculative BUY, but the potential is becoming increasingly tangible and interests are increasingly aligned with national policy" |
And a nice delayed buy at the end of trading on Friday. |
 Although Bleepa isn't mentioned on the Government website it doesn't take too much imagination to realise that Bleepa has been helping thse targets for the past five years.
From the Bleepa website:-
Save time
Our pathway management and community diagnostic centre programme (patient pathways) has achieved a reduction of 63% in patient wait times compared to the NHS 18-week referral to treatment target, without the need for additional clinical staff.
The programme has also achieved a reduction of 45% in wait times from referral to diagnostic test compared to the national target.
Using Bleepa® at the Northern Care Alliance resulted in a reduction of 87% in referral response time in respiratory (on average 0.28 days compared to 2.1 day average before Bleepa®).
In respiratory, cardiology and gastroenterology it resulted in a 74% reduction in time from submission of a referral to first review (on average 0.55 days compared to 1.55 days before Bleepa®).
76% of users surveyed at the Trust identified time savings.
80% of staff identified an improvement in staff communication when using Bleepa compared to previous referral methods. |
 Following on from your links, LR2 and going directly to the source I've just put a few quotes illustrating the government plans for reducing waiting times.
Whether they are capable of achieving their aims remains to be seen.
"Currently, too many patients face long waits for appointments or surgeries and may be referred to hospitals they don’t choose at inconvenient times, while appointments and staff time are being lost to inefficiencies or inconsistencies in care.
NHS backlogs have ballooned in recent years, leaving millions of patients languishing on waiting lists,
We inherited record long waiting lists, impacting patients’ lives and their livelihoods. Only the combination of investment and radical reform can turn this around, as we’re setting out today.
NHS staff have worked tirelessly to bring down the longest waits, treating record numbers of elective patients last year, but with one in nine people currently on a waiting list it is right that we now go further and faster.
Tackling waiting lists is the first step in the government’s mission to build an NHS fit for the future, as set out in the Plan for Change." |
There are 2 links in LR2’s post!!! |
Thanks for sharing. Do you have a link? |
Feedback Medical gets a mention in a 'Tony Blair Institute for Global Change' publication today. Nothing most of you don't already know.
Feedback Medical still aceing the NHS Data Security and Protection tests. |
Please check out my newsletter hxxps:// in which I cover this and two other stocks .
thanks |
Bit of casual reading - no mention of ERF yet:
Cdc’s and gp’s mentioned. |