Papillon. I said those charts, ADVFN charts, appear on the predator oil board, which is true, I didn’t say you posted them, it was a different ID posting those, so odd for you to comment at three in the morning. A poster from Enet has been posting negatively at ECR and PRD (these have been promoted by the Burton IDs) some of the Burton IDs have been posting negatively at Enet, looks like an ongoing argument between two multi ID users on those boards. Oddly pap, you have one supposedly on filter at Enet, who you still talk to, anyway, as you now have me on filter.. goodbye. |
I thought I was helping him the other day when I explained who a few people were. Seemingly he has gone further down the rabbit hole of nonsense. ARCM - making people deranged and little else. |
Are you mentally ill, paulhopeful? I've been posting on advfn bb's for over 20 years. Look at my profile. I'm 79 years of age and have been retired for 14 years. And I don't read comics! paulhopeful? AN IDIOT! FILTERED! |
Those charts appear on the predator oil board.. another stock where David Burton uses multi Marvel comic ID’s. Takenorisk/Terryisfos.. you dropped the bat on the other board today, did you pass the phone to David again? Looks like it. Anyway, David, back on topic! How many IDs do you use in total? 120? Few more maybe? How many boards are your multi ID’s? on, 18? More, probably. How many boards have you tried to conned, in total, over the last 20 odd years? Do you like your porridge hot or cold? 16 posts on the lse board already today.. Added, make that 11, looks like some have been filtered. |
free stock charts from
Well according to this ARCM 3 year candlestick log chart a "death cross" (50 day EMA falls below an already falling 200 day EMA) appeared on the chart in H1 2023 and ARCM has never been a long term buy since then. This is just historical facts. I can't predict the future so have no idea what news ARCM will issue in the future. Obviously news drives share prices. Meanwhile I'll continue to follow ARCM to see if this chart turns bullish again. |
Terry, FWIW I must live around 150 miles from the location indicated by Paul in his profile. Also I’ve never owned a commercial boat, just four pleasure boats. The first was a trailer sailor, funded by a ten bagger with RKH, the second a gas guzzling speedboat funded by a multibagger with GKP. The third was a more economical sports fisher, and the most recent one a ten metre twin engined motor cruiser with shallower draft which enabled us to travel up rivers and canals.
So you can stick your ridiculous conspiracy theory where the sun doesn’t shine. |
Basically without listing them again, all of the negative posts on both boards are coming from David Burton. Added.. also note the style of the last post from ID Terryisfos, it’s changed, why? Because that Post was actually written by David Burton, and not his assistant this time. |
LSE: Travelcards assumption today are an identical match to the same assertions that have incorrectly, but aggressively been made from the ID Firestorm(911) There is an exact match to the identical foul language used by IDs Bukowski750, Terryisfos, firestorm911, AND an exact match to the assumption made by the ID’s Travelcard / firestorm911. More evidence these ID’s are linked to one person. |
A ferryboat owner called Paul having a self love in with someone called Skipper...Hmmm I smell something fishy here, if you will pardon the pun. I'm hearing the words multiple poster |
That post has been up there for over a year skipper, Nothing for me to hide, “some twisted people on ADVFN”, yes unfortunately that is true.. hopefully there will be a few less soon. |
As one boat skipper to another Paul, that’s pretty brave of you to provide your real name and occupation as there are some truly vindictive and twisted people on Advfn who can make your life a misery. So whatever you do don’t provide a precise location on your profile. |
Terryisfos: If you look on my profile and click most liked, my real name is logged on the top TXP Post, ironically pointing out a multi ID user on that board. ADVFN wouldn’t allow me to use my own name, paulhopeful was the nearest choice generated by ADVFN, Unlike yourself/and David Burton who are using dozens of IDs, that are being monitored on numerous boards, I have just the 1 ID. |
Thank you Skipper, missed it, makes sense now.. felt sad for the people, global warming perhaps? The world will need a lot more copper to sort out the mess. |
Paul, I posted it yesterday. It’s about the continued drought in Zambia, which means that Anglo could still be drilling. |
Terry, I haven’t got the foggiest who SSMAPGTTF refers to. Care to enlighten me? |
.. unicef video? Lost me there. |
Wasnt asking you Skip was asking SSMAPGTTF. (unless of course you are SSMAPGTTF???) BTW Love the UNICEF video. |
Oh and by the way, Zambia is experiencing the worst drought it has ever known so drilling should be continuing. Here’s the latest with this video only a week old: |
TerryisFOS, in answer to your questions, am I happy with the share price? Of course not, but am I happy with progress? I certainly am, as reflected in this RNS: where very significant progress has been made by Anglo and the only thing missing is the assays, which NvS has assured me that he is currently chasing Anglo to release. If they demonstrate the degree of mineralisation which is implied from the RNS yourself and the rest of the shorting scum will be toast, so don’t say you weren’t warned.
BTW, when’s your mate Mushi back in court? I’m looking forward to the £850k plus damages that Arc are going after. |
 As it’s almost Christmas.. have David Burtons IDs ever slipped up and said something positive? Not often, but here’s a list. Somebody asked.. Do you not think Anglo American are up to expediting a competent exploration campaign? Bradshaw: “ probably your most sensible post that sticks out.” Atmysignal: “I’m now 95% long in Arc!”. Takenorisk: “ obviously if significant fines are made the price will rocket by many multiples.” Goforgold1: “ invest your money better!! Come back in at least one year.. posted a year ago. Bukowski750: “generally, if an Aim Junior gets a major on board, it’s half decent.” Arc had four majors interested. Peggycilla911: “at 3P it’s worth a punt. At 2P it’s worth a punt.” .. .. Texaschaser: “ not shot enough but Will reconsider when it’s lower”. Posted at 4P. Bradshaw980: “ i’ve studied Zambian geology and deposits in great detail!! fantastic copper deposits, and a great jurisdiction!”. Although they can swap roles, David Burtons assistant tends to post the rude and crude Posts. |
JBJB(99): Marvel comics, JB hall Earth-616. 13th May2022: “ I’m trying to work out where the price may end up.. always interested to hear LTHS thoughts??” ( David Burton ). |
Guzzler(19)62: (assistant) 88e board, 16 apr 2024. “Redirons,is that the best response you can muster? To accuse me of having multiple ID’s!” |