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Share Name | Share Symbol | Market | Stock Type |
El Oro Ltd | ELX | London | Ordinary Share |
Open Price | Low Price | High Price | Close Price | Previous Close |
65.00 | 65.00 |
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Posted at 30/10/2017 10:28 by ntv they need to sell off all their holdings and return the cash to shareholdersawful performance but least the dividend is ok increasing the dividend by say 50% might have encourage the gap to close but that was never going to happen |
Posted at 23/4/2017 17:33 by ntv the discount is technically larger than stated as they quote a mid price of 62.5pyet for months the spread is 60-70p . should valued at bid imho also not sure if nett assets are quoted at bid prices or mid prices. the investment in art work appeared in the last accounts with no explanation of where it was purchased from or why it was bought yet they are supposed to be winding it down and art work is a long term investment.!! i only have have a few share and it is not worth buying anymore unless the discount opens to say 50% or more because of the spread. they could increase the dividend greatly as they are winding down and also leave the chance of a specialised fund taking it over as the deadline approaches buying in now could give a good annualised return but will get better as we approach nov 18 |
Posted at 21/9/2016 11:23 by ntv winding up is pushing share price closer to net asset value.i wonder if they will ditch the dividend this year? more news in results i guess along with winding up so regular lumps sums to come over the next year hopefully i never understand why they issued RNS after hours either |
Posted at 08/6/2011 08:02 by james dean Just to update the thread:Announcement Admission to Trading in London | Announced - 6 June 2011 El Oro Ltd ("El Oro" or the "Company") announces it has been admitted to trading on the Stock Exchange Electronic Trading System - quotes and crosses ("SETSqx") of the London Stock Exchange. SETSqx will allow the Company's securities to be viewed by the London investment community. The admission to trading on SETSqx does not affect the listing of all of the Company's shares on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange. The ticker for El Oro is ELX. El Oro is a collective investment vehicle which holds discrete portfolios which are segmented and managed along different investment styles. The UK portfolio focuses on mature sectors with higher yields and the Guernsey portfolio holds stocks selected in pursuit of growth. El Oro was formed from the restructuring of the El Oro Mining and Exploration Company plc to allow El Oro Ltd to be subject to a tax regime that puts it on a par with other investment vehicles such as unit and investment trusts. Robin Parish, Chairman of El Oro, commented, "I am delighted that the London investment community will now be aware of El Oro, as the Channel Islands investment community continues to be." For further information, please contact: El Oro Ltd Robin Woodbine Parish, Chairman Steven McKeane Tel: 020 7581 2782 Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited Gillian Newton Tel: 01481 732814 finnCap Limited Matthew Robinson (Corporate Finance) Ben Thompson (Corporate Finance) Tel: 020 7600 1658 -------------------- Regards. DYOR |
Posted at 31/10/2008 15:30 by washbrook It is a pity there is such a big spread on this stock.Most of the shares are tightly held. There are 12 holders and the total comes to more than 100% Must be a few duplicate shareholdings. The report in the Investors Chronicle today puts the shares on FAIRLY PRICED.at 330p The net asset value per share is 693p a discount of 52% a dividend yield of 4.2%. In the portfolio last year they had some good investments. On there web site does not show the Information for the current year. I have held the stock on many occasions when they were split into two companies. When they merged the official can't rember who it was stated the merger would narrow the spread. Well it hasn't. |
Posted at 31/3/2008 12:08 by zeppo ' assets at fair value were £81,588,816 equalto 757p per stock unit, (31 December 2006: £77,167,354 equal to 712p per stock unit). Only one divi paid each year in the autumn. They should be able to raise it yet again? Usually a modest divi increase. z |
