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RNS Number:6441Q Incepta Group PLC 08 October 2003 Incepta Group plc Interim results reflect second quarter improvement in trading Incepta Group plc, the international marketing and communications group, today announces its interim results for the six months to 31 August 2003: * Results in line with expectations - significant improvement in second quarter * Underlying operating margins* robust * Financial strength substantially improved - Successful #27.7 million capital raising in August - Over 80% of earn-outs now settled * Good new client wins: DVLA, BAA, Barclaycard, HSH Nordbank, T-Mobile, Freeserve, Kwik-Fit, AngloGold, Saban Capital Group, Investec, Sainsbury's Bank and Telefonica * before goodwill and exceptional items Richard Nichols, Chief Executive of Incepta Group plc, said: "The half year began with weak economic conditions, exacerbated by the uncertainties created by the Iraq conflict. Despite this, the group has produced results in line with expectations and, within this, has maintained robust margins and has seen significantly stronger trading in the second quarter. Our businesses have continued to demonstrate their market leading positions. We have maintained high client loyalty, won a significant number of new retained clients and worked on a substantial proportion of the high profile assignments over the period. We have also substantially improved our financial strength with our successful capital raising which has enabled us to manage the earn-out commitments from our past acquisitions. Currently, over 80% of the earn-outs have been settled with the balance spread over the next four years. Looking ahead, we shall continue to be affected by the general economic climate and cannot be certain that the current improvement in client and market sentiment will be sustained. Our group, however, is in good shape and our current high level of operational gearing should see profits, margins and cash generation improve significantly once market conditions improve." For further information contact: Richard Nichols, Chief Executive, Incepta Group plc ) Tel: 020 7282 2865 Mike Butterworth, Group Finance Director, Incepta Group plc) Patrick Toyne Sewell/Fiona Bradshaw, Citigate Dewe Rogerson Tel: 020 7638 9571 For further investor information please visit: Financial Summary Half year Half year Half year ended ended Change ended Change 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 % 28 Feb 2003 % Turnover #122.0m #132.7m (8) #118.3m 3 Gross revenue (gross profit) #76.9m #82.8m (7) #77.7m (1) Operating profit* #7.4m #11.0m (32) #8.4m (12) Adjusted profit before tax* #5.9m #9.7m (40) #7.1m (18) Profit/(loss) before tax #1.3m #3.0m (59) #(33.5)m n/a Adjusted diluted earnings per share* 2.49p 4.81p (48) 2.03p 23 Diluted (loss)/ earnings per share (0.20)p 0.08p n/a (33.91)p n/a Cash inflow from operating activities** #5.7m #9.3m (39) #10.7m (47) * before goodwill and exceptional items ** before exceptional items Overview From a weak start, we have seen a steady improvement in levels of investor confidence and corporate activity, and this has been reflected in the group's trading and financial performance during the first half. The quality and reputation of our leading brands, coupled with continued active management of our cost base, has helped us withstand the downturn and leaves us operationally geared to benefit from any continuing improvement in market conditions. Our long term positioning remains a core strength as client spend continues to migrate from traditional consumer advertising to below-the-line activities such as public relations, direct marketing and promotional marketing. More recently, there have been clear signs of increased planning activity and enquiries, a potential precursor to increasing activity in 2004. The level of pitching activity, especially in public relations and promotional marketing, has increased of late and our win rate remains good. Whilst not all pitches have resulted in spend at the originally anticipated levels, they have added to our internal momentum and strengthen our platform for potential future growth in the medium term. We have also substantially improved our financial strength with our successful capital raising. This has enabled us to manage the earn-out commitments from our past acquisitions. Since the beginning of the last financial year, over 80% of these have been settled, with the balance scheduled over the next four years. Financial review In the first half to 31 August 2003, gross revenue (gross profit) fell 7% to #76.9 million compared to the same period last year. However, gross revenues for the first half are broadly in line with the second half of last year, indicating that revenues now appear to be stabilising. Operating profit (before goodwill and exceptional items) was #7.4 million, one-third lower than the first half of last year and 12% lower