Historically on other stock I've seen selling up to major corporate action. Is it a technique to mask what's happening behind the scenes? Or maybe a method to allow a large release of stock for a particular reason, ie making it clear stock is available.
I don't know, but I've certainly seen this happen before and I think it supports NickB's ideas.
It's late it's still just a dream. |
...but they can only sell once!... and indeed may have just dumped their last batch? I guess we'll see next week. |
To be fair, it has been known there is a large seller for a while. They are even more desperate now and dumping bigger chunks.
A 3 year old could look at the chart from 28p down and work that out. |
No one knows what the fk SSB is talking about, that’s why he’s also known as The Riddler. |
ssb The question is what would those who did buy today have done if they had known of the sale? Would they have held off waiting for the MM to lower the offer price? If the answer is yes the MM has created a disfunctional market by witholding information from investors. There are enough imperfections in the knowledge we have without brokers adding to it. It is of course possible that they would have purchased shares anyway but more or less in quantiy and in price?
So far as I can see only the seller and the MM stand to make any gain out of late notification. |
It is so funny you say that. " "This thread is all free speak with 0 bots no AI no bucket shops".
Just us morons.
Now who are these investors who are trying to "rig" the AIM market?
Not "THE CULT" we are freedom fighters.
I have heard of that method
Easy on AIM to influence sentiment with low price See this thread. |
:D Of course |
JB you still love "ohfkmestan"?
I love my "BIRD"
Your post… It reminds me a bit of Eric Morecambe. As in Using all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order.
Word soup if you will. |
I have no idea what you’re trying to explain so I can’t help. As per usual your command of English leaves us just guessing what you’re trying to convey. |
With your 100k again.
JB please enlighten us.
Explanation fail. |
I have had a few private emails, about this.
So will try to explain from my point of view.
I hold let's say 100k BIRD in my ISA.
I use II and a few others for that so "this the test case". Explanation.
I want more BIRD at these cheap levels or even I want to sell BIRD at the high levels.
Will all stay within that broker..
That trade will be "juggled/wiggled" and you will be filled.
Works well on shares that have low volume and not much interest.
What happens when they can't find shares?
Only happens when investors want to buy shares so let's keep out faith.
Let's see if there is any interest in Our BIRD/ ELEVATE.io/ New Tiktok?
Late reporting of transactions is a Federal felony in the US and would get a hefty term in a penitentiary. Yet it is a regular occurence here. The suppression of this trade distorted the market with buyers paying more than they would have done if they knew of its existence. I don't like much about the USA but their legislation doesn't tolerate manipulation like this. It's about time we had a new Companies Act with teeth to protect investors. |
THE 1 M trade is actually dated yesterday 16 January if anyone bothered to look.
Or naked short cover?
The reckoning is upon us.
1m sell
Was all in the charts
:-) |
Eva was tik tok without the cool stuff.
Name sucked too but maybe it's time to elevste it?
Maybe it's time to re-release our version of tiktok called eva. As I recall, one of IMs first actions was to shut eva and captevate to focus on enterprise. We have now re-released captevate as elevate so maybe we could re-release eva and rebrand as toktik or something. |