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ENN Ennstone

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Ennstone Investors - ENN

Ennstone Investors - ENN

Share Name Share Symbol Market Stock Type
Ennstone ENN London Ordinary Share
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0.00 0.00% 1.15 00:00:00
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Posted at 17/3/2009 07:38 by nod
Investors' protection comes from the FSA and the London Stock Exchange.
Posted at 16/3/2009 20:08 by roadwalker
I think Bull_Mega there is a problem with sour grapes here on your behalf. I to have lost a fortune on this Stock but at the end of the day you invest after your own research and if at any time it goes into receivership or winds up then you lose out.

Its the old addage, don't invest unless you are prepared to lose your initial investment.

Of course I am extremely upset by the way this Company has acted especially with its investors and they should be reprimanded for their behaviour but we all know this is not going to happen.

Life goes on and I expect to recoup my losses elsewhere, hopefully----- especially as my other half is up my backside too do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted at 14/3/2009 20:00 by bull_mega
Why government is not giving security to investors capital when company's share suspended and company gone in to liquidation,administration or nationalised ????When depositor in banks & building society have been given guaranty ???? We have taken risk and invested in good faith to various industry. In case of total lose of capital on event like above government should give compensation i.e price at the time of suspension or par value of share or last six moths top price. We all must demand compensation form government or company administrators. Government has given billions to banks,government also collecting billions on taxes from the businesses and investors are the key and life line to businesses and must be given compensation .To fight recession one more positive action needed from government,we need to take it our lose seriously and start action. In last sixmonths this is second one i have lost total invested capital and its not excepted.We pay the tax and invest and we should be protected. We must contact all our local MP and others on our lose and go nationally for protest.And demand compensation.
Posted at 12/3/2009 03:04 by whyme
Sounds to me like a pre-pack
Leaving all parties in a state of flux and holding losses
these things should be looked at as ceditors are investors
as well trying to support their companies and suppliers too
think of their employees too.
Posted at 11/3/2009 11:29 by roadwalker
Bull_Mega, you are so right in your thoughts. Having lost my investment too it ceases to amaze me that one day they have gone and the next resurected under a different name. I am pleased for the employess still having their jobs, but Management and Directors have a lot to answer for who in turn have shafted the investors over a long period of time. In addition they have not had the decency to send out a letter to former investors expaining the current position. Ah well another bad investment under the table.
Posted at 11/3/2009 08:37 by bull_mega
What was the value paid by Breedon Holding Ltd ???? If they have taken liabilities of employees why the deal is with out giving any share in new company to existing holders???? If they struck the deal at last minute at what price level deal was ??? Did they put the business for sale at this price level to the market ??? Over the years company has value and that because of investor and share holders and they get financing all this years, this kind of crooks should not be allowed to the stock market and new company should not be allowed in any stage to come to the market to raise funds after all they con the investor by lies and frauds.Kept on saying company has offer and possible sale for months & months share traded under take over code why ????
Posted at 10/3/2009 15:12 by bull_mega
I think its a fraud business and fraud has taken place at big scale, we need to take them all responsible to court, all action taken with out shareholders permit ion or vote , ex chairman taken loan from bank against is shareholdings just weeks ago , shareholders (investor ) has been treated as a scum or sullm dog. We must take them to the court and any proceeding of sale must be share with investor in ratio , its a disaster of democracy and communist country law can not be imposed on investors of enn.We need immediate action and take court injunction of any further move of money or transaction . Is their any one who can take up challenge and take court action strait away. Fraud case in UK court & in European court is required.
Posted at 09/1/2009 11:13 by bull_mega
Phbatbjco what's the bottom line of your research ??? Now its good time for investment or not??? I believe restructuring may happened on shares and as you say 4x1 and reduce number of shares and make it more solid than more liquid stock, mean while price of share price will going up and up till its gives comfort level to lenders and past investors.
Posted at 05/1/2009 11:02 by nod
I would have thought that the appointment of Julian Cooper as Chairman was a very positive sign that Ennstone is not going under in the near term.

Cooper is a partner in turnaround specialist MPC.

MPC Partners is a long established restructuring firm whose partners have a wealth of experience resolving corporate distress.

We work with companies facing substantial financial or operational issues and provide a range of management and advisory services to assist key stakeholders fix major problems.

We are appointed by creditors, equity investors and companies. The scope of our work covers financial restructuring, operational turnaround, and asset management.
Posted at 13/10/2008 16:14 by miss bossy boots
Take a look at Guinness Peat Group plc's website, maybe they have something to offer Ennstone behind the scenes and they will survive and prosper.

This is part of their INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY
GPG makes selective investments, predominantly in public companies, for the purpose of enhancing and realising value by means of appropriate levels of shareholder influence and control. This could involve the restructuring of the financing or management of the companies in which GPG invests. GPG's role may also encompass initiating and facilitating mergers within the relevant industry to achieve constructive rationalisation. In general, this active involvement is outside the scope of most institutional investors.

No equity investment is made without exhaustive research and unless it is possible to form a robust view of a stock's medium-term prospects. GPG refrains from investing in businesses which it does not understand or those it regards as speculative. This has led it to invest almost exclusively in established companies with a long track record.

The Group can be affected by market price movements on its equity investments. Since it generally invests for the medium or long term, the Board does not believe it is economic or necessary to hedge market price risk, which in any event it considers to be a relatively short-term factor. No significant equity investment is made unless a margin of safety has been identified. Exposure to market price movements is further mitigated through holding a spread of investments, diversified across a range of sectors and.....