Posted at 24/9/2007 08:30 by washbrook RNS Number:0821UEl Oro And Exploration Co Plc 30 March 2007 EL ORO AND EXPLORATION COMPANY plc CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results for the period ended 31 December 2006 The Group profit before tax for the six months to 31 December 2006 was #3,049,025 (six months to 31 December 2005: #7,180,828). Group net assets at 31 December 2006 under IFRS, taking all assets at fair value were #77,167,354 equal to 712p per stock unit, (31 December 2005: #65,517,760 equal to 605p per stock unit). El Oro's team of heavy hitters, has been boosted by the bane of Mr. Flintoff, and increased its score with the takeover of Hardys and Hanson by Greene King, assisted by the ever-increasing value of other Brewery holdings, such as Adnams, Fuller, Smith and Turner and Young's. The middle-order batsmen have been piling on the runs in the Property sector, with notable increases in the asset values of Daejan, Mountview and McKay Securities. MP Evans have also thrived with their transition from Malaysia to Indonesian Palm Oil production, whilst James Halstead continue to demonstrate their flawless ability to produce non-slip results. Hard on their heels and not to be outdone, Egdon have flourished with its gas-storage project in the Isle of Wight. Amongst the precious metals, Troy's reinforced team have expanded their reserves both in Brazil and Canada, and are beginning to achieve belated recognition in the market. Hunting have soared beyond the expectations of many, whilst the platinum producers and explorers continue to flourish, upheld by a rising price due to catalytic converter and fuel-cell demand. The seemingly-insatiable demand from China and India for both metals and energy has underpinned most metal prices, with stratospheric levels now reached in nickel, and uranium, whilst copper continues to rise after a brief fall in recent months. Within the last week, Lionore, in which in its earlier guise as Francistown Mining and Exploration, El Oro was a founder shareholder, has agreed a takeover by Xstrata. This has precipitated further advances in the nickel sector, where the folly of Western Mining's dispersal of its nickel interests in the Kambalda region has been the bounty of companies such as Mincor, Mirabella and Minara. Adding Iron Ore, Molybdenum and Natural Gas, it is little wonder that Perth property prices are now amongst the highest in Australia. Where Australians are not discovering new riches beneath their bountiful land, they are developing assets overseas. We were privileged to visit Albidon's nickel mine in Zambia, and International Ferro Metals' Chrome project in South Africa. We hold high expectations for both, despite South Africa's determination to increase turnover of Porsche Cayenne Turbos amongst Black Empowerment partners. In the longer term, and as already criticised by Mr. de Klerk, the selection of personnel on racial, and in particular, black, criteria, can only damage a sophisticated economy such as South Africa's. This is exacerbated by increasing corruption, incompetence and anti-business sentiment, alongside the ever-present violence, which makes us fearful for the future in that beautiful country, particularly given its support for the wanton and tragic destruction of its neighbour to the North. Sadly, however tempting the assets, we see little hope of anything other than venality persisting in Zimbabwe. Ian Smith's hope, expressed to us recently to 'see that brigand driven out' may be accomplished, but the return of the halcyon days as the Jewel in the Crown of Africa are perhaps gone for ever. On the home front, the dismal days of this dreadful government draw slowly to a close, with tax reimposed on the lowest level of earnings; newly-qualified doctors denied jobs by a selection system of unbelievable stupidity totally unsuited to the calibre and qualifications of the applicant; a dental system in decay; an Hogarthian desire for Casinos bordering on depravity; the plaintiff cries of cows culled by Death-dealing Defra for paper-work discrepancies ringing in the ears of their uncompensated owners; the ongoing payments fiasco at that same department preceding the promotion of its perpetrator onto the world stage, where our sailors are seized and the means of redress has probably been reduced beyond repair; an education system, where money has been poured into the morass of the lowest 20%, whilst the leading academic institutions are starved of resources, and the need for intellectual capital becomes, against competition from China and India, ever more acute; the disgraceful and disastrous starving of resources for the defence sector; the theft from the Lottery of funds earmarked for Sport to finance the ever-escalating cost of the Olympics; and the relentless extension of the State across ever greater