The story needs to get to the "all systems go" moment, or "Eureka" as SB would call it. From what I understand we're getting quite close to it. With the current information it's still a little muddled as to what the absolute extractable %age is of the total Ti content (yes, Anatase recovery %age seems very good, but it's not clear how much it is of the raw paydirt, and once other minerals and gangue are separated) If the other Ti bearing minerals can be separated, and the concentration numbers improved I think our Share price will firm up in quite a spectacular manner. SB needs to show 2 things IMHO; 1. A shiny looking Ti metal sample.(doesn't matter how it's extracted or refined, as long as it's "Made from Pitfield Ti". Number 2; Show a draft flowsheet outline for the Pilot/Demo plant that can be digested by the public. Need to see the "what's next" part of the EEE story.
Happy days ahead is my bet. Current share price is still a good opportunity to add some more to the collection in my view. (will add what I can sub 10p all things being equal)
GL, and a happy and prosperous 2025! GTA. |
Going better on some decent buys. |
Spring is getting a bit rusty. |
The EEE chart is just like a coiled spring [getting ready to be sprung!] |
“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.” Warren Buffett |
 Per TwitterThe power infrastructure hub being developed starts at Three Springs terminal and connects to the main southern grid bringing power from the Mid West region wind and solar energy hubs."With access to world class natural resources, the Mid West region is one of the best locations to harness the power of wind and solar energy. Home to two wind farms including one of the State's largest, this established generation hub has the capacity to serve as a significant source of clean energy for the South-West Interconnected System ('SWIS'), and power WA towards net zero by 2050."Western Power has started the initial phase of transmission augmentation, with planning and scoping underway to increase the capacity of the network's northern section. This vital network strengthening, known as Clean Energy Link North Region, has been allocated $655 million in funding by the State Government to progress.Western Power has started the initial phase of transmission augmentation, with planning and scoping underway to increase the capacity of the network's northern section. This vital network strengthening, known as Clean Energy Link North Region, has been allocated $655 million in funding by the State Government to progress |
Another party over |
I never understand what is going on when 3 trades go through for normally a high figure all at the same share price In this instance I am reasonably certain that there were not 3 separate purchases of 550,000 shares at 7.35p. Can someone explain? |
3x 550000 showing up now. |
The MM's have lowered the price to sell to cover the buy order. |
There was a trade early this morning of 550,000 shares at 7.35p which would account for just over 50% of today's volume. |
Not a buyer in sight |
Gecko, exactly mate, as the year goes on, hopefully more information and a jorc will put more meat on the bones. Then it flies. |
I'm inclined to agree with Sameralhabash. The curve isn't ever definitive. Timelines and risk factors vary greatly hence it is only ever a generic model. The main complication with EEE is a large part of the market question whether the discovery has value to underpin the speculation. Obviously shareholders believe it has and if test results continue to go according to plan then the market should re evaluate the find. |
Here's a link the gives a detailed explanation of the Lassonde curve. It does give New Age Metals Inc as the example but the info about the curve and associated developments is rather intertesting. hxxps://newagemetals.com/new-age-metals-and-the-lassonde-curve/ GLA |
I think we are still in the speculation period. |
Where are we on the lassonde curve currently? Are we in the orphan period? Or before that. |
The slight pullback is on [relatively] low volume |
Yes could well be? |
Guessing yesterday large trades were the result of closing spread bet positions. |
Plus decent overall volumes traded again |
Some decent sized trades today |
It didnt take much buying to drive it up either . Its just bouncing up and down to the ramping and deramping traders . Its bottom drawer stuff until Bunny delivers the end product - if he does |
Its not taking much selling to move this lower. |