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VIY Vialogy

0.00 (0.00%)
Last Updated: 00:00:00
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Share Name Share Symbol Market Type Share ISIN Share Description
Vialogy LSE:VIY London Ordinary Share GB0031647653 ORD 0.1P
  Price Change % Change Share Price Shares Traded Last Trade
  0.00 0.00% 0.205 0.00 00:00:00
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Industry Sector Turnover Profit EPS - Basic PE Ratio Market Cap
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- O 0 0.205 GBX

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Posted at 03/7/2014 20:29 by gekko68
The other feeds for share price will work tomorrow. Tough live share price on there own site looks good.
Posted at 28/6/2014 19:24 by gekko68
JSBach123 _ Your logic if a company is of any use it would be snapped up is complete nonsense. Surprised no one is snapping up optare with there share price being at a all time low. Ask your yourself why this company was over subscribed by over %400 & the share price is going up.
Posted at 26/6/2014 10:07 by the prophet
page 26 of ad. document, link in the header, re share consolidation

The Placing and Open Offer are conditional upon the approval and completion of the Proposals, including
the Share Consolidation. The Company's Existing Ordinary Share Capital comprises 2,689,460,366 Existing
Ordinary Shares.
Resolution 4 to be proposed at the General Meeting proposes that every 100 Existing Ordinary Shares of
the Company be consolidated into one New Ordinary Share. Holders of fewer than 100 Existing Ordinary
Shares will not be entitled to receive a New Ordinary Share following the Share Consolidation. Shareholders
with a holding in excess of 100 Existing Ordinary Shares, but which is not exactly divisible by 100, will have
their holding of New Ordinary Shares rounded down to the nearest whole number of New Ordinary Shares
following the Share Consolidation. Fractional entitlements, whether arising from holdings of fewer or more
than 100 Existing Ordinary Shares, will be aggregated and sold in the market and the proceeds will be
retained for the benefit of the Company.
The New Ordinary Shares will continue to carry the same rights as attached to them immediately prior to
the Share Consolidation as set out in the New Articles and will continue to be traded on AIM.
The Company will issue new share certificates to those Shareholders holding shares in certificated form to
take account of the Change of Name and the Share Consolidation. Following the issue of new share
certificates, share certificates in respect of Existing Ordinary Shares will no longer be valid. Shareholders will
still be able to trade in Ordinary Shares during the period between the passing of the Resolutions and the
date on which Shareholders receive new share certificates.
The Deferred Shares will not be affected by the Share Consolidation.
Further details of the Share Consolidation are set out in paragraph 5 of Part IX of this document
Posted at 13/6/2014 21:02 by deepvalueinvestor
The prophet, you certainly got some stick today but the QRI story was compelling and I value your input.I liked the price action this afternoon after unhappy viy holders dumped their shares this morning.I wouldn't be surprised to the share price move up from here. I just hope we get a thoughtful research note so that I can justify adding.
Posted at 13/6/2014 06:36 by jack shit
"The consideration of GBP10.5 million is to be satisfied by the issue of 95,454,545 New Ordinary Shares at a price of 11 pence per share, which equates to a price for the Existing Ordinary Shares of 0.11 pence, representing a 42.1 per cent. discount to the Company's share price of 0.19 pence on 15 April 2014, the date on which trading was temporarily suspended."
Posted at 04/6/2014 08:57 by the prophet

what normally happens in such situations, ie a rto into a shell, is a value is placed on the rto company and the rto company shareholders are either paid in cash or in shares or a combination of both. In addition, if required , and it usually is, further funds are raised to aid the development of the rto company.

wrt VIY, its value is as a shell, its cash and the benefit of a quote. Perhaps around £1.7m, say. It is likely that any potential rto company is not going to place much of a value on VEC, which is understandable given no progress at all since SG was handed the reins.

The future of the share price will depend almost entirely (as I'm more or less dismissing VEC, but still hope AR may extract some value) on the prospects of the new company. That will come down to the directors/management and their past, if any, track record, the prospects for the business of the company etc etc.
In effect it will be like a new company listing, except new co will already have a sizeable body of investors, keen to know what the future holds!

Hope that helps
Posted at 03/6/2014 08:30 by dj trading
Agreed Spec - my valuation is much lower

Let's not forget that an acquired business has owners and they will want to max valuation. Given current and past performance of VEC I don't think much if any value will be attributed to this part of the business so essentially VIY have cash and an AIM listing although perhaps the biggest asset is the shareholder base - but I won't comment on why!!!