areas of society and employment, into every nook and cranny of human and spiritual existence, typified, on the mundane level by the sprouting of congestion charge cameras on their lofty poles, in the Brompton Road. In the face of this accumulating crisis, the leaders of the opposition float ever upwards in their beautiful balloon, on a diet of Juniper berries:" the world's a nicer place in my beautiful balloon, it wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon, we'll search the clouds for a star to guide us": their assault on the every-day expectations of ordinary citizens to fly to their own holidays or homes, on deeply dubious environmental grounds, whilst continuing to rule out tax or spending cuts, leaves little hope for any change of substance from the tidal wave of expenditure, tax and regulation suffered for the past 10 years. Outlook The gloom outlined above is as nothing to the Sub-Prime crisis engulfing the United States housing market, which has every possibility of spreading to the Prime market itself. Indications that the French housing market is also beginning to suffer, and that Spain is seriously over-valued, are matched by remarks made by an increasing number that the UK Commercial property market is now in 'a bubble' fuelled by vast inflows from the Pension and Hedge Fund sectors. The trend of rising interest rates would not yet appear to have abated in the United Kingdom, and supposedly not in the United States. There are also indications that both the United States dollar as always, and the British pound sterling are overvalued and destined for significant and disturbing corrections. At the same time, inflation is on an upwards trajectory: these factors, when taken together cause a degree of caution when looking beyond the immediate flood of funds fuelling takeovers for such venerable institutions as Sainsbury's and Alliance Boots, not to mention Altadis and numerous other approaches occurring in world markets. We will therefore continue to keep our gold exposure, which appears on a rising trend. Our other metals, whilst subject to squalls from the Chinese/Indian economies and their progress will in coming years boost our portfolio which remains underpinned by those stalwarts mentioned earlier. Whilst realised profit will be subject to the happenstance of corporate activity and takeover, our goal remains raising the asset value per share. After 6 months on the AIM market, we have now said farewell, to Chris Burman, and welcome Steven McKeane from Scotland via Sydney, as his highly competent successor. We also regrettably, have lost Rosanna to the hallowed environs of Oxford, but greet Vicky Clutterbuck stepping nimbly into her shoes; all assisted cheerfully and authoritatively by Abbie. I would like to thank them and my fellow directors for their continued support and wise advice, along with that of our advisers, brokers and colleagues. Robin Woodbine Parish 30 March 2007 EL ORO AND EXPLORATION COMPANY plc CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (Unaudited) for the six months ended 31 December six months to six months to 31 December 2006 31 December 2005 # # Revenue 6,978,291 9,249,151 Movement in fair value through the income statement investments (240,578) 173,611 Movement in fair value of investment properties 41,139 (8,313) Impairment loss on available for sale investments (2,174,506) (1,019,105) Expenses (909,295) (817,660) Profit before finance costs and taxation 3,695,051 7,577,684 Finance costs: Banks 646,026 397,297 Other - (441) 646,026 396,856 Profit before taxation 3,049,025 7,180,828 Taxation 870,816 2,132,403 Profit for the period 2,178,209 5,048,425 Earnings per stock unit (basic and diluted) 20.10p 42.35p CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN INCOME AND EXPENSE (Unaudited) for the six months ended 31 December six months to six months to 31 December 2006 31 December 2005 # # Profit for the period 2,178,209 5,048,425 Revaluation of available for sale investments during the period 9,835,193 13,943,864 Deferred tax on revaluation of available for sale investments during (2,950,558) (4,183,159) the period Total recognised income and expense for the period 9,062,844 14,809,130 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Unaudited) As at 31 December 31 December 2006 31 December 2005 Assets # # Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 734,895 758,338 Investment properties 444,933 496,688 1,179,828 1,255,026 Current assets Trade and other receivables 191,408 327,007 Financial assets: Available for sale investments 116,492,915 95,435,013 Financial