Nat Gas flying boosted further by Russian cuts . Surprised this isn't already well passed 300 |
Least we forget our Kan field which we own 70%.
It is located in 50 metres of water, was drilled to a total measured depth of 3,317 metres and encountered more than 170 metres of net pay. The well was subsequently side tracked up-dip and c. 250 metres of core was recovered. Estimate say it may hold between 200-300 million barrels of oil .
We started drilling an appraisal well in August and were still appraising in aNovember so should be good news plus we have started recruiting for this field as well. |
 So some very positive new from the Mexican government regarding Pemex. They are in the market to do deals and in a rush to do them.
So perhaps the picture is clearing a bit with our hero Slim. Heres how the story goes.
Slim spent over 1$ billion dollars in the Mexican oil industry last year. He owns 24% of Talos who are partners with us in Mexico. There was a poison pen strategy to stop Slim taking over the company but that ceased in December 2024 after agreement with Talos for him not to hold over 25% of the Talos. Its very clear now that we won’t be buying Talos.
Part of the above deal was for Slim to buy more of Talos Mexico (who are our partner in our Zama field) and he now owns 80$ of Talos Mexico.
So, Slim owns 80% of Talos Mexico which owns 17.4% of Zama. He also owns 5% of Harbour Energy who own 32% of Zama. He directly owns roughly about 17% of Zama.
Keep up at the back……….
So we have Pemex who have a greatly reduced budget to invest this year, Slim who has lots of money to invest and a Mexican government very keen to get crackin with a FEED which Im pretty confident is already sorted.
Then you have Harbour Energy who are very busy recruiting in Mexico and here are just a few of their current vacancies…R30;
Senior Reservoir engineer, Pipeline Engineer, Project Integration Geomodeller, Reservoir Engineer, Senior Production Engineer, Sr. Process & Flow Assurance Engineer, Sr. Reservoir Engineer, Supply Chain Manager, Permitting Specialist Controller, Cost Controller, Human Resources Specialist.
Any thoughts ? |
Yeah but he's calling to the Labour government who are more incompetent than the Conservatives. Nevertheless, it does look like we have broken out to the blue. I said a while back that there is corporate action in play here (lots of small things I've noticed 2+2=5 probably). If an announcement is made, it'll be in the weeks following the next FY TS. |
Trump effect :-) |
 Post from lse bb today:
Neversellshell22 Posted in: HBR Posts: 3,557 Price: 255.40 No Opinion Today 07:59
Less profitable North Sea fields being sold.
Appraisal well in Skarv field confirms discovery in Norwegian Sea.
Gilderoy and Jocelyn discoveries in North Sea.
Talbot gas field commenced production end of November.
Successful appraisal at Sabina discovery.
Maria Phase 2 start up to commence production in 2025
3 new wells on stream this quarter, Njord, Amanda and Gt Brittania area.
Drilling rig in Norway booked until 2028 showing long term commitment.
Successful Multi-well exploration and appraisal campaign completed at Andaman
Extra Andaman blocks issued to Harbour and Mubadala potentially 100m oil & 500b gas
Fenix Argentina started production 2 months early. 70,000 boe/d capacity
Gas export agreement signed in Argentina.
Drilling at 2 undeveloped gas fields in Regane Nord Algeria to commence in 2025
2 rigs working at undeveloped gas fields in Algeria from 2025
New Tuna partner (Indonesia) expected soon leading to quick FID.
Harbour plans big expansion plans in Egypt.
Kan appraisal completed. 70% Harbour owned
Zama FEED due for competition very soon.. 32% Harbour.
Polok and Chinwol feeds commenced.
Very positive noises from Mexico regarding speedy development of Zama.
Carlos Slim increases stake by 6 million shares & increases stake in Talos Energy again
Harbour & others receive 243$ million for Carbon Capture & storage Project.
Industry leading emissions intensity
Unit Opex 13-14$
Revenue to September 3.1$ Billion.
Fantastic refinancing 700$ million @ 3.8% till 2029, 900$ Million @4.3% till 2032
Credit rating now investment Grade.
Bank of America confirms Harbour top oil pick for them. Wonder why?
New COO Joined company in January.
Full year free cash flow 300$ million after divs etc
Future Dividend conformed at 455$ million, an 8% increase
Great 85p Gas and 78$ Oil hedges in 2025
Gas at yearly high of 124p
Production currently over 500k bopd equivalent
2025 Free Cash Flow huge increase on 2024
Next update 23rd January
Latest presentation provided…. |
Brazil nut LoL 🤡 |
You never answered my question |
The analysis done by David Turver on Substack is proof that Renewable Energy is vastly more expensive than oil and gas and that it is completely uneconomic without receiving the vast subsidies that cost UK taxpayers and UK industry billions of pounds in wasted expense every year.
Eventually the UK will have to face the economic reality of this huge Renewable Energy scam and return to the only available sources of energy that are economic and efficient. And that is hydrocarbons and nuclear.