than the second half of last year. Operating margins (before goodwill and exceptional items) were 9.7%, with a strong bias towards the second quarter which saw margins of around 13%. The margin performance reflects both the difficult trading environment in the first quarter of the year and the impact of weak trading at two US businesses, Citigate Global Intelligence & Security ('CGIS') and Citigate Broad Street. Against this backdrop, the Group has continued to proactively manage its cost base without compromising its competitive position. We anticipate generating additional annualised savings of approximately #3.5 million, principally through the recent reduction in our headcount by around 120 people (6% of our total workforce). These cost saving programmes have resulted in an exceptional charge in the period of #1.9 million. Profit before tax (before goodwill and exceptional items) was reduced to #5.9 million and diluted earnings per share (before goodwill and exceptional items) were 2.49 pence. In line with our normal practice, no interim dividend is being paid. Our continued focus on the strength of our balance sheet has ensured that the Group remains in a strong financial position and our businesses continue to generate good operating cash flows. Cash inflow from operating activities (excluding the impact of exceptional items) amounted to #5.7 million and cash conversion (of operating profit to operating cash flows) was broadly in line with the first half of last year. In August, we completed a capital raising for #27.7 million (gross of expenses), comprising a #17.7 million Rights Issue and a #10.0 million Issue for Cash. Both issues were made at an issue price (post the subsequent share consolidation) of 65 pence, representing a discount of 14.7% to the then market price. The capital raising has reinforced our financial position and flexibility. Significant headroom exists between the level of net debt at the end of the period (which includes the proceeds from the capital raising) of #63.0 million and the #102.0 million of committed medium-term bank facilities that we have in place. Our earn-out commitments have been substantially reduced since the beginning of the last financial year. Following the settlement of the share element of The Red Consultancy and Su Yeang earn-outs in early October 2003, the total commitment for earn-outs is now estimated to be #19.1 million (cash or loan notes #13.5 million; shares to be issued #5.6 million), which is payable over the next four years. This represents less than 20% of the amount as at 28 February 2002. Marketing Services The Marketing Services division's gross revenues decreased marginally by 4% to #27.4 million compared to the same period last year but were broadly in line with the second half of last year. This division accounted for over one-third of the Group's gross revenue and generated half of our operating profits. Finex, Dynamo and The RED Consultancy have all performed strongly over the period with new client projects for Marks & Spencer, the DVLA, BAA and Sainsbury's Bank, amongst others. Our recently merged Marketing Intelligence businesses, DVL Smith and Hauck Research Services, have recovered well following a weak first quarter, and are working with new clients such as Barclaycard and Aventis. Our two leading sponsorship consultancies, Karen Earl and Redmandarin, continue to act for clients such as Philips, Orange and Siemens. Park Avenue, our specialist communications business in the UK, enjoyed a good half year organising a major event to celebrate the formation of a major new German banking group, HSH Nordbank, in addition to significant projects for worldwide brands including Orange and British Airways. Our New York based specialist communications business, Citigate Broad Street, has however been operating in weak markets in the first half, exacerbated by the impact of the Iraq conflict in the first quarter. Incepta Online has also had a strong half year with new client wins including Cisco, XL Capital Assurance, Capcom, Lords and Granada. The reduction in Marketing Services' operating margins to 13.6% (before goodwill and exceptional items) reflects the weak performance from Citigate Broad Street in the US. Without that impact, operating margins would have remained strong at 18.5%. Financial & Corporate Communications Gross revenues in our Financial & Corporate Communications division were #39.8 million, a marginal decrease of 3% compared to both the same period last year and the second half of last year, indicating that revenues are now starting to stabilise. Our Financial & Corporate Communications businesses are underpinned by their significant retained client base and have won a notable number of new clients including T-Mobile, Telewest, Freeserve, Iberdrola, Kwik-Fit and Halfords. Our businesses also retain their strong market positions and continue to be successful in winning a significant