assets - fair valued through the income statement: Commodities 2,146,315 1,236,774 Cash and cash equivalents 236,565 202,043 119,067,203 97,200,837 Liabilities Current liabilities Financial liabilities: Borrowings 23,564,269 15,971,052 Trade and other payables 422,470 896,144 Current tax liabilities 1,211,438 7,498,377 25,198,177 24,365,573 Net current assets 93,869,026 72,835,264 Non-current liabilities Deferred taxation 17,881,500 8,572,530 Net assets 77,167,354 65,517,760 Stockholders' equity Ordinary stock units 539,210 541,785 Share premium 6,017 6,017 Capital redemption reserve 347,018 344,442 Merger reserve 3,564 3,564 Other reserves 42,653,699 33,700,049 Retained earnings reserve 33,617,846 30,921,903 Total equity 77,167,354 65,517,760 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Unaudited) for the six months ended 31 December six months to six months to 31 December 2006 31 December 2005 # # Cash flow from operating activities 569,923 (314,289) Income taxes paid (503,787) (1,160,796) 66,136 (1,475,085) Cash flow from investing activities (271,780) (300,092) Cash flow from financing activities (1,922,508) (1,443,638) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (2,128,152) (3,218,815) Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June (20,648,219) (12,322,091) Effect of foreign exchange rate changes (259,132) 98,789 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December (23,035,503) (15,442,117) EL ORO AND EXPLORATION COMPANY plc NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION The Unaudited Consolidated Interim Financial Information ("Financial Information ") for the six months ended 31 December 2006 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The Financial Information has been prepared using accounting policies and principles consistent with those applied in the preparation of the audited accounts of El Oro and Exploration Company plc for the 18 month period ended 30 June 2006. No changes were made to those policies in the preparation of this Financial Information. The Directors have elected not to adopt IFRS 7 "Financial Instruments: Disclosure" or IFRS 8 "Operating Segments" early. There was a first and final dividend of 12 pence paid on 26 October 2006 in relation to the 18 month period ended 30 June 2006. The Financial Information was approved by a Committee of the Board of Directors on 30 March 2007. The Financial Information has not been subject to review or audit by the Group's auditors. REVENUE six months to six months to (Unaudited) 31 December 2006 31 December 2005 for the six months ended 31 December # # Dividends from listed available for sale investments 1,006,036 1,008,757 Dividends from unlisted available for sale investments 146,775 120,983 Net loss on fair value through the income statement investments (80,828) (307,437) Net profit on available for sale investments realised 5,993,499 8,494,584 Currency translation losses (110,619) (109,352) Other income 23,428 41,616 6,978,291 9,249,151 EL ORO AND EXPLORATION COMPANY plc NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION RESERVES Share premium Capital Merger Other Retained redemption earnings At 1 July 2006 6,017 344,442 3,564 38,069,136 33,005,519 Purchase and cancellation of own shares 2,576 (271,780) Movement in period in values of AFS 9,835,193 assets Tax provided on above (2,950,558) Fair value of AFS investments recycled to (3,285,817) income statement Tax relief on above 985,745 Profit for the period 2,178,209 Dividends paid (1,294,102) At 31 December 2006 6,017 347,018 3,564 42,653,699 33,617,846 RESERVES Share premium Capital Merger Other Retained redemption earnings At 1 July 2005 6,017 343,792 3,564 27,764,808 25,938,357 Purchase and cancellation of own shares 650 (64,879) Movement in period in values of AFS 13,943,864 assets Tax provided on above (4,183,159) Fair value of AFS investments recycled to (5,464,948) income statement Tax relief on above 1,639,484 Profit for the period 5,048,425 Dividends paid - At 31 December 2005 6,017 344,442 3,564 33,700,049 30,921,903 AIM NOMAD - Grant Thornton Corporate Finance Philip Secrett Partner Telephone: 0870 991 2578 Email: philip.j.secrett@gtu This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange END IR ILFFLVTIIVID More |
Posted at 01/5/2006 10:11 by zeppo LHGPhil, who does the ISAs, refers to it as 'the brokers' Investment Trust. ELX appear to liaise/deal with 'the brokers' quite a lot. It includes many of the stocks that are familiar to us plus precious metals, mining and oil stocks. z |
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