Cad's New Investments in (ukraine) Power Generation will be deployed through Astro-Invest Energy LLC (shares 100% ZAGORIANSKA PETROLEUM B.V.).
Here below some info about that:
hxxps://expro.com.ua/statti/hto-peremg-u-specaukconah-vd-ukrenergo- ExproConsulting 08:55 / August 26, 2024 Who won the special auctions from "Ukrenergo"?
During the week, "Ukrenergo" held another special auction for the purchase of auxiliary services for balancing the energy system. On Thursday, August 22, the transmission system operator purchased services for the provision of automatic frequency restoration reserve (FRR), also under a five-year contract. The operator of the transmission system failed to fully purchase all the needs. 240 MW of reserves were purchased for the load shedding service, 41% of the need, and 260 MW for the symmetrical reserve, i.e. 62%. 35 companies became the winners.
Details of the second auction with ROC Term of the contract: 5 years, 01.10.2025-30.09.2030 Reserve type: aRVCH Need:579 MW (for loading), 421 MW (for loading and unloading)
The winners:
UGE PJSC "Ukrhydroenergo"
DTEK "DTEK Tyligulska WPP-2", "DTEK Berdyanska WPP", "Solar-Farm 4", "Solar-Farm 6", "Solar-Farm 7", "Solar-Farm 8"
Zahidnadraservice PE "Nordik", PE "Proekt-Bud", LLC "Geo-Nadra-Invest"
Cadogan Petroleum "Astroinvest-Energy" ...
SLAV Group
EC "Sistema", "Combination of lamb products"
VIB Assets
"Ecobudenergy", "Energy-Active 2018"
Suriya Jayanti
"Electricity of Ukraine"
Inzhur real estate fund
"Injur Energy"
Kness "NESS Power"
ok "UZE Stryi-1"
IKNET "Akumen", "Mitrakon-Dolyna"
Others "Kvitna Solar", "Homer-Elios", "Solar-Invest" , "Energy Podillia" Holding Company, "Zonnenenergy", "Enei Solar", "Keyvolt.Energy", "Orion Peavy" , "Silgospremtekhnika", "Skywatt" , Smart Trade Energy , Your Energy Supplier, UZE Lviv, Elektro-Resurs
"Ukrhydroenergo" is a permanent participant in the market of auxiliary services with aRVCH, so it is not surprising that the state hydrogen generating company is also among the winners at this auction.
DTEK The projects "DTEK Tyligulska VES-2" and "DTEK Berdyanska VES" took their volumes at the auction. Also, among the winners are "Solar-Farm 4", "Solar-Farm 6", "Solar-Farm 7", "Solar-Farm 8", which are part of the structure of DTEK Renewables.
Zahidnadraservice . Zahidnadraservice of Zinoviy Kozytskyi's group of companies is actively entering the market of balancing capacities. Among the winners of the auction from the Group are "Nordik" PE, "Proekt-Bud" PE, and "Geo-Nadra-Invest" LLC.
Cadogan Petroleum. Astroinvest-Energy, headed by Yuri Buchakov, commercial director of Cadogan Petroleum, also became one of the 35 winners at the auction for a five-year contract. The main activity of the company, which was founded almost 17 years ago, is exploratory drilling.
SLAV Group Bondarenko. Several companies of the SLAV Group of Eduard Bondarenko, who is the chairman of the board of "Donbasenergo", were included in the pool of winners of the second auction - "EC "Sistema", "Combine of lamb products" (producer of bread and bakery products).
VIB Assets of Oleksandr Vizir . Also, among the winners are the following companies: "Ekobudenergia" of Viktor Degtyar (56%) and Andrii Pylypenko (26.7%). At the same time, another 16.9% in the ownership structure is held by "VIB Assets" of Oleksandr Vizir, who is the head of the NGO "Association of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving", previously worked at the State Property Fund, was on the supervisory board of the Odesa Port Plant and an adviser to the Minister of Energy in 2021 -2022
Also, Oleksandr Vizir, together with Tetyana Grebenyuk, are the ultimate beneficiaries of another auction winner - Energy-Aktiv 2018 LLC.
Oleksandr himself confirmed for ExPro that he plans to build energy storage facilities at existing solar power plants.
Mazepa, Kobolev and Jayanti . Suriya Jayanti, ex-head of the energy department of the US Embassy in Ukraine and business partner of ex-head of Naftogaz Andriy Kobolev, is the ultimate beneficiary of the winning company of the Elektrik Ukraine auction . According to YouControl, the company is related to Igor Mazepa's Concorde Capital. "Elektryka Ukraine" was founded 8 months ago, with a charter capital of 130,000 hryvnias.
