Share Name | Share Symbol | Market | Stock Type |
Capital Ideas | CAPT | London | Ordinary Share |
Open Price | Low Price | High Price | Close Price | Previous Close |
0.055 | 0.055 |
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Posted at 26/3/2010 12:48 by dell314 "....It's my understanding from the recent Investors Chronicle article (it's not available online) that the "Capital Alternatives" product is marketed by a company by the name of Capital Alternatives Limited, which is not owned by Capital Ideas (it doesn't appear on the liquidator's report)".Cheers for that Jak. So it would appear that most of the useful assets/businesses have been stripped out at an earlier time. I wonder who the directors of Capital Alternatives Limited happen to be...... Have you received any annual/interim reports since CAPT delisted that gave any indication what they were up to? Yes, I'd appreciate a copy of that IC article when you have a free moment. Rgds dell |
Posted at 25/3/2010 11:13 by dell314 egoi - That's very disturbing!I see that the webpages are dated 2010, so either that was a last ditch revamp prior to Capital Ideas insolvency, or indicates that all the assets have been stripped out of the PLC, leaving shareholders with squat whilst all the trading businesses continue...... topvest - What post are you receiving and when, as I don't think I've had any junk mail for at least 6 months from them (although I can't remember if they have my current address, or whether what I was getting was forwarded from an old one). Anyone know if Bedford Row PLC is linked as they appear to hold a lot of the same "turned around" (cough, splutter!) junk holdings that CAPT held? Rgds dell All IMHO, DYOR etc. |
Posted at 23/3/2010 08:40 by dell314 Jak - Thanks for that. I haven't read it yet but "The Statement of Affairs shows that only 7k is expected to be realised from the disposal of assets" seems rather out of kilter with their previous valuations of their assets before CAPT delisted!!Presumably, those disposals will be to related parties, who've already set up Newcos to get going on their next ventures....... I'll read the document later. Rgds dell |
Posted at 03/3/2010 10:17 by dell314 Hmmm, IIRC, wasn't Haddow the main creditor here? Presumably, directors have decided to take the bits they fancy and stiff all the other shareholders in the process...Anyone know if the seminars posted by Egoi are still going ahead? It would be good to have someone familiar with the exploits of Haddow, Moore et al present to inform any other attendees about the current status of all the companies that the presenters proudly link themselves to (I think only one of them is still trading but I could be wrong). I can't imagine Renwick's run in with the FSA will be too heavily featured in the presentations, either! Is anyone able to upload the letter about CAPT administration here? Rgds dell All IMHO, DYOR etc. |
Posted at 30/1/2009 10:44 by mattrix1 I don't find the desision too surprising after reading why they want to de list. It must have been years since Capt have raised any money through Aim..they seem self sufficient now and could probably make better deals as a private company.If you dont hold it might be worth buying a small amount and see what happens..Capt seems to be expanding quickly and are making profit..if they pick up an excellent valuation when private..Im sure the company will buy back a small amount of shares in the future. edit Oh sh*t look at the graph!! |
Posted at 30/1/2009 10:33 by mattrix1 egoi..That's a hard call, I still hold some and may have to phone the company to find out more info. Holding may not be a bad thing for shareholders..I imagine capt must feel the company is undervalued and when they raise money/pre ipo for their distressed companies they normally fetch a price tag of 3mil to 10 mil.I wonder who would value capt as a private company and would it be worth the same as all the other companies it has promoted in the past. If this is the case then you could do well if your able to sell after de listing. How much was Turnaround Capital plc Valued at and that will give you an idea! Capital ideas should be worth much more due to it's other divisions. |
Posted at 27/10/2008 07:51 by treacle28 Capital Ideas Final ResultsRNS Number : 6926G Capital Ideas PLC 27 October 2008 CAPITAL IDEAS PLC Statement of results for the year ended 30 April 2008 Capital Ideas PLC ("the Company"), a holding company with a number of subsidiaries ("the Group") which is focused on developing a database marketing business report their financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2008. Highlights * Turnover increased by 250 per cent. to £1.763 million (2007: £0.503 million) * Operating Profit before impairment increased by 133 per cent. to £1.055 million (2007: £0.452 million) * Management has delivered such growth through the sale of investments and establishing Capital Ideas Financial Publishing Limited in April 2008 with the aim of diversifying its income streams and improving the quality of its earnings * Management team broadened and strengthened by the appointment of Stuart Kinner and Grant Jones as directors of Capital Ideas PLC. Commenting on the result, Stuart Kinner, Chairman of Capital Ideas PLC, said: "The board is very pleased with progress in the past financial year and the current financial year has