Specific to ATM back in June. Record quarterly tin-in-conc production for Andrada Mining International Tin Association › record-quarterly-tin... 28 Jun 2023 — Our view: The latest update reinforces Andrada Mining's promising future. The company's high levels of tin production and successful generation ... |
“The operational team has been performing extremely well on the existing plant annually. Therefore, the potential additional lithium revenue credits from the integration of the lithium plant to the main production circuit, could substantially enhance total revenue.”3 days ago
Andrada Mining says operations team performing 'extremely ... Proactive Investors › companies › news |
This video is worth watching. |
Anthony Viljoen @AnthonyViljoen #lithium plant complete ✔️. #tin production increased ✔️#tantalum circuit operational ✔️ #cash in the bank ✔️. Another cracking quarter for team @Andrada_Mining . #transformation |
I don't think it will be down for long. |
It has a lot going for it in my opinion. |
I guess this is the bit that's caused the hot money to bolt.
Strategic process update
"The strategic process to identify an appropriate partner to participate in the lithium development is progressing well. Discussions are ongoing with parties that have met the strategic criteria and they are expected to continue beyond 30 September 2023. Meanwhile, the Company is focused on completing the workstreams required to finalise the process. Further updates on the strategic process will be communicated in due course as appropriate."
I don't think the "....beyond 30 September....." comes as any great surprise but the hot money clearly doesn't want to hang around.
Selling likely due to short-term traders who bought recently selling a few due to a slight delay in the strategic process. I'm quite happy this is taking a little longer as it increases the likelihood of the best possible outcome. No rush. |
Commodities likely the place to be.
Once the plants have finished main upgrades and the overburden/waste is stripped, then the aisc should reduce. Tin should show a small profit then. We do have to remember that the tin mine was shut down due to lack of profitability as it is a relatively high cost producer. DRC producers tend to have an aisc of around $15000/t
sp dropping on smaller investors selling a few thousand £££ on news. |
Only just seen.
Good to hear. |
Yes, actual figures are always a bit of a reality check in these situations. |
Sell on news. It'll be fine. |
Market not so impressed. |
Yes, very promising despite the typos (some references to 2024 when they meant 2023). |
Great update in the sense that it is highly informative and transparent about current operations and future potential. Answers a lot of my questions on how the different ores will likely be turned into product and for which market. Looks like management will view the underlying business as Tin (plus Tantalum) thus allocating Lithium as the by-product credit (rather than the inverse). Impressive disclosure all in all imv. |
Big update. Looks to be about break even on tin. Current lithium going to lower priced ceramics use whilst negotiating with a partner for battery grade processing. Tantalum starting to come through. Injury rate decreasing as well which is important.
All on target. |
The lithium price continues its march south. Currently $26,062/tonne LCE. It doesn't look like its going to stop there either. The positive from this is it might dissuade smaller more marginal projects from coming to market.
As long as the price of tin stay up around $25,000/tonne it doesn't really matter what the lithium price does. There's no downside for Andrada.
Looking like order filling today. Widen the spread so any trades around mid price show as sells. Which may spook some weak hands to actually sell. My broker was happy to pay 7.6+ all day for up to 200k shares. So looks like there is good demand behind the scenes |
Anyway we are doing well. |
Strikes me some of those trades are in the wrong column.
We've seen that and it is China that might benefit most, being the largest shareholder, I understand.
'As electronic vehicles become cheaper due to economies of scale, energy density improvements, and increased competition, it is likely that growth in the EV market will continue.
This trend is supported by changing regulations in several key markets, with countries like France and the UK planning to ban fossil fuel vehicles in the future and China requiring manufacturers to significantly increase EV sales.
Lithium demand from the lithium-ion battery industry, particularly in automotive applications, is expected to increase the total lithium demand volume to over 1,2 Mt LCE in 2026, increasing further to 2,8 Mt LCE by 2031.
Leading lithium market consulting firm, SignumBox, predicts that the market will continue to grow at an average of 11,6% per year until 2030. This growth is mainly due to the increasing demand for battery-grade carbonate, hydroxide, and fluoride products from the battery sector.'