It will not be pretty, had enough here, just to bloody reliant on the British weather. |
3 weeks til trading update |
I've wondered for a few years why Soros has a stake in this ... such a large hedge fund to have a holding in a relative minow .. any ideas on this? |
Its also pleasing the CEO has bought shares twice since May. I know not a huge amount but any purchase is a vote of confidence |
 Hi Bedford,
There is a major underwater survey done every 5 years. The last one was done in 2023 and was fine so nothing major to worry about in terms of structure integrity until at least 2028. WHen speaking to them, they said the PIER structure is designed in such a way that if any section fails the other sections can easily support the additional weight. Yes its 125 years old, and yes the above water part is looking tired in places but the actual base is sound.
Personally, i think the weather has been good for August. Hoping for a settled September. Im hoping they've made up some of the shortfall from the dire weather in July. I'm hoping we will be above expectations from what they said at the end of July but i think we will still be down on the projections announced at the start of the financial year. (The Cenkos note)
I know LWV has enjoyed good sales so hoping that this we help too. LWV seems to be where the growth is for the minute..
Be interesting how they settle on the admission charge. |
 Look at what they survived the last 4 years. A testament to management that they know what they are doing. The nature of their business makes it dependent on the weather, that's why they have been always cheap, even in their good years.
If there would have been a great summer, the financial situation would be different as what it is today, we can only hope next years summer will be better. They will survey the 1 pound admission fee and they can cancel it if the (obvious) benefits outway the negative. I wouldn't have gone for the 1£ admission fee, but i would have preferred the fee could have be used for beverage/food. (as it is with many gaz stations when you use the toilet) I'm sure they'll look at it once the season is over.
For me, i hope they use the assets they've got and i hope they have the cashflow to continue to pay down debt. They have the habit of doing so, i hope they continue.
Let's all hope the weather continues to be ok. A few shiny weekends in september could be a nice bonus.
Also electricity prices have come down, so inflationary pressures have to be diminishing. |
Latest 5 year survey was done in 2023 and didn't uncover anything other than regular annual maintenance ... but agree it's a risk |
Brighton Pier is 125 years old and each year the cost of annual repairs escalates each year. I'm worried about the huge maintenance and the longevity of this asset. An overhaul of the structure which I believe has an underwater survey every few years could one day blow a gigantic hole in their finances. Charging an entrance fee makes me think they know something we don't... |
Would like to hear what your red flags for PIER are. I've got some but think it's cheap enough to offset them. Cost inflation, weather dependence, loss making bars (recently exited)... but give us some more to mull over... |
Not to sure about Brighton Pier I've been pondering an investment for a few years but the red flags aren't going away. I do like the leisure sector but personally I have moved into Everyman, mainly as have a nice food & drink offering (pizza, burgers beer etc), London exposure,and like the greater growth potential. It's a shame Mr Johnson is not involved in Everyman as the firm has more scope to capitalise on his expertise. |
If we continue to follow last year's pattern, we can expect a trading update in about 4 weeks time. The weather and train service has been ok, the economy is not roaring but growth and spending have perked up. Mgmt have closed down loss-making business lines. So for me this will be an important update that shows if the core business, in normal times, is healthy enough to produce profits and cashflow. If so, this will look like a very cheap stock. If not, it will be time for a strategic rethink. |
it's market maker manipulation day!
total sales value of £2k and it takes out 3 market makers!!!!! |
perhaps we all need a meeting with there so called marketing director the interesting point we all seem to be in agreement |
Yes I agree |
I totally agree about the type of high margin experiential leisure activities that could be added to the pier but it does need a mix as traditionally families went on the stalls and rides that are available mainly at the seaside so removing those completely may lose customers too. |
Yep. Agree with all yours there... and would add the clamping pods they're looking to put in at LWV ... |
And I don't mean that in the family is tight. They just can't sit down with kids for a coffee and enjoy it (I speak from experience) |
That's fine for two pensioners... but not a family of five |
Why not charge £3 admission but give a free cup of tea or coffee with token in the Pier owned cafe or concessions and hope they spend even more whilst in there drinking it.
If there is a notice stating the £3 is a contribution towards the huge cost of maintaining the 200 year old pier then not many will complain |
takings must be way up with this fine weather for days, should be £2 admission in summer with £1 token to play on machines or off food needs some person in the company with vision to promote these marketing ideas speaking from someone who came runner up in the london tourist awards |
lol... good to see some other buyers in the market then |
hi dartboard
not me!
Good to see though |