started strongly. The Company has reshaped itself from focusing purely on investing in turnaround opportunities to becoming a more diversified group. The strategy is to acquire majority interests in companies that meet with the management's expertise and integrate them within the Group to benefit from synergies. The first such acquisition involved the creation of Capital Ideas Financial Publishing Ltd and the subsequent purchase of a financial publication business. The Company has also launched 'Room to Invest', a hotel room investment company, which we are expecting to be a major contributor to profits going forward. The Company continues to search for other businesses that meet the board's criteria." Chairman's Statement I am pleased to announce that for the twelve months to 30 April 2008, the Company achieved a profit before tax of £639,000 (2007: £361,000). This represents an increase of 77% on last year. Earnings per ordinary 0.1p share was 0.16p (2007: 0.13p). Net assets have grown by 194% from £692,000 to £2,034,000, resulting in an increase in net asset value (NAV) per ordinary 0.1p share from 0.29p to 0.71p. Operating Review The Company has previously focused on acquiring equity positions in distressed businesses. This focus has now changed to establish a broader based business with repeat earnings rather than reliance on profits on disposal of investments, which in this economic environment are becoming more difficult to achieve. The strategy going forward is to acquire majority interests in businesses which fit in with our current operations and where we are able to generate synergies and cost savings. These acquisitions will in the main be distressed businesses where we are able to acquire previously strong businesses with a sound business model at a low cost. When market conditions improve and these divisions have established critical mass then these divisions will be either sold or listed. Proposed Dividend The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend (2007: £Nil). The Current Structure The Company currently operates a number of different profit centres Capital Ideas Private Equity Ltd - this holds minority interests in a number of turnaround and growth businesses Capital Ideas Financial Publications Ltd - this operates a number of financial publications including Company Refs, Company Directory and Company Guide. Room to Invest Ltd - this is a hotel sales business which is selling hotel rooms to private investors in a number of hotel opportunities throughout the world. Activity During the year the Company completed a number of investments as well as won a number of mandates from clients to raise funding and assist with a market listing. In addition the Company was successful in disposing of a number of its holdings. Below are some of the more significant investments the Company holds: Worldlink Group plc - owns Intellectual Property for use on mobile telecommunications which allow for the update of data and is utilised in updating stocks and shares, betting odds and auction data. Capital Ideas owns 1.067% of Worldlink. Nicobloc plc - Nicobloc is a company specialising in providing products to encourage smokers to give up. The NicoBloc fluid has a 60% success rate on assisting people to quit smoking. This compares to the current industry average of 5% success rate. Capital Ideas owns 2.5% of Nicobloc plc, having already realised £250,000 from the sale of half of its initial holding. Dateline plc - Dateline plc is the UK's oldest established on-line dating agency. Capital Ideas now has a significant stake in Dateline, via direct shareholdings and shares in trust, totalling 40% of the company. Primary Water plc - Primary Water is an Australian-based water exploration company that locates and drills for water. This water is not surface run-off water, but water that is known as primary water, which is deeper underground. Capital Ideas sold its holding in Primary Water plc in the year under review for over £500,000. This division is discontinuing new investments because exits are more difficult during this current economic climate. The objective over the coming months will be to dispose of current holdings and use the proceeds to invest in other areas of the business. Other Divisions Capital Ideas Financial Publications Ltd The Company acquired the assets from the previously AIM-quoted Charterhouse Communications plc. Assets acquired included: Company Refs, Company Guide and Company Directory. These are long established financial titles which are mainly subscription based. The assets were acquired for £207,000 in cash. In the first 4 months of ownership the division generated a contribution to central overheads of £119,000 on sales of £513k. The Company is looking to expand this division both by acquisition and organically. It is also due to launch its first new title in January 2009, which will be a subscription-based publication and is in a very niche area. Further details of the planned new publication will be released shortly. Room to Invest Ltd This Company was launched in July 2008, marketing its first hotel in Budapest, Hungary to private investors. It is currently marketing an existing hotel in Marrakech, Morocco with further launches to follow shortly in Slovenia and Southern Ireland. Each investor receives an income of up to 10% per annum, with the first year guaranteed