How many Siemens A G (PK) shares are in issue?
Siemens A G (PK) has 742,545,829 shares in issue.
What is the market cap of Siemens A G (PK)?
The market capitalisation of Siemens A G (PK) is USD 140.23 B.
What is the 1 year trading range for Siemens A G (PK) share price?
Siemens A G (PK) has traded in the range of US$ 163.79 to US$ 205.39 during the past year.
What is the PE ratio of Siemens A G (PK)?
The price to earnings ratio of Siemens A G (PK) is N/A.
What is the reporting currency for Siemens A G (PK)?
Siemens A G (PK) reports financial results in EUR.
What is the latest annual turnover for Siemens A G (PK)?
The latest annual turnover of Siemens A G (PK) is EUR 77.77B.
What is the latest annual profit for Siemens A G (PK)?
The latest annual profit of Siemens A G (PK) is EUR 7.95B.
What is the registered address of Siemens A G (PK)?
The registered address for Siemens A G (PK) is WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, MUNICH, 80333.
What is the Siemens A G (PK) website address?
The website address for Siemens A G (PK) is
Which industry sector does Siemens A G (PK) operate in?
Siemens A G (PK) operates in the ELECTR, OTH ELEC EQ, EX CMP sector.