2m buy and 3.7m buy late on Friday. Dr Cooley loading up again perhaps. |
Ardgowan January progress report: Inside the completed buildings, Ardgowan has installed the mash tun and the fermenters, installed 4200m of pipework, 6km of cabling and a control system with 300 measuring instruments. Final commissioning and first whisky distillation almost upon us. Outside, the car park is being laid, exterior lighting installed and the site is being landscaped. It is now looking less like a construction site and much more like a modern distillery complex. Opening soon and the read-across to DIS should even give our lamentable share price a boost. pete |
Was that 4m+ you by any chance Haggis? pete |
Interesting buy at 15:23:56 this afternoon.
4,675,345 shares at 0.0955p for £4,465, absolute peanuts.
Another RNS next week? pete |
Lots of very solid buying around the .09p area today. Despite the recent disappointing report, there's a lot of good stuff to come for DIS and Ardgowan this year and it's time that more of it started to get built into this ridiculous share price pete |
 I hope that giving total national distribution rights to Global will at long last be the jolt that DIS needs. Previous attempts at managing distribution have failed miserably, imo because split responsibiiities effectively leave no-one responsible.
Previous contributors on here have confirmed that at least 6 (out of 22) Welsh counties have no DIS products available (there is product in Cardiff). I suspect there are many more than 6 counties, but no-one else has yet come fwd to add to our list. I strongly suspect the lack of availability is similar in England (outside of the big cities), as DIS mktg seems to have strongly favoured Brighton, London and SE England.
I have been pondering how to assess the possible effect that Global control could have and it seems to me that it might be possible to squeeze our products into any store that already stocks a major Global product. THE major Global product is the range of Franklins RTD cans and bottles and these are very widely available. Even a brief look around at the possibilities suggests that DIS products could gain huge traction if Global do their bit and introduce our beverages to all the stores who retail Franklin. pete |
Liquidation looming? |
The new distribution company also market and own brands, like ‘Hooch’ the Franklin/redleg cans are available in quite a few retail units Co op , Morrisons. This could be positive for new outlets or a future purchase of the brand Redleg if they have to liquidate the assets. A purchase of the company seems possible to me, but could be from liquidation rather than in the open market. |
DG must be laughing up his sleeve if he's reading this, with folk talking of adding to their holdings. Maybe a share price lift would let him get another funding away, and continue being rewarded for failure for a little longer. |
a simple question - do they have enough working capital left to fill the new distribution? |
 >Pope - I get your point, but it may be unfair to say that Global has brought us no benefit. Our trading reports never give us enough detail to come to such conclusions.
With a reconstructed main BoD now made up of the same guys who have been running our trading subsidiary, it's probable that they have been disappointed with the efforts of the small Marussia work force and have decided to go all-in with the larger distributor Global in order not to suffer split responsibilities.
I have no particullar axe to grind over RG's contribution and he will still continue to be an important influence due to his huge shareholding in both DIS and Ardgowan, but his departure has made the BoD structure much simpler.
The major takeaway from this week's news is that we now have a BoD and a distributor who have no distractions and are 100% concentrated on pushing the interests of Distil Plc. With total control of distribution neither our BoD or Global can have any scope for excuses this time.
So, let's just hope that this latest throw of the dice comes up with double sixes at last. pete |
This was from the RNS dated 25 March 2024. It appears to be very similar to the paragraph in yesterday's RNS. The extensive sales network doesn't appear to have provided any benefit in the last 9 months. Do we think they can now? If so, why?'Global Brands will be servicing Distil's UK grocery, cash & carry, and convenience customers effective immediately. Utilising its extensive sales network, and proprietary logistics and warehouse capabilities, this new venture offers the opportunity to work closely with a long-standing partner to accelerate brand growth.' |
 Global Brands to reinvigorate DIS? . As I posted last night: "I had DIS in as a recovery stock years ago. It did recover and was looking to go further, but the failed distribution change wrecked that recovery. Now we are starting over again at recovery. Will it be 2025 and all thanks to Ardgowan? Could be!" . Now with the move to Global Brands, ditching the failed Marussia distribution, I feel DIS will now recover, because Global Brands will drive the distribution into supermarkets and the on trade. . "The partnership has now been further extended, with Global Brands having been appointed to service the UK on-trade, giving Global Brands full distribution rights in the UK, effective from 15 February 2025." . "Utilising its extensive sales network, and proprietary logistics and warehouse capabilities, the extension of this partnership offers the opportunity to work closely with a longstanding partner to accelerate brand growth." . "Distil's relationship with Marussia Beverages, which has serviced UK on-trade and premium off-trade customers since September 2022, will cease in light of this new partnership." . Harping on about sales via Marussia achieves nothing, focus on what sales via Global Brands can achieve, which obviously is far far more. |
Wouldn't be too hasty to read that as a bull signal. Probably emotionally invested and chasing his losses. |
He's at it again :-
On edit - Red leg shows as available on both Sainsbury & Tesco websites - whether they have it is another matter - I'm in the South East. |
Don Goulding simply needs replacing by somebody good at selling who is still young and enthusiastic. Somebody who gets on the phone, splashes about on social media and maybe even gets in a van to push the product. The turnover is woeful. I honestly believe I'd do better single-handed and I'm 67 (!) £200,000 for presiding over this calamitous decline ! It's ludicrous. |
I have long feared that this had become a London/SE England/centric company.
Can anyone add other ignored counties to the list in #10782. pete |
>Pope - Admitted that calling it a 30% fall is an eye-opener, but actually it's 30% of b*gger all. The Dr has been buying a big stake for something not much more than pocket money to him. Put another way, he is paying out tens of thousands for a share in a £3m plus company. He is very schrewd and must be serious.
In the past, I have been a fan of DG, but I have to say that, as the only one with Executive powers, his recent decisions have been woeful. Reports are full of excuses, blaming anything but himself. I regret, whether true or not, he has made it look like lifestyle support, having personally grossed in the region of £2m of DIS cash. It's time he handed over to someone else.
I hope I'm wrong, but I cannot believe this company can survive this death by a thousand cuts. 2025 may at last be the year when something big happens. pete |
I've lost here as well, Skinny, finally threw the towel in last year.
Sadly I've been of the opinion that DG is incompetent for quite a while
His remaining in his cushy, well-paid position while presiding over massive shareholder losses is criminal. I can't understand why there hasn't been a revolt.
I did offer to participate in the last placing, (I have in the past) on condition that DG resign, I did not receive a reply.
Can't say I feel like I've missed out! |
I don't, Pete. But something doesn't add up. Cooley adds to his holding days before it falls 30%. As has been pointed out many times, the assets are greater than the current market cap. Much mention of the loan to Ardgowan and the potential benefits. No impact on the price. Anyone seen the small print on this loan? What happens if DIS goes into administration for example? |
I'm only 96% down now!
And its only been 12 years..... |