That would be amazing if we can achieve that. I just feel the big players, will want all or nothing, particularly the ones who are general cloud operators and not just into editing. Obviously if they want all it would need to be at a premium.
Just my thoughts. |
It’s not about delisting it’s why he delisted
As we have suspected the AIM market is dysfunctional, broken |
Hugoramp Reported to AdVFN and filtered |
"we will just get snapped up"
application can be sold but the codec retained / licensed, there is ambition for the codec beyond editing / elevate - i.e. distribution - would far eclipse potential for elevate. |
All the ISA benefits would disappear if we delisted, also other costs for SIPP holders. I know, DGI just did this.
Would not be a good move for many shareholders.
I appreciate it may be easier to raise money outwith AIM now, but it shouldn't be conditional on delisting to do so, that would be so unfair on many existing holders.
This is my greatest worry concerning my investment in BIRD. In fact I sold a few DGI before it's delisting and purchased more BIRD this month. |
I found this thread on X interesting from a CEO of an AIM listed biotechnology company about how broken the AIM market seems to be, it explains a lot of what we are experiencing. (It was posted last year)
‘… To be clear, the UK markets are not just illiquid, they’re… completely broken and closed. ‘ |
6 weeks to go.
Is this week the last chance to pick up stock below 5p?
I think it is. |
Yep, and if we take, let's say 40k Adobe users, I don't think Adobe will sit back and let that continue for long, in fact if any of the big players see a shift to us, we will just get snapped up, particularly if they take note of our technological superiority.
Well that's what I think will happen and if we drain users from multiple big players, they will scramble to get us, for this reason I think it's more likely that a move will come early or even before launch.
No way will they sit back and allow 300k users to drain away.
I don't think I will panic sell on the first offer.
Anyway, this is all in my dreams, so no advice intended. |
To get to say £6 a share I reckon it would need something over 300K of paying users based on the 2nd Allenby model. SR and MV had a target of 1M users. I think Adobe in 2014 got to 400K of users in 8mths but a good part of that was likely conversions of previous customers whereas elevate is coming from a standing start. |
All very exciting. Better than putting money on a horse and a short race. Lol |
This is not a normal business growth situation
We are in the extremely hard phase of tech and product development with no revenue for elevate to show but cost for development to see.
That means the market finds valuations impossible at this time.
Once its out there we don’t need factories we don’t need warehouses we don’t need retail, or service centres etc to build and fund, we have Amazon AWS doing the heavy work that scales globally instantly.
Marketing costs can be controlled and clever strategies will trump $$ so in terms of free. It’s just raising awareness in a viral market, so people can simply go sign up no barriers and hoops to jump through to try the product, then it’s down to conversion to paid.
So anything is possible without acquisition but many of us feel acquisition will happen if the project is successful and success may just mean a demonstratably great working product ready for big tech to run with and that’s worth a lot of money fast. Big tech have the customers but don’t have the product We have the product
We shall see |
Essentially I see the risk/reward as follows:
POSITIVE * Great underlying technology * Patent moat - may lead to bid * High gross margins/Saas type model * Very strong holdings from SS and IM * Seemingly smart tech and marketing people on the BOD * High profile launch in 6 weeks time * Modest market cap, no debt
NEGATIVE * Will need money in the next 6 months * We have a seller in the market * No guarantee of commercial success just because we have top tech (VHS/Beta etc) * Execution risk - anything can go wrong in the real world * Seems very unlikely but is there an outside risk they might delist? Could be easier to raise money at a fair valuation instead of on the AIM shorting spivs casino. |
I struggle to believe that Bird could be worth £2bn in a year's time. Nothing is out of the question, of course. I was in EUA a few years back when it 50-bagged. And I have followed with amazement to see SGCL 200-bag in the last 6 months, seemingly on total hot air. I just think we need to stay realistic, £2 by Xmas would be amazing obviously, but there are various hurdles to get over first!! I would be very pleased to see 40-50p by Xmas, and hopefully build from there over the following few years. Of course a buyout at a hefty premium is also possible I know. We also know that the company needs money in the next 6 months, but if the launch goes as well as we hope then we should be able to raise much higher IMO.GLA |
Hyper Al
‘I seriously expect the company to be acquired within a year at a price that all directors and shareholders will be happy with, that is not less than £2b.’
I struggle with this, whilst it sounds perfectly reasonable and achievable, it is at odds with IMs stated aim of building a company worth “tens of billions”.
It’s going to be an interesting year and a half, after which the way forward will be much clearer. |
Nervous anticipation.
billions not millions |
Actually that's a good point, share price will be zero in a year, but £6+ per share first. |
I'm certainly not joking.
The demand for control of cloud based solutions is growing. Blackbird have the ultimate solutions for video in the cloud and we have full patents that cover these solutions. Unlike so called competitors who are in fact using existing technology, very few have new solutions covered by patents. Our patents are a sellable commodity. All we need to do is prove that our technology works, which we have done over decades, and these patents become extremely valuable.
I seriously expect the company to be acquired within a year at a price that all directors and shareholders will be happy with, that is not less than £2b.
In my view the time is right for such an action. I obviously have no evidence to support this, it's an opinion and not investment advice.
This is my final fling at investing in the stock market. Hopefully it will make my retirement a little more enjoyable 😊 |
Maybe the share price will be zero in a year's time if Blackbird has been taken over between now and then!! |
I assume you're joking about £6 within a year?! :-) |