Wait for the relapse bbd2.
I can't get overly excited by £55mn value of sales when you need to also consider the costs of shipping the product to Europe or North America. I accept, the product may have a value within South America but it will be at a lower price than that paid in Europe. The FEED talks of having spent 100,000 hours in engineering time, with over 600 engineering documents having been created. Those up-front costs, even before building commences must come in at well over £10m.
I suppose we can only be thankful that the hydro dam on the Paraguay river already exists.
I know I sound skeptical but the frequency of reports of genuine progress emanating from Atome are, in my opinion, too, well, infrequent.
I hope my skepticism proves wrong for all our sakes. |
Mc -The patient is nearing discharge!! |
Thanks for that research MCunliffe1. I inherited these from PPC/MEN and have paid them minimum attention over the last 18 months. Pleasantly surprised that they are talking about construction this year and production in 2027, though of course there will be slippages. |
FEED completed, EPC and offtake on track for the end of the month. Sounds like these are virtually complete but that the FEED was holding up signing the EPC and an offtake couldn't be agreed until the full consultation costs where known. Hopefully we should be getting more news quickly. |
Death throes I suspect. |
Well that flicker of life was short lived! |
The Woodsmith mine in North Yorks is having troubles. Investment over the next couple of years is likely to diminish massively with the result that the polyhalite fertiliser will not be extracted quite as soon as first hoped - if ever.
If ATOME is ever able to produce fertiliser in Paraguay their market in Europe should not be adversely affected by locally extracted fertiliser.
If they ever produce in Paraguay. |
Ahhh interpols favourite convicted criminal crimestoppers1 is back.
Another lengthy absence from the ADVFN boards, which prison was it this time and was it fraud again? |
Hi all, I get PL isn't most +ve guy right now but surely this has legs! A lot of contacts are in place, ATOME seems to be a trailblazer. Is ATOME a good short/long term investment as my limited knowledge seems could be a multiple share price winner but not 100% sure? |
bountyhunter31 Dec '21 - 08:05 - 35 of 718 0 1 0 What does green hydrogen mean .. ---- whEn theres bUildUp in ur gUt after cheap beer the pUmp starts whEn U sOber Up theDump starts.howsTht bOUnts?? |
YUp AnnOther p&dUmp bY bOUnTYcnT |
Not flatlined now bbd2. |
Peter Levine. But you'll need to pay him for its use. |
Seems to have flat lined. Anyone got a defibrillator? |
MC, thanks for that, it worked fine. |
Seems reluctant to allow me to post the link directly.
However, if you type the following into your browser bar:
Cannaccord Genuity Sharecast ATOM
You'll get their site at the top of the list - at least I did.
Good luck. |
MC. Can you please post a link to the report? |
Sharecast report quotes the Cannaccord analysis. Paints a potentially good picture with next announcements of offtake and debt likely in Q2 of 2024. |
15/04/2024 Canaccord Genuity Speculative Buy Target Price 130.00p New Coverage |
I've just spent 30-40 minutes skimming through the past 200 or so posts on this thread. One thing I've learned is the benefit of including in the post the current share price of the share being discussed.
As I write this the spread is 59p and 63p (sell/buy). Quite large.
Back in November 2023 there were a number of supportive posts with high-hopes for the success of ATOM. Such are few and far between now.
I'll repeat my earlier prediction: the share price will slowly drop over the coming months in the absence of any real activity or company announcements of merit. |
Good question i-wil.
I invested a small amount about 2 years back and a further small amount in July 2023. I do not intend to add to those holdings but equally, and in spite of Peter Levine, I will not sell them yet.
As regards PL's minimal impact I'd like to believe there is a director of Atome who is making some impact. It is all far too slow for my liking. I've said this before and other posters have provided valid excuses for the delays. But I feel they are just that - excuses.
I'm from an I.T. background where progress is measured in days and not quarters of the year. Exactly how difficult is it to get machinery out to Villetta? If it is indeed difficult for logistic rather than money reasons, then surely it will be equally difficult to get the fertiliser produced out of Villetta to the world markets. |