Inzhur real estate fund. "Inzhur Energy", which is part of the Inzhur fund, Andriia Zhurzhia was able to contract capacity at the second auction of NEC "Ukrenergo" for auxiliary services. The company officially announced that it is ready to build a highly maneuverable gas generation facility with a capacity of 18 MW. There are plans to launch a joint investment fund in the energy sector.
KNESS and OKKO . One of the companies of the KNESS Group was able to contract capacity at the second auction of NEC "Ukrenergo" - it is about "NESS Power". Also, UZE Stryi-1, whose founder is OKKO-Drive, won again.
IKNET . The company "Akumen" managed to contract volumes at the second auction. One of its founders is Yuriy Podolyak, director of the IKNET company. "Akumen" was founded in 2022, with a charter capital of 50,000 hryvnias. Also, Podoliak's "Mitrakon-Dolyna" won the auction .
Ladnich family group . Among the winners is the Kvitna Solar company, which, according to YouControl, is part of the Ladnich Family Group. The companies of the group are engaged in the implementation of complex engineering solutions using energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources (Rentechno LLP), construction of turnkey solar power plants (Dela Engineering LLP), as well as electricity trading (Delight Energy LLP).
Yaremenko family group. "Homer-Elios" by Evgenia Yaremenko also took its power. As indicated on the analytical portal YouControl, the companies of the group work in the field of production of fastening systems, construction and operation of solar power plants (LLC "Solar Stalkonstruktionsia", LLC "PV Engineering Ukraine"), as well as production of metal structures (LLC "SJ Profil Ukraine").
Khmelnytskyi officials . Among the winners are "Solar-Invest" and "Podillia Energy" Holding Company. The company is owned by the Krupa family. According to the local mass media of Khmelnytskyi, Tetiana Krupa is an honored doctor of Ukraine, as well as the chief doctor of the institution that prescribes disability in Khmelnytskyi region. Her husband, Volodymyr Krupa, is the former head of the audit service of the Khmelnytskyi region, and their son Oleksandr Krupa currently heads the Main Department of the Pension Fund in the Khmelnytskyi region.
Ex-head of the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine . The company of Khrystyna Yushkevich, ex-official of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine, "Zonnenenergi" with a charter capital of 1 thousand hryvnias also won the second auction.
Others . Also, among the winners are the Ivano-Frankivsk company "Enei Solar", "Keyvolt.Energy" by Kyryll Lukyanchuk with a charter capital of 500 hryvnias, "Orion Pivi" by Vitaly Gavura, "Silhospremtekhnika" with Turkish beneficiaries, "Skywatt" by Natalya Gurina, energy traders "Smart Trade" Energy" and "Your Energy Supplier", "UZE Lviv" of Tymofii Dyukarev and Mykhailo Novosad (Dyukarev also owns "UZE Slavutych" and "UZE Nizhyn", which did not participate in the second auction) and "Electro-Resources" with a founder in the Seychelles .
30 days after the auctions, winning companies must confirm financial support.
ExPro Electricity
Author: ExPro
more info: 14:05 / August 28, 2024 Auctions for the construction of new generating capacities: procedure and features hxxps://expro.com.ua/statti/aukconi-na-budvnictvo-novih-generuyuchih-potujnostey-poryadok-provedennya-ta-osoblivost
10:53 / August 16, 2024 "Ukrenergo" held the first long-term auction for RPCH for 5 years hxxps://expro.com.ua/novini/ukrenergo-provelo-pershiy-dovgostrokoviy-aukcon-na-rpch-na-5-rokv |
 Starosambir urban territorial community Lviv region, Sambir district
Public hearings were held on urban planning documentation for the new construction of a gas generating plant on the territory of Strashevytskyi Starostyn District
06/07/2024 3:01 p.m
Public hearings were held on urban planning documentation for the new construction of a gas generating plant on the territory of Strashevytskyi Starostyn District M_r-1024x768-756x321.jpg On June 6, 2024, public hearings were held regarding the consideration and consideration of public interests in the development of urban planning documentation and the report on the strategic environmental assessment "Detailed plan of the territory of the land plot (cadastral number 4625185500:12:002:0094), which is leased by Yusenko Nadra LLC" , for the new construction of a gas generating plant on the territory of Strashevytsky District of Starostyna District of Staro Sambir City Council of Sambir District of Lviv Oblast outside the village of Koblo".
