Ouch ! Not a fun day ! |
Thanks 18BT |
Curious that the last two FY TSs were both "ahead" of expectations with one issued in February and the other in March. So the date doesn't seem to be an indicator of where they are relative to broker expectations |
Just announced for 20/3 TU |
Ok thanks John |
Results were May last year... |
I can't find a date for a TU or results. Either must be due soon. Anyone know please? |
They had the Maas release last year which pushed them through.
Get in ahead of the next one which you would hop is by approx year end? |
Thanks for reminding me panache. I had forgotten that and we should get results in a month or so. |
Do remember with the Amazon RNS they stated - The Board reiterates confidence in consensus expectation. |
FWIW, I'd assume the Amazon deal was poorer. Much safer that way!
Oh, and I've just had a small top up at six quid regardless :-) |
This time last year there were at least a couple of significantly ahead trading updates - nothing this time, which surprises me slightly as I thought EPS forecast looked too low and was hoping for an upgrade to justify the somewhat lofty valuation (less so now given recent fall). I also had a few question marks about the new Amazon deal, and whether this would be as profitable as the previous deal (my understanding was that BMY had a good deal, but unclear if the new deal will be as favourable). For these reasons I've been sitting on the sidelines, but will reassess when the next trading update drops. |
I'm in at 601 |
Also, NT may announce later in his diary he has exited his latest buy 665p. Some would have got yesterday in advance |
Possibly, who knows. Lot of shares looking so weak. Usually trading update Feb but they provided some detail last month |
Maybe someone knows something we don't about the upcoming results ? |
Why the drop? Any thoughts. I know it's being shorted.. |
Why showing 680 its 650 ish |
Once shorts closed, a reasonable assumption should ascend |
The good news is they have to get out of it. |
The Times wrote a piece (maybe 10 days ago) about Saba and Herald. They mentioned the Saba shorts in some of Herald’s investments. As I recall they included BMY and others, including Volex which I also hold. |
No Saba aren't that sophisticated - they were only shorting as it is held by Herald and they wanted to cover their long position there (they shorted a few other Herald positions) |
Hopefully a few shorts closing now |
* Bloomsbury Publishing Plc BMY.L: Peel Hunt initiates coverage with buy rating; PT 815p |