proportion of the high profile transactions that have taken place. Recent transaction work has included advising CVC and Texas Pacific on their bid for Debenhams; AngloGold on its proposed acquisition of Ashanti Goldfields; Yell on its IPO; Alcan on its bid for Pechiney; Saban Capital Group on its acquisition of a controlling stake in German television group ProSieben from Kirch Media; Airborne on its merger with DHL; Iberdrola on its successful defence against Gas Natural's hostile offer; Telefonica on its tender offer for Terra Networks; and handling the communications for HSH Nordbank, Martha Stewart, and the acquisition of Chelsea Village. CGIS, our business and competitive intelligence business, continues to develop its market position although weak market conditions have meant that it is taking longer than originally anticipated for this business to achieve a break-even trading position, although the business is now on target to achieve this in the second half of the year. The reduction in operating margins in the division to 7.4% (before goodwill and exceptional items) reflects the lower level of corporate activity but particularly, the trading losses at CGIS. Without the impact of CGIS, operating margins would have been 12.0%. Specialist Advertising The Specialist Advertising division's gross revenue was #10.1 million, a decrease of just over a quarter compared to the first half last year, but only 13% below in the second half of last year. Our UK and US financial and corporate advertising businesses have continued to operate in very weak markets although their market leading positions were demonstrated by their work on high profile campaigns for clients such as New Star Asset Management, Investec and Scottish Widows. Our Continental European corporate advertising businesses (notably in Germany) also experienced weak market conditions although there have been signs of tentative recovery compared to the second half of last year. Our people As always, our people are our major strength, and they have responded unstintingly to what has undoubtedly been a testing time. I would like to express my sincere thanks for their commitment and effectiveness. We continue to safeguard the entrepreneurial culture which is at the heart of our group and to create an environment in which creativity thrives and we can increasingly leverage the combined resources and skills within our group. Outlook Looking ahead, we shall continue to be affected by the general economic climate and cannot be certain that the current improvement in client and market sentiment will be sustained. Our group, however, is in good shape and our current high level of operational gearing should see profits, margins and cash generation improve significantly once market conditions improve. Incepta Group plc Consolidated summarised profit and loss account for the half year ended 31 August 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 Note #'000 #'000 #'000 Turnover 121,999 132,680 250,984 Gross profit (gross revenue) 2,3 76,873 82,838 160,514 Administrative expenses (74,537) (79,107) (187,822) Other operating income 494 537 1,097 Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items 2,3 7,423 10,968 19,395 Goodwill amortisation (2,661) (667) (1,796) Exceptional items: Goodwill impairment charges 4 - (3,468) 35,923) Restructuring costs 4 (1,932) (2,565) (7,887) Operating profit/(loss) 2,830 4,268 (26,211) Amounts written off investments - - (1,720) Net interest payable (1,573) (1,236) (2,540) Profit on ordinary activities before goodwill amortisation, exceptional items and tax 5,850 9,732 16,855 Goodwill amortisation (2,661) (667) (1,796) Exceptional items: Goodwill impairment charges 4 - (3,468) (35,923) Restructuring costs 4 (1,932) (2,565) (7,887) Amounts written off investments 4 - - (1,720) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax 1,257 3,032 (30,471) Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 5 (1,570) (2,984) (5,044) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after tax (313) 48 (35,515) Minority interests 41 57 47 (Loss)/profit attributable to group shareholders (272) 105 (35,468) Dividend - - (1,328) (Loss)/profit transferred to reserves (272) 105 (36,796) (Loss)/earnings per share 6 Basic (0.20)p 0.10p (33.83)p Diluted (0.20)p 0.08p (33.83)p Basic before goodwill and exceptional items 2.93p 6.11p 10.31p Diluted before goodwill and exceptional items 2.49p 4.81p 6.84p Incepta Group plc Consolidated summarised balance sheet as at 31 August 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited As at As at As at 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 Note #'000 #'000 #'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 311,657 337,043 311,260 Tangible assets 14,751 15,761 15,254 Investments 580 1,467 532 326,988 354,271 327,046 Current assets Work in progress 1,990 2,209 1,695 Debtors 56,074 53,465 54,170 Cash at bank and in hand 10,531 22,515 