I think you could well be correct, Bill although I did think he was after selling the Texas asset to get a bit of cash to develop San Domingo. |
I think that basically the company is up for sale and anything he says is in that vein. |
I think you need to take whatever Ian Stalker is taking.
Received his very bullish newsletter today. Seems to have attracted a few buyers. Maybe an interesting quarter. |
I don’t think there is a lot to party about with this share,though we shall see. |
When this goes under 1p we are gonna PARRRRRRTY |
Thanks! I watched the AGM presentation and didn't really hear anything new. Certainly nothing to get the share price going again.
This mornings announcement - yes positive enough but again not enough to convince buyers. Good to have another area likely to produce lithium but it's only at the grab sample stage.
Planning permission for San Domingo seems to be taking forever and is there any concrete interest in the brine assets? Pennsylvania, Texas, Nevada could anything happen with any one of them. |
AGM Presentation Video is available for replay. . 27m 42s on the video, Ian Stalker says: "I think the market cap, which is pretty low, has nowhere else to go but up, and I think we're ready for that up" .
. Or on YouTube .
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Bradda Head Lithium: next steps in US lithium production - One2One Investor Forum.hTTps://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/news/1060851/bradda-head-lithium-next-steps-in-us-lithium-production-one2one-investor-forum-1060851.html.Selling off some of the assets could make the valuation multiply substantially overnight. A buyer could walk in the door for the either of the brine assets or the clay assets any day, so I'll be keeping hold of my stock and adding here and there..Also, sold his last lithium company for $200m and it went on to be sold again for $800m which shows he knows what he's doing..Costs reduced to 60k per month means they have enough cash to last for a long time, as he says in the video, so no fund raising in the long foreseeable future..A very cheap way to get production up and running, with very low cost to produce, so even very profitable at $500/Tonne for the Lithium. |
There's been quite a bit of Channel Sampling and metallurgical work going on in past months plus commencement of a further metallurgical particle sorting study on the composite samples collected in 2023.
Perhaps we'll get an update on these as well as the planning application for drilling at Dragon.
AGM presentation on Investor Meet platform tomorrow at 11:00 am. Could do with some good news to get this moving again. |
News today "Examine waste sorting and lower cut-off grades that result in dramatic increase in reserves and resources" |
 There was also this piece about Cesium:-
As you may have seen, the Company is particularly excited about the presence of Cesium in recent drilling results from our San Domingo asset.
Cesium is a soft, silvery-gold metal with an exceptionally low melting point at 28.5°C (or 83.3°F), making it one of the only metals that are liquid at or near room temperature. It is highly reactive and pyrophoric: is quickly attacked by air and reacts explosively in water. According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, the most common use for Cesium compounds is as a drilling fluid. They are also used to make special optical glass, as a catalyst promoter, in vacuum tubes and in radiation monitoring equipment.
Cesium’s most prevalent use, however, is in the Cesium atomic clock, which constitutes the current gold standard for time keeping, where the tiny and fixed energy transitions of the atom’s electrons are used to keep track of time. These ultra-accurate clocks (Cesium clocks are so stable and accurate that they are reliable to 1 second in 1.4 million years!) are the backbone of modern technology, as they make GPS and telecommunications possible. They are particularly important for smart grid technologies, due to the many advantages associated with precise timing (synchronization, fault detection, and integration of renewable energy sources). These clocks are also essential to modern physics, as they allow scientists to assess fundamental scientific theories.
Cesium is currently undergoing research for use in high-performance batteries, particularly in the development of solid-state batteries. Solid-state batteries are being developed for use in EVs, consumer electronics, aerospace and aviation, and grid energy storage amongst others. These batteries could potentially offer higher density, faster charging times and improved safety compared to current models.
With this in mind, it is unsurprising that the U.S. Department of Energy has determined Cesium to be a Critical Raw Material, and is now seeking sources of the chemical. |
 Received the newsletter earlier this week. Not been able to locate it on the website yet hence no link. Ian Stalker's statement:-
Bradda Head started off the third quarter of the 2024 FY exceptionally strongly, with the upgrade of resource at our Basin Project. The updated MRE successfully surpassed the 2.5mt threshold prescribed to us by our friends at the Lithium Royalty Company, triggering a substantial royalty payment of US$3 million, which we have now received. Whilst this royalty payment is striking for a junior mining company and adds significant cash to our Treasury, most importantly this development solidified our perception of our Basin asset as holding significant value. It continued our exemplary track record of delivering on our promises, and achieving targets that constitute principal milestones for the Company.
