Stating the obvious but Foresight and FGEN are 2 completely separate companies. Foresight probably have a few shares in FGEN but they don't make the major shareholders list. |
Does FGEN count as independent? :) |
Assume the Foresight LLP HEIT bid (which seems too high to me) will be funded by Foresight funds that aren't independent ITs - but don't know for sure. |
@fordtin guess the hydrogen debacle is still hanging over them despite the share price drop more than compensating for that. I see today they've done a transaction to combine their biomethane gas co CNG with a Dutch company. CNG has been a good investment and is now growing nicely and throwing off cash but they've already sold part of it previously and I do wonder whether this will see it completely sold in due course. Then we have Foresight LLP putting in a bid for HEIT which im surmising will be part funded by the various trusts so that may weigh on sp? |
FGEN still unloved despite other renewables showing signs they might've sprouted a few green shoots of recovery.
When they changed the ticker from JLEN, they were trading at roughly the same share price as FSFL. |
Only got 50m ish to play with if it was fully subscribed. They can target upto 5 assets at once. Hopefully once they show their hand might jack up sp's but they don't have the firepower to take any of them out. |
Achilles lists tomorrow, they don't have a lot to play with but it may not take much to move their targets.
"....Plans to target some of the more egregious discount opportunities in the alternative assets sectors (things like property, infrastructure, renewables, and perhaps also private equity)..."
My money's on renewables - and talking book, FGEN a possible target.
Be interesting to see who they go for. Not perma-discounts, not anything too massive, and not something that's already looking at self-help or wind-up.
Someone needs to bump a few of the solar ITs together - BSIF, NESF, FSFL - but I fancy them tackling an FGEN or TRIG. |
Green hydrogen investment enters administration:
· The value (equivalent to 2.6% in NAV) of the Company's green hydrogen investment (HH2E AG) has been written down in full after failing to secure funding and entering administration, see Half-year Report 2024 for more information |
Didn’t FGEN write that down to zero? Does this mean some value will be realised after all? |
Talking of HH2E looking like some type of binding offer is being accepted and will be signed by end of February . |
I rather like the diversification of the fish farm (and the cannabis farm lol). They are what, about 8% of the portfolio? I'm not sure how they end up in a renewables trust but at least its not all about power prices. Both on track unless I've missed something. |
Fish farm is RAS standard method of operation nothing new to trip them up,full production this year total invested £40m dont think its another flop there is an end market offtake agreement unlike HH2E . |
double post |
Reasonable NAV update with small decline although mainly swings and roundabouts. This is another renewable IT where the operational performance of the assets weighs isn't as forecast with unexpected outages and now it seems the wind is blowing as much as forecast either. Some of this offset by changes to long term power price (this should help its peers but UKW tumbles by the day!). Some fish have been harvested from Rjukan as part of the buildout but no detail about the long term prognosis there. CNG goes from strength to strength shame they sold out such a big percentage. Anyhow remain confident divi will be covered.
Not in here that fish farm spooks me its not quite the hydrogen debacle but i can see it being written down in 12-18mths. |
It feels like there should be an easy +10% here. The 11% yield is well above the other diversified renewables trusts like orit and dore. |
Lol @MRF. Again - Tice/Reform's plan to bury all new transmission cables will hugely increase peoples bills. That's what's tiny minded.
FGEN RNS reads pretty well this morning. |
I'm more than certain that the unfortunate souls that still live in the UK and have to deal with the consequences and actions of this government are suffering greatly on a daily basis, having to choose between such things as heating or eating.However my above remarks would seem to have no bearing on a well managed and diversified Trust ie FGEN.Trust, no pun intended, is what private investors place in a Company when they invest, personally right now my trust in the company remains intact! |
You people live in an alternate universe. Your tiny selfish minds don't seem to understand that there are literally millions of people in the uk who can't afford to switch their heating on. Manufacturing businesses are shutting up shop everywhere that cannot operate in an environment of the most expensive energy in the developed world. These people have had enough and will show it at the next election. |
I also expect that by the next general election, global warming will be even higher on the populations agenda, Trump would have ended his stint as President and the worlds focus on net zero will have ramped up considerably. |
Surely you must be buying infra as a type of gilt they do seem to follow gilt prices albeit with a much higher yield and with the chance of a takeout at NAV like BBGI . What is not to like I would say selling at these low prices is not how I would run my portfolio. |
That policy is likley to lose them more votes than gain, though I do expect they will make huge gains in Wales where the labour government have lost the plot with their war against motorists and their below par record on the economy and NHS services. |
@MRF very droll you sell a sustainable centric investment because its unsustainable!! |
MRF, just watched the Reform vid and bill payers are being screwed. |
I've sold out for a small loss. It is becoming increasingly clear that these investments that target net zero ideals are, by and large, unsustainable upon the wider population. The reform party has set out its plans for this industry, and it it patently clear that there must be a complete sea change in the way our government has been funding and helping this sector. This madness has to stop! |