7,440 68,595 78,189 63,305 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Borrowings (3,229) (16,435) (8,287) Other (55,146) (59,596) (73,860) (58,375) (76,031) (82,147) Net current assets/(liabilities) 10,220 2,158 (18,842) Total assets less current liabilities 337,208 356,429 308,204 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Borrowings (70,277) (57,675) (61,122) Other (208) (401) (351) (70,485) (58,076) (61,473) Provisions for liabilities and charges (10,909) (28,249) (19,478) Net assets 255,814 270,104 227,253 Equity shareholders'funds 255,675 269,926 227,092 Minority interests (equity) 139 178 161 Total equity capital employed 255,814 270,104 227,253 Incepta Group plc Consolidated summarised cash flow statement for the half year ended 31 August 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 Cash inflow from operating activities 3,193 7,398 14,416 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (1,874) (1,063) (2,401) Taxation (1,191) (3,882) (7,090) Capital expenditure and financial investment (2,144) (3,246) (6,581) Acquisitions (21,405) (6,069) (10,463) Equity dividends paid (882) (3,398) (3,397) Net cash outflow before financing (24,303) (10,260) (15,516) Financing 27,296 13,095 2,868 Increase/(decrease) in cash 2,993 2,835 (12,648) Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to cash inflow from operating activities Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 Operating profit/(loss) 2,830 4,268 (26,211) Goodwill 2,661 4,135 37,719 Depreciation 2,550 2,888 5,544 Net (profit)/loss on disposal of fixed assets (25) 216 343 Increase in working capital (4,869) (4,793) (3,203) Other non-cash items 46 684 224 Cash inflow from operating activities 3,193 7,398 14,416 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash 2,993 2,835 (12,648) Cash inflow from increase in debt (1,074) (12,992) (2,788) Issue costs of new bank loans 502 113 170 Movement in net debt resulting from cash flows 2,421 (10,044) (15,266) Debt acquired with subsidiary undertakings and businesses - (55) (81) Inception of finance leases (49) (61) (121) Issue of loan notes for non-cash consideration (3,345) (8,500) (14,585) Other non-cash changes (176) (85) (175) Effect of foreign exchange 330 (105) 817 Movement in net debt (819) (18,850) (29,411) Opening net debt (62,156) (32,745) (32,745) Closing net debt (62,975) (51,595) (62,156) Incepta Group plc Statement of total recognised gains and losses for the half year ended 31 August 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 (Loss)/profit attributable to group shareholders (272) 105 (35,468) Exchange differences on foreign currency net investments 1,763 (3,151) 2,990 Total recognised gains and losses 1,491 (3,046) (32,478) Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds for the half year ended 31 August 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 (Loss)/profit attributable to group shareholders (272) 105 (35,468) Dividend - - (1,328) (272) 105 (36,796) Other recognised gains and losses 1,763 (3,151) 2,990 Contributions to Qualifying Employee Share Trust - (96) (96) Issue of shares net of issue costs 45,473 13,122 20,930 Net movement in estimated value of shares to be issued as consideration for acquisitions (18,381) (17,334) (37,220) Goodwill previously written off to reserves - 105 109 Net change in equity shareholders' funds 28,583 (7,249) (50,083) Opening equity shareholders' funds 227,092 277,175 277,175 Closing equity shareholders' funds 255,675 269,926 227,092 Notes to the financial statements 31 August 2003 1. Basis of preparation The consolidated interim financial statements, which were approved by the board on 8 October 2003, have been prepared under the accounting policies set out on pages 77 and 78 of the Group's 2003 Annual Report. The information relating to the half years ended 31 August 2003 and 31 August 2002 is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 28 February 2003 are not the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. Divisional analyses Gross profit (gross revenue) Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 Financial & Corporate Communications 39,756 41,096 82,070 Marketing Services 27,430 28,581 56,634 Specialist Advertising 10,136 14,032 25,709 Intra-group trading (449) (871) (3,899) 76,873 82,838 160,514 Operating profit before goodwill and exceptional items Financial & Corporate Communications 2,928 4,394 7,913 Marketing Services 3,737 5,130 9,163 Specialist Advertising 758 1,444 2,319 7,423 10,968 19,395 Financial & Corporate Communications was previously reported as Public Relations. 