I value VIY at cash plus an unknown value for investor hope.

My current estimate of cash is circa £1.2m equivalent to 0.045p/share

The value of the listing might round this to 0.05p

The big unknown is the value of investor hope that Adam can wave his wand or that somebody will buy VEC and whilst this might double or more the cash valuation - I don't think it will hold the price above 0.1p in the longer term. Short term who knows how excited investors will get - might even go up for a month or two or perhaps longer!!

And with the current price just under 0.2p I accept that Mr Market values VEC, Adam and hope at 3* cash and a lot more than me, but then I'm an accountant and I can't value hope but I do recognise it exists!!!

So in summary I think the deal (the important bit) will be done at 0.05p £1.35m valuation of VIY but the share price might end up significantly higher than this.

Anyway as TP says we shall soon see - all speculation until then. Good to observe and learn for future reference though.

Posted at 21/5/2014 23:41 by alimo
Twix - Is QRI/QRD the baby of SG? I'm aware that he was the Tech Director or Officer but the IP and patents were surely always VIYs - now split between VEC and VIY. There are many highly skilled computer whizkids in the world that will understand our tech - our potential customers will know all about it. How long do the patents last? Surely the oil producing cartel can afford to sit this out and grab all for nothing in due course. The large companies can afford to make discoveries as they always have - win some, lose some - the cost of which is all part of the business, and they employ their own teams of geologists who have a vested interest in the status quo. Where we might have gone wrong was when we headed in the direction of the major producers. We should have worked harder with the smaller producers who go ouch when they get a duster, and QRD would have gained a quicker reputation for its quality for the industry if QRD had been measured by many small successes. The share price was also much higher in those days, because news of successes was more frequent. We have been gobbled up, stifled, and spat on by the SMs, who are not really that interested in QRD and their shareholders couldn't care either(they don't even get to know about QRD), so long as the profits keep increasing as the oil price rises keep oiling the gravy train. So whoever made the quantum shift decision to concentrate on Chevron and the other SMs probably are responsible for where we are now. Hind sight is a great thing.

Maybe this is a load of rubbish, but just maybe it explains why no news is coming out of SG, because the SMs are still stringing him along. He needs to tell them to FO and get back to the minnows that can be helped to save on major costs. The SMs just absorb those costs. Wrong strategy has knackered us, but with some hard work for a change QRD can perform. Just maybe SG has become jaded by disappointment, and we need enthusiasts that are paid by performance, and not because they started the dream at NASA but lost their way.
Posted at 15/4/2014 14:37 by pugugly
What odds of any members of ther old BOD keeing their jobs ??

[imo] Going by their school reports (i.e. - The VIY share price) should be very long odds -
Posted at 29/3/2014 08:43 by twix386
Come on Ngen you can tell us. You've been regularly surprised here for as long as I can remember you posting. LOL

Surely one day, now that we have installed AR, we will finally get some good share price enhancing news, followed by more and the share price will rocket 100%+ and we'll be back to 4p - umm I mean 0.4p ;-)

imv, there's still one whiff of the stale smell left and that's SG himself.
Yes, we probably need him for VEC, but I am not convinced he's irreplaceable nowadays. I am convinced he's been greedy in terms of his remuneration for a decade of commercial failure with a company trying to break into the market whilst generating virtually no revenue yet demanding a big paycheck, a tie-in fee and options galore, all for eventually delivering a bankrupt restructuring and of course SG's still very much on the VIY options trail in addition to his VEC holding.

If VEC fails and AR succeeds, then SG will have been well paid by us for years and still have millions of VIY options. Not too bad for otherwise delivering destruction to shareholder value, only to piggy-back off AR's reinvented wheel via his options.
SG has to deliver or face real accountability and at last he is in a position where that is the case. At long long long last imho!

SG needs managing imv or he promises the Earth, yet he and the now discredited BOD have not been capable to commecialise QRI in any form or application in over a decade.

How do people who don't want to even hear criticism sleep at night? i.e. F11 - who appears now to have short-circuited at the realisation there were infact no limits to the number of buying opportunities, other than his bank balance!
I am mystified why there hasn't been more dissatisfaction expressed with SG when he's had no qualms to take the sizeable rewards well before it's earnt. Had he delivered, all would have been forgiven, but instead to date, it simply leaves a stale whiff hanging in the air as we all hope for the best re VEC and fear the usual anti-climax, delays and disappointment!
Vialogy share price data is direct from the London Stock Exchange

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