How many S and T Bancorp shares are in issue?
S and T Bancorp has 38,259,730 shares in issue.
What is the market cap of S and T Bancorp?
The market capitalisation of S and T Bancorp is USD 1.66 B.
What is the 1 year trading range for S and T Bancorp share price?
S and T Bancorp has traded in the range of US$ 27.43 to US$ 45.79 during the past year.
What is the PE ratio of S and T Bancorp?
The price to earnings ratio of S and T Bancorp is 11.31.
What is the cash to sales ratio of S and T Bancorp?
The cash to sales ratio of S and T Bancorp is 4.02.
What is the reporting currency for S and T Bancorp?
S and T Bancorp reports financial results in USD.
What is the latest annual turnover for S and T Bancorp?
The latest annual turnover of S and T Bancorp is USD 407.03M.
What is the latest annual profit for S and T Bancorp?
The latest annual profit of S and T Bancorp is USD 144.78M.
What is the registered address of S and T Bancorp?
The registered address for S and T Bancorp is 800 PHILADELPHIA STREET, PO BOX 190, INDIANA, 15701.
What is the S and T Bancorp website address?
The website address for S and T Bancorp is
Which industry sector does S and T Bancorp operate in?
S and T Bancorp operates in the STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS sector.