3. Geographical analyses Gross profit (gross revenue) Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 UK 39,204 43,770 84,633 Rest of the world 38,118 39,939 79,780 Intra-group trading (449) (871) (3,899) 76,873 82,838 160,514 Operating profit before goodwill and exceptional items UK 4,568 6,527 11,194 Rest of the world 2,855 4,441 8,201 7,423 10,968 19,395 4. Exceptional items Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year Half year Year ended ended ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 #'000 #'000 #'000 Restructuring costs: - redundancy 1,278 1,226 2,276 - property 654 1,114 4,736 - other - 225 875 1,932 2,565 7,887 Goodwill impairment - 3,468 35,923 Amounts written off investments - - 1,720 1,932 6,033 45,530 Exceptional restructuring costs relate to a number of restructuring and cost reduction programmes initiated during the period. Goodwill impairment relates to the write down of the carrying value of goodwill held on the Group balance sheet following the directors' impairment review. Amounts written off investments principally relates to a provision to write down shares held by employee benefit trusts to the market value of Incepta Group plc shares as at 28 February 2003. The tax effect of exceptional restructuring costs is a credit of #0.4 million (first half 2002/3: #0.5 million; full year 2002/3: #1.0 million). Cash flow from operating activities includes cash outflows of #2.5 million (first half 2002/3: #1.9 million; full year 2002/3: #5.6 million) in respect of exceptional restructuring costs in the current and prior periods. 5. Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities The tax charge for the half year ended 31 August 2003 has been based on an estimated effective tax rate on profit on ordinary activities (excluding goodwill and exceptional restructuring costs) for the full year of 33% (year ended 28 February 2003: 36%). 6. Earnings per share Earnings per share (EPS) has been calculated using the following: Unaudited Unaudited Audited Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 31 Aug 2003 31 Aug 2002 28 Feb 2003 Weighted Weighted Weighted (Loss)/ average (Loss)/ average (Loss)/ average earnings number of earnings number of earnings number of #'000 shares #'000 shares #'000 shares Basic (272) 135,110,190 105 102,909,537 (35,468) 104,850,229 Diluted (272) 135,110,190** 105 130,761,171 (35,468) 104,850,229** Basic before goodwill and exceptional items 3,961 135,110,190 6,287 102,909,537 10,813 104,850,229 Diluted before goodwill and exceptional items 3,961 159,191,395 6,287 130,761,171 10,813 158,003,656 * In accordance with FRS 14: 'Earnings per share', comparative figures for weighted average number of shares have been adjusted to reflect the impact of the rights issue and share consolidation during the period. ** Because the basic EPS results in a loss per share, FRS 14: 'Earnings per share' requires that the diluted EPS is calculated using the undiluted weighted average number of shares. 7. Intangible fixed assets Goodwill #'000 At 1 March 2003 311,260 Goodwill arising on acquisitions in the period 516 Adjustments in relation to acquisitions in prior years 1,396 Goodwill amortisation (2,661) Foreign exchange movements 1,146 At 31 August 2003 311,657 8. Deferred consideration for acquisitions Acquisitions made by the Group typically involve an earn-out arrangement whereby the consideration payable includes a deferred element that is contingent on the future financial performance of the acquired entity. No material contingent consideration will become payable unless the acquired entity delivers greater revenues or profits during the earn-out period than prior to acquisition. Provisions for liabilities and charges include a provision for deferred consideration for acquisitions of #6.2 million (28 February 2003: #14.5 million) as at 31 August 2003. This represents the directors' best estimate of the amount expected to be payable in cash or loan notes. The estimated value of contingent consideration payable by issue of new ordinary shares in the Company of #3.6 million (28 February 2003: #12.4 million) is included in the balance sheet within equity shareholders' funds. Maturity of estimated deferred consideration for acquisitions Cash or Shares to loan notes be issued #'000 #'000 Within six months 720 - Six to twelve months 376 - Twelve to eighteen months 1,417 1,178 Eighteen to twenty four months - 688 Twenty four to thirty six months 1,056 56 More than thirty six months 2,645 1,666 6,214 3,588 In addition to the above amounts, Creditors falling due within one year and Shares to be issued include consideration for acquisitions of #7.3 million and #9.0 million (28 February 2003: #22.4 million and #18.5 million) respectively in respect of completed earn-out periods for which consideration (payable in either cash, loan notes or by the issue of new shares) has become due but has not yet been settled as at the period end. 9. Interim Report Copies of this Interim Report will be sent to shareholders and are also available from the Company's registered office, 3 London Wall Buildings, London Wall, London EC2M 5SY. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange END IR NKOKQBBDBPKK
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