If this economic reality is not faced, the UK economy will continue to stagnate and eventually collapse through excessive “green” energy costs and excessive taxation.
There is nothing to be gained from virtue signalling to the rest of the world about how “green” the UK is, if the economy is stagnating and eventually collapsing.
China and India and the rest of the world must be laughing as the UK intentionally destroys its own economy. |
A simple takeover would be good. BP/Shell/others will be tempted. |
Hoping for some juicy dividends in 2025 that hopefully will support the share price. |
Upstream 24 December 2024
Harbour makes second UK North Sea discovery of 2024
Operators have made four discoveries in the UK North Sea in 2024, despite exploration drilling slowing in recent years
Harbour Energy has made a gas condensate find at its Jocelyn South exploration well in its UK North Sea production hub J-Area, the operator’s second hydrocarbons discovery in the region this year.
The operator announced plans in August this year to drill the well in its Block 30/07a, located in the central North Sea.
Partner Ithaca Energy told investors on Tuesday that gas condensate was encountered in the Joanne sandstone reservoir, with a provisional net pay thickness in the well of 434 feet, measured depth. |
Please tell us the terrible decision with financial metrics to back it up. |
 Norway Awards Equinor, Harbour Energy and Aker BP New CO2 Storage Permits
Norway has granted two new offshore areas to oil and gas companies for the potential storage of CO2.
Harbour Energy and Equinor have been awarded Block EXL012 in the North Sea, while Equinor and Aker BP have received Block EXL013, also situated in the North Sea, with Equinor serving as the operator for both blocks.
These awards mark the seventh instance where acreage has been allocated for CO2 storage purposes in Norway, bringing the total number of CO2 storage permits to twelve.
Notably, all three companies involved – Harbour Energy, Equinor, and Aker BP – already possess ownership stakes in previously granted CO2 storage licenses within the country.
Equinor recently commenced drilling the initial well of two planned carbon capture and storage wells at its fully-owned offshore license, EXL002, situated at the Smeaheia/CO2 Highway Europe project.
The drilling operations are being conducted using the Deepsea Stavanger, a semi-submersible rig owned by Odfjell Drilling. According to Odfjell, the primary objective of this well is to gather crucial data and insights to enhance the understanding of the reservoir for future carbon capture and storage wells.
The two newly awarded permits are subject to a binding work program with established milestones. This framework aims to ensure efficient progress and includes a provision for relinquishment of the acreage if the licensees fail to complete the planned storage project.
Norway’s Minister of Energy, Terje Aasland, commented: “These exploration licences are offered to companies that have presented good plans for the development of CO2 storage.”
“A number of players in the industry have shown interest in new storage areas. This makes me optimistic about further progress in the work to make CO2 storage part of the solution to the world’s climate challenge.” |
I don't think so - more a function of fall in markets generally. |
I hope not - $2.7bn of debt not good. Be far better for Harbour to look to the many other value assets out there. |
Rumour of HBR vs KOS. hxxps:// |
Seasonal fluctuations |
 Carlos Slim increases share in Mexico's Zama offshore field
Mexican business mogul Carlos Slim has raised his stake in oil and gas company Talos Mexico to 80%, increasing control over the promising Zama offshore discovery.
Houston-based Talos Energy discovered Zama in 2017. Its subsidiary Talos Mexico has a 17.4% stake in the field.
At 180,000b/d, Zama's expected peak production will represent about 10% of Mexico's oil output.
Slim, a strong supporter of the energy nationalism of the Mexican government, acquired a 49.9% stake in Talos Mexico in 2023 via his Zamajal venture.
In recent years, his conglomerate Grupo Carso has invested heavily in the country's oil and gas sector.
In a press release on Tuesday, Talos Energy said Zamajal will pay US$49.7mn for an additional 30.1% of its Mexican subsidiary, with US$33mn to follow on first production from Zama.
Zamajal is 90% owned by Grupo Carso and 10% by Slim's holding company Control Empresarial, which also holds about 24% of Talos Energy.
Zamajal paid US$125mn for the original 49.9% share in Talos Mexico, including US$49.9mn on first production from Zama.
Talos Energy will hold the remaining 20% of Talos Mexico.
The transaction marks the latest chapter in a saga that began in 2017 when Talos discovered the Zama offshore field in shallow waters off the coast of Tabasco.
Zama contains an estimated 750 million barrels oil equivalent and is seen as crucial to maintaining Mexico's oil production at current levels.
In a highly contentious ruling in 2021, Mexico's energy ministry named national oil company Pemex as operator of the field.
Pemex has 50.4% of Zama while UK-based Harbour Energy holds the remaining 32.2%.
Front-end engineering design (FEED) work at Zama began in mid-2024.
A final investment decision that was expected this year has not yet materialized, reportedly because of differences between the partners.
Gustavo Baquero, Harbour Energy's Mexico head, said in November that he expects an FID at Zama in 2025. |