Goatherd, I understand perfectly, just tend to draw the line at about 6 billion ! That's plenty !
If you've done the sums it must be alright ! |
I do genuinely wonder if you have considered if you may have ever made a mistake, goatherd. |
You are all being far too gloomy. If you don't realise dilution is inevitable with small miners you really should not invest in them.
Remember Harry has a lot of these shares - probably more than any of us. In his own interest he is not going to do the company and its shareholders down.
I believe these shares will be over 10p within two or three years. And I have the figures to show that. |
I wondered if a placing was the only route to accomodating an insti before the re-rate, i don't know if this is such, inc re Safaya who the fk are they, or any other party,i mean no big fish can buy atm without chasing the share price up |
Allesandro27 Nov '24 - 09:23 danmart,kefi are soon to get a stack of cash (possibly more than current MCAP) from a local listing in Ethiopia,and the huge sums from the two funding banks at TK.This is perhaps the only time i been confident they will not do a placing
Can I get an apology?
I warned you there was a placing coming, I warned you there was numerous red flags
The red flags remain, this is not a sound investment |
I did warn all you idiots, I haven't created this list for nothing, it's to try and prevent boiling frog syndrome.
Funding to be signed by:- October 2020 No before Christmas 2020 PLACING A few more weeks, NOTHING will stop it happening by 31st March 2021 No June 2021 No July 2021 October 2021 Q4 2021 Christmas 2021 PLACING Anytime between Feb -May 2022 PLACING full funding by June 2022 October 2022 construction will start Mid November financial plan 2022 no now it's December 2022 No A month or so (may 23) PLACING No A few more months Q4 2023 End of the year Some time in 2024 No it's H1 2024 PLACING No Mid 2024 No October 2024 More Shares Issued No Q4 2024 PLACING No early 2025
Now do you all finally get it? I can show you miners that have revenue that exceeds that of what your fat Harry is alluding to, and they have no where near the valuations you lot put on this, on financial completion. Well for a start there is no financial completion. There never was one, there'll never be one. |
Funding to be signed by:- October 2020 No before Christmas 2020 PLACING A few more weeks, NOTHING will stop it happening by 31st March 2021 No June 2021 No July 2021 October 2021 Q4 2021 Christmas 2021 PLACING Anytime between Feb -May 2022 PLACING full funding by June 2022 October 2022 construction will start Mid November financial plan 2022 no now it's December 2022 No A month or so (may 23) PLACING No A few more months Q4 2023 End of the year Some time in 2024 No it's H1 2024 PLACING No Mid 2024 No October 2024 More Shares Issued No Q4 2024 PLACING No early 2025
You will lose all your money before you finally get it!!! |
TW appears to have been treated as HA's useful idiot. He's been made to look a fool punting KEFI and I wouldn't blame him for ranting about HA who's managed to use him to pump the company.
The share price will fall below the 0.55p offer price so can't see private investors being interested in taking up additional shares, especially as it can be plainly seen how HA has once again sh@t on long term shareholders. Thanks HA !
An expensive mistake but luckily one of my smaller investments and around this price. Just expecting the drop tomorrow and for a few days/weeks. Unfortunately I could have used this money so much better. |
I'm sorry but the man is uninvestable. He and John were the reason EMED almost failed. A decent manager and it delivers, but these two.
So they sold down Saudi (the best of their assets IMO) as they couldn't afford the funding. Have now just 15% which might well be less than 15% by the time anyone buys it. They didn't raise 3 weeks ago because the equity was so poorly and Kefi. Really.
I listened to TW and there are so many, if A happens and B happens and C happens then it's riches for all. History dear boy. History.
Anyhow, it's Ethiopia, what could go wrong! |
I won’t bother paying £1.99 to listen to someone, apparently, exclaim their surprise that a serial money raiser/share issuer has raised some money/issued shares. Seriously? Why is ANYONE surprised? It won’t be the last. Don’t get “surprisedR21; again. |
aka 'reading the room'
Barry Evans 29 Nov '24 - 08:44 - 6788 of 6823 0 2 0 Oh dear, I note the Telegram boys have turned up on the other thread.
A trading opportunity/exit point for a few of you, if you can get the timing right, imo. |
He lied to us all is the bottom line. |
TW scathing of Adams, worth a listen for £1.99. |
What's the difference between project launch and full project launch?ROFLMFAO!! |
"jaylett 13 Nov '24 - 09:42 - 6678 of 6820
There is little satisfaction in some people finally seeing the light. Even those who would immediately filter or slag off anyone who pointed out the blatantly obvious.
Next stop is another massive dilution exercise, to 'clear the financial situation ready for the launch of TK'. Again. For the third or fourth time." |
How many times can this same record be played? How many funding packages to support the launch of TK have there been now? How can anyone believe a word that duplicitous oaf says?
Rob there is no 'deal'. It's just the same, tired old long con. A billion more shares at a big discount, to be flipped into the market while the saga continues. It's all a big lie. And you'll be here in 12 months and you'll hear the exact same story. |
He's done it again.UnbelievableWell done all those who kept saying it was coming, you were correct. |
 “to fund closing costs and final preparations for project launch at Tulu Kapi, with full project launch expected in early 2025.”
“Safaya Investment In Commercial Enterprises & Management Co. L.L.C”
“Participants in the Capital Raise include long-standing UK Shareholders along with new institutional and other investors from Europe and the Middle East.”
"KEFI is pleased to have secured this international funding package to underpin the launch of Major Works at the Tulu Kapi gold project which are expected to commence in early 2025. We have at the same time provided a mechanism for existing Shareholders to participate.
"We also expect this capital raise will facilitate the granting of additional long-targeted licences in Ethiopia, which we believe will be complementary to operations and the value proposition of Tulu Kapi."
So who are Safaya? Who are the new institutional investors? Where are the long-targeted linences in Ethiopia? Come on Harry if you are offering a deal to existing shareholders tell us what the situation is. |
nice timing with the Demissie court case kicking off later this week |
Every time the share price approaches .7p there is a raise. I FOR ONE WONT BE PARTICIPATING - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. And he worries that the market has not been kind to the share price - I wonder why? |