Following this, in September we were excited to announce promising results obtained from surface channel samples at our San Domingo pegmatite project. Our efforts were focused on historic prospects at the Dragon target, from which a total of 84 channel samples were collected in addition to a further 83 grab rock chip samples from across the project. The results, which demonstrated that Dragon contains 8.80 meters of 0.97% Lithium Oxide ("Li2O") and 10.40 meters of 0.68% Li2O, show promise for this exciting assect, and endorses our strategy of targeting areas of historical interest. We are confident that, with the completion of the next drilling program, there will be sufficient data to develop a 43-101 compliant resource on not only one but several pegmatite bodies following these encouraging results.
Excitingly, these results, in addition to subsequent results from San Domingo announced in October, revealed the consistent presence of elevated Cesium. Cesium is a particularly sought after metal, valued for its core role in the Atomic clock (also known as the Cesium clock) which forms the bedrock of modern technology, including GPS systems and telecommunications. The U.S. Department of Energy, with whom we regularly engage, has determined this a Critical Raw Material, and is highly interested in securing reliable sources of the metal. Whilst this development could prove to hold material value, further supporting the viability of the project, it also underscores our overarching belief that the Company is operating in a complex, mineral-rich region which holds untapped mineral resources valuable for the energy transition. We very much look forward to exploring this avenue further in future.
Aside from these material developments, our Chief Operating Officer, Joey Wilkins, travelled to Nevada to visit our Eureka and Wikieup sites. These targets constitute the lithium brine segment of our portfolio, underlining our strategy to develop all projects in parallel to create a truly diversified lithium offering.
Now, as we enter the final quarter of 2024, the Company has already released further promising results from San Domingo, reaffirming the strong lithium grades and the presence of Cesium. The Company looks forward to building on this momentum, and enriching our understanding of the potential value of this asset, alongside the rest of our portfolio. |
Surprised no tick up on that RNS. |
Muted response to what I thought was a very encouraging announcement. Some good grades from the grab samples and a further target discovered. Cesium and Tantalum also seem to be coming into focus.
The paragraph that took my attention:-
Bradda's management believes that with the completion of the next drilling program, there will be sufficient data to develop a 43-101 compliant resource on not only one but several pegmatite bodies
For those unfamiliar with the term "43-101 compliant resource", it's the Canadian version of JORC etc.
Well the share price is at an all-time low and the RSI indicates it is very oversold so why not pick up 300k? Not mine unfortunately. |
1.25p you gotta larf |
1.4p you gotta larf |
The question is, what is a viable cut-off grade for this project. If BHL announce grades then you'd expect these to be viable otherwise no point announcing them. Anything below the cut off grade just wouldn't be announced as there's no point telling people there's nothing valuable in a specific area. . Did you watch the recent video interview? That they can get a low cost mine up and running is great and, presuming they do that, it should soon get the price moving. .
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well boys I've ticked you up, but, it's not very exciting news. i wonder if I'll still be alive when this thing ever hits a decent target! 😎 |
Thanks for the link, Haggismchaggis. Saw the RNS this morning and wasn't impressed by the lithium grades. My thoughts were that the announcement wouldn't impress the market, so was surprised to see the small rise.
I don't know much about Cesium but the price in the link you gave was pleasantly surprising. Also Dragon is to the SW of the main areas of San Domingo so maybe has the potential to be developed separately. Not sure yet how the grades for Cs compare to a good deposit.
The price of Cesium isn't given on the Tradingeconomics page so I'll put the link you gave in the header. |
WOW!!!!.hTTps://www.metal.com/Other-Minor-Metals/202012250001. |
You're right about lithium prices, Bill but Bradda say they don't expect to produce until late 2025/early 2026. I usually add at least 3 months to company timelines.
It's been a very quiet period, other than results which never seem good for exploration companies.
Drilling should have started by now at San Domingo.
Ian Stalker mentioned interest in the Oil Brines in Texas and the brines in Nevada.
He also mentioned talks with Washington about grants.
Maybe we'll start having some newsflow again.
Noticed on the one yr chart that it's looking oversold so perhaps we'll get a little bit of interest. |
Not pretty reading. The only way is up? https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lithium |
Cashola DOWN another 7% today Don't start crying LOLZ |
Cashola - Oh sorry you don't like FACTS You only want to read fantasy stories where this share will be £1 by Christmas You really are a pathetic loser |