BTW, I thought the podcast with Summit and Nick Lisher the other day was a class act. Sumit really does know how to produce slick looking presentations, apparently effortlessly, with really meaty content. It’s clear we’re in really good hands with him! |
I've noticed that. Maybe post to guild only ? |
NickB. Everything you need and nothing you don’t. I rather suspect my needs are very similar to the rest of this pro-am market. Witness the comments on Reddit. As you say, the most important thing is the underlying technology which will continue to persist as others fall away. That is the key, as this recent news attests. However, alongside the “nothing you don’t need” part, it also needs to have “everything you do”. I don’t think there’s much daylight between us in that we believe we have an excellent core product that will ultimately shine through. It’s just that I think they need to finish the core features before we can consider it market ready. Whereas, you think it’s there as it is. |
Every time I post any positive TA or chart they come for our BIRD.
Like magic..
Wonder why?
I think I am correct in loving my BIRD,
2 out of 2 of what I had as our most interesting competitors have shall we say stepped back from the market despite ‘loads of features’
In editing you can’t fake core video editing performance and reliability.
Hopefully investors will believe SS for his long held view that competitors will struggle to make it work.
Clear road ahead? |
Cash and short-term investments of £5,618k (30 June 2023: £8,177k) and no debt |
I am sure that Summit, SS and IM are totally focused on understanding the detail of what they need to do to succeed. They know how important it is to get everything right first time, and on time, and they will do what it takes to achieve that. They also have deep relevant experience from the NEDs to call on.
The fact that Scenery have established that collaborative video editing is too hard for them to achieve, presumably before they run out of money, supports SS's position on the complexity to achieve what elevate has already achieved in terms of technical achievement including collaborative working.
We don't have as many facts to go on as they have, so it seems best to me to back their judgement 100% rather than sometimes raise doubts which probably arise from not having access to the full picture. IMHO | getting spoken about on Reddit regards Scenery winding down.
Won’t let me post Reddit link.
r/VideoEditing u/Station-Opening-12d
It’s titled
Scenery Winding Down. Any alternatives? being mentioned as an alternative, and saying much more responsive than Scenery, but still lacks features, such as transcriptions, brand kits etc, but says updates coming all the time, and very interested to see where it goes. |
Although we are not going for the mass/mass market, which targets over 10 million 'users' with perhaps a 2% conversion to paid ratio, I feel we need far more than 10k users.
I imagine the team are hoping for at least 250,000 users by the time they decide to launch the paid version.
I'm hoping they are over 50,000 just now. |
Apparently we have 10,000 so we should be marketing for 100k ?
Anyway it’s the companies call |
Very possible elevate isn’t for your needs?
You might need to wait a year or more for what you need.
However elevate can certainly ‘edit’ and could well be very useful tool for many creators as it stands.
You also have to be very careful adding tons of fancy features as what happens is the product becomes too complex for new users to pick up.
Simple elegant editing is the way we should go imho
Plug-ins that users choose can build on that |
 Just in case my last post gave the wrong impression: when I use the word “threadbare221;, I wasn’t trying to cast aspersions at and the excellent team behind it. I regret having used that word. Apologies. It is a truly excellent product and developing at pace. The thrust of my point was about not confusing having a less than full feature set because it’s FOC, expecting only to see rich features in the paid for version. NickB. I do a lot of editing for my own business and I’m 1,000,000 miles away from being a proper craft editor. They may spend weeks honing the raw footage to tell a compelling story without needing very much in the way of effects/bottom-3rd/finishing, etc. Whereas I will spend far less time crafting the edit, and quickly want to get to something which can be output at a decent enough level (and I have no pressing need to collaborate, BTW, not that it wouldn’t be handy on the occasion). I think you are conflating too much of the professional view into what is needed with a tool to suit this pro-am market. A couple of months back I made a shopping list of the things that I use on a regular basis on Camtasia (a truly bug-ridden product) that I would love to see in the product. I have every faith in SR and the team that they will get there. But I don’t think you should be writing on this thread that it is a fully rounded product at this stage, and sounding confused about what else it could possibly need for THIS market. |
Stairway to hell. |
My reference to TV shows is that they have never been edited with AI and yet win awards.
We have an editor that can edit |
Interesting Scenery announcement So closes November 18th with no forward path to this new partnership
Seems a little bit of PR spin in the announcement.
It kept falling over when I tested it, I didn’t think it would scale.
Maybe they have been testing elevate and realised something.
Our other interesting competitor ‘Sequence̵7; who I liked what they say are still (years) in alpha and refusing early access and have recently taken a step back to do some ‘engineering work’ (my read they can’t even slightly scale it) yet it’s full of features 😂
Cloud video editing is incredibly hard I know of only one company who has technically cracked it. |
So, Scenery couldn't up-scale and is having to join with a major who presumably will enable it to continue to expand without slowing everything to a crawl.
Will reach the same barrier? 'No', had better be the answer. |
I didn't realise we were aiming at producers of Major TV shows and Hollywood epics! |
Not sure if this has already been posted. Interesting update re Scenery ('s closest competitor). Sounds like acquisition or some kind of partnership. website shutting down and everything being deleted. No mention of who partner is. |
Horne we did announce a partnership with Twelve Labs earlier this year. |
Luts's Nick, where are the LUT'S?Do you think we are in talks with one of the big boys? |
Major TV shows Hollywood epics are not edited with AI yet they are heavily edited and for decades we have watched those films and shows and they have won awards.
Editing is a craft not an AI prompt.
AI won’t be in the free product it’s too expensive (imho)
If you are waiting for all those features it’s probably March 2026 or most likely even later
Perhaps people are underestimating how far elevate has come |
There'll never be a full feature set, as new AI assisted features will always be developing. It's not just about 'how to tell a story'. It's about 'how to tell an even better story in half the time'. AI features are already available in some products. I hope that the team are either working on some already or are researching external sources to provide them. |
Like what features are missing if you want to tell a story?
And what is a ‘full feature set’?
My understanding is that the free and paid elevate will have the same editing features, has that changed? |
NickB. “So what features are you waiting for in the free version?” If you don’t mind my saying, I find that rather a peculiar question. The free version needs to be seriously well specified for people to even think about the paid version. You’ve got to see behind the paywall before you decide you’re going to pay for it. Please don’t make the mistake of suggesting to this chat group that is okay not to have a rich feature set simply because it’s free. You need to impress the socks of everyone, and then find a way to charge them; not have a threadbare product hoping that people will then be interested enough to want to pay for more - whatever that turns out to be. Perhaps, they should enable the enhanced feature set for a period of time FOC, before then asking for money for it. |