According to the results of the hearings, it was decided to support and approve the design decision of the detailed plan of the territory. And also to recommend for approval the urban planning documentation: "Detailed plan of the territory of the land plot (cadastral number 4625185500:12:002:0094), which is leased by YUSENKO NADRA LLP, for the new construction of a gas generating plant on the territory of the Strashevyskyi Starostyna District of the Starosambira City Council of Sambirskyi district of Lviv region outside the settlement of the village Koblo" taking into account proposals and comments if they are received before the conclusion of the discussion procedure. ... Present:
The developer is Nataliya Igorivna Melnyk, the chief architect of the project, a representative of Yusenko Nadra LLC (via video conference)
Representatives of the public and representatives of the Starosambir City Council in accordance with the appendix to the protocol.
Based on the results of consideration of the agenda, it was decided:
Elect M. I. Martych as the head of the hearing.
The secretary of the hearings is Yu. O. Leusa.
Counting committee - V. V. Blyusovych, M. S. Lesyk.
LISTENED TO: Secretary of public hearings Leus Yu.O. informed those present that this urban planning documentation and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (hereinafter referred to as the SEA Report) were developed by Karpaty Arch-Proekt LLP, the chief architect of the project, Nataliya Igorivna Melnyk.
It is also stated that the city council conducts public hearings on the developed urban planning documentation - a detailed plan of the territory, in accordance with the Procedure for public hearings regarding the consideration of public interests during the development of urban planning documentation projects at the local level", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 555 of May 25 2011.
According to the announcement published on the website of the Starosambir City Council hxxps://sts-gromada.gov.ua/news/149056-povidomlennia-pro-opriliudnennia-projektu-dokumenta-derzavnogo-planuvannia-ta-zvitu-pro-strategicnu-ekologicnu-ocinku -vid-22 dated May 22, 2024 on holding public hearings regarding this detailed plan of the territory and the report on the strategic environmental assessment, no written or oral comments and suggestions were received on this issue
The developer (Karpaty Arch-Proekt LLP) - the chief architect of the Melnyk project Nataliya Igorivna, who familiarized those present with the developed detailed plan of the territory, and also noted that the town planning documentation meets the requirements of the town planning legislation, DBN B.2.2-12:2019 "Planning and development of territories", the Law of Ukraine "On Regulation of Urban Development Activities" and other normative legal acts of the current legislation.
A detailed site plan is being developed for the new construction of a gas generating plant on the territory of the Strashevysky Starostyn district of the Staro Sambir City Council of the Sambir district of the Lviv region, outside the village of Koblo.
The plot of land for placement, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings and facilities of energy-generating enterprises, institutions and organizations occupies an area of 0.3855 hectares. In the eastern part of the plot of land, the location of a generator-container, a complex transformer substation with a voltage of 10/0.4 kV, a fire-fighting tank and a parking lot is planned. Further to the west, it is proposed to place: an inlet comb, a gas separator platform, a platform for gas regulation and accounting nodes, and a drainage tank. The generator set on associated petroleum gas is designed for the production of electricity with the subsequent possibility of using it for own needs and supplying electricity to third-party consumers on the electricity market of Ukraine, especially in conditions of a significant shortage of electricity in connection with the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
According to the result of the public hearing,
1. To support and approve the design decision of the detailed plan of the territory .
2. If proposals and comments are received before the end of the discussion procedure, they should be taken into account in the urban planning documentation and in the report on the strategic environmental assessment in case of compliance with the current legislation.
3. To recommend for the approval of urban planners in the documentation : "Detailed plan of the territory of the land plot (cadastral number 4625185500:12:002:0094), which is leased by Yusenko Nadra LLP, for the new construction of a gas generating plant on the territory of Strashevytskyi, Starostynsky District, Starosambirska of the city council of the Sambir district of the Lviv region outside the village of Koblo" taking into account proposals and comments if they are received before the conclusion of the discussion procedure.
4. Information about the adopted decision and a video recording of the hearing should be posted on the official website of the Starosambir City Council.
Chairman of public hearings /signature/ Martych M.I.
Secretary /signature/ Leus Yu.O.
Link: hxxps://sts-gromada.gov.ua/news/151815-vidbulisia-gromadski-sluxannia-mistobudivnoyi-dokumentaciyi-novogo-budivnictva-gazogeneratornoyi-ustanovki-na-teritoriyi-stra |