When the NHS comes to nothing they'll start spouting about India again and so it continues, the merry go round of bullsh1t to keep them all in highly paid jobs where they work from home with very little to do. |
I too was surprised by the lack of mention of India. I suppose the fact that revenues were flat means that India is not the engine we had hoped. |
Also found out that the ERF rewards trusts that operate above agreed activity levels.
So that’s a can of worms if ever I saw one. |
The actual news thats important will be confirmation that the ERF fund will renew in March and into the future.
If trusts don’t know well in advance, then how the hell can they plan?
There’s been 3 years to get it working, so who is responsible for turning it into a sensible 3+ year rolling fund?
You can’t run any business with the current arrangement of annual late renewals, let alone the NHS.
The fund was a Covid recovery fund intended to help speed up NHS recovery.
It appears from a bit of digging that its not entirely without controversy, which maybe why its not a multi-year committment.
The other obstacle is still manpower, which would need to be rearranged from whatever is happening at the moment, to use Bleepa.
ie. A trust will have to change.
If anyone has any interest left here, its worth reading up about the ERF. |
The problem they've got now, is if trust managers start looking at the credibility of the company. Perhaps they already have. |
At 20p “never a better time to invest”. The bull’ continues at pace. Lol. |
Sounds like Elizabeth Holmes has designed that from prison.
That was a bit obtuse - refers to this: |
Interesting 'X' post this morning.
Imagine a world where your smartphone isn't just for doom-scrolling through social media or capturing questionable selfies but where it can also play doctor.
Grok can now give you the lowdown like it's been to medical school.
"You can upload anything from a phone picture of your blood test results to an MRI or X-Ray and Grok will analyze it for you."
Grok's analysis won't just tell you, "Yep, that's an MRI," or "Those numbers look... numbery."
It'll dive deep, offering insights from spotting peculiarities in your blood work to interpreting those shadowy blobs on your X-rays.
Now, while Grok isn't a real doctor, it's pretty adept at providing initial interpretations.
It could point out if your cholesterol levels are on a joyride or if there's something unusual lurking in your MRI that might warrant a follow-up with an actual medical professional. |
Gold awards? |
Will we be able to use that, as I’ve been holding my breath for a few years now? |
Digital breathlessness pathway shortlisted for 2025 HSJ Partnership Awards |
I hear you yump. Any shareholders made any gains this week? lol. You'll be pleased to know your CEO has pocketed £3k for working from home. Not a bad rate for changing nappies. |
A bit o/t but all the grand plans and money being thrown at the NHS seem a bit pointless, when nearly everyone you talk to has experienced silly or badly managed processes, that have wasted not only their own time, but clinicians, admin staff and doctors time as well.
Multiply that up nationally and it must be shocking.
We need some serious Kaisan strategy.
My social group could come up with a few things that would cost nothing, just based on our experiences.
If your production line seems a bit slow of is giving erratic results, you don’t just buy a new one. You get a process engineer to go through each stage in detail to optimise it.
Plus, and I don’t care if this offends anyone: obesity caused by someone’s own lack of discipline, is a Darwinian process. They should be at the end of the queue with a load of other people with self-inflicted problems. |
Unfortunately, I’ve just finished reading “Vassal state - how America runs Britain”, which I can’t reccommend as it would get people into the same mood as I’ve been in for a while :-/
Everyone expects the government to “do something” about low pay, jobs etc, but we’ve individually been responsible for shafting ourselves. |
Love it when someone gives every post the thumbs down, lol. It's good to know someone is reading them. Would be great if they could challenge. |
Thanks for the reminder Ged. Tip of the iceberg that. "exuberance"!? Nicely put. I can think of more accurate descriptions. Over the years they have swung from NHS the way forward, to India and back to the NHS. The only thing that has significantly increased is the payroll. Either Mitty is going to pull a rabbit out of the hat or this will go down as one of the most astonishing heists in AIM history. |
 I like your enthusiasm James, but several holders here were also here just over three years ago to hear TO say this:-
"well we are addressing a total available market in excess of 10 Billion globally, I think that the CDC opportunity is a total addressable market of about 93 Million, here within UK, so a sizable figure, especially considering we are now live with the exemplar site right at the front runner of that, we are … very well positioned for it, and in India with the TB opportunity is enormous"
You can read the full transcript in the Sunday Roast given to us by a past poster, Ragnarr. Hope he's doing OK, not heard from him for a long time.
There have also been other pieces of over exuberance notably before a fundraise. Some have reduced over the years, in my case quite considerably, because of the false dawns. So forgive us for not being taken in by this latest spiel.
I really do hope this comes good but until the contracts start flowing in then I'm afraid this is just a hold for me. But I hope you do well with it.
By the way 40+m mkt cap equates to 91p + share price Pedantics I know.
Good grief, Yump I thought I was pessimistic about FDBK. You take it to a different level! |
Do you hold, Yump? |
My finger in the air random prediction comes up with another raise at 10p, in a years time.
Thats my most optimistic forecast.
It is of course possible that FDBK will get a paid contract for setting up some pilots in pursuit of the theoretical utopian NHS new operational model.
Around £20mln would go some way to at least break even on the various raises in the last few years. |
My finger in the air random prediction comes up with another raise at 10p, in a years time. |
All of the major holders backed the management.
Predict a £40+m MC by June 2025. +100p per share. |