and investors are able to stay at any hotel in the group free of charge for 21 days each year. Unlike other schemes in this sector, Room to Invest offers an average investment of £5,500 per room and is focused on property hot spots with no exposure to the UK market. Room to Invest is expected to be a substantial contributor to the Group. The Company also has an option to acquire an established mail order business which owns a database of over 500,000 previous buyers. This is a business which can be easily expanded and integrated into our existing business, thus achieving substantial cost savings. We are currently searching for other related businesses in this field. Prospects The Company has started the new financial year strongly and has invested heavily in its new subsidiary, Room to Invest and other areas of the business. In the first four months of this year to 31 August 2008 the Group has been both profitable and cash generative. We have decided to withdraw from the private equity market and are actively seeking to dispose of our minority interests. The focus on the business going forward is to establish a diversified group of businesses built around a central overhead with database management being the common theme of the businesses. The objective is to be able to exploit each of the databases by being able to market different products and services to these databases and therefore maximise the revenue of the group. The Company has an option to acquire a direct marketing business which retails DVD's, CD's and books which has a database of over 500,000 clients and has also recently acquired the database for Inside Track Seminars, a once leading buy to let seminar business which number some 200,000 individuals. All these developments should improve the prospects and reach of the group over the coming 12 months. With your boards' experience in the acquisition and turnaround of distressed companies, the current market conditions provide an ideal opportunity to expand the business both organically and by acquisition. Stuart Kinner |
Posted at 16/9/2008 22:51 by tiredoldbroker Question 5: why does Treacle keep on saying CAPT has 20 investments when its already been demonstrated that this number includes the following:- Aerodeon, which has apparently gone bust - 'Company REFS', 'Company Guide' and 'The Corporate Register' listed as three separate businesses, not the single publishing unit acquired from Charterhouse Communications - Turnaround Capital, which appears to do the same as CAPT - Marlin, which doesn't seem able to get any figures onto its own website ( -, whose site appears to be permanently down and Companies House says no accounts have been filed - Britfilms Holdings plc where the button on the CAPT site links to a website actually owned by the Arts section of the British Council, not by a CAPT affiliate, and no company called Britfilms Holdings plc is listed at Companies House - Europol Holdings plc, a repossessions business - but Companies House a-z check (go to and select Search with our Webcheck service) shows no company called Europol Holdings plc - what's going on here ? - Cons Vending (CVD) down to 0.1p, and in its first year on AIM closed down its Aqua Polar, Powerpod and BFresh businesses, got stuck holding a stockpile of ex-Post Office photo booths it can't place, lost £952K last year and saw cash drop from £955K to £171K - what's going on here ? Answer, on 15 Sept: "the Board of Consolidated Vending has provisionally agreed to appoint Tenon Recovery as Administrators under the terms of the Insolvency Act 1986" - Pathway 1 on Plus Markets - Plus shows this as suspended after sliding from 10.75p to 4p, still no figures out for the year to 31.12.07 - what's going on ? - Eastern European Ventures - oh yeah, CAPT already said "written down as the Directors believe there has been a permanent diminution in its carrying value" - Viatrade - lost money last year, and the year before, seems to duplicate what CAPT does, only on an even smaller basis, funds of maybe £150,000 - what's the point of this ? Add this to Traction Technology going off-AIM and putting its business into liquidation, and you do wonder quite what the figures may have to include. Fascinating that at on p21-22 of the 'offer document' selling shares in Turnaround Capital, Traction Technology is written up as a successful example of the CAPT strategy for reviving companies experiencing difficulties - CAPT may have sold shares, but it's hardly worked out well for other investors ! |
Posted at 07/9/2008 23:39 by mattrix1 I don't think the results will be "poor" and what makes you think the future prospects are dier.ok some value will be wiped off the value of their investments but you need to add to the assest value...e2mail, charterhouse, worldlink and dateline. Now Wordlink shares have been sold to the public at a valuation of 100 mil (1 mil to CAPT) Dateline have been sold at around 400k to Capt. If these are on the accounts at what they can be sold for ie 1.4 million as an would not even matter if any previous investments are written down as these on there own could be more than Capt as a company. I would say the NAV will increase 50 to 100% this year. As for the future that depends on Room to Invest (notice they have not made any investments since nicobloc..where as over 8 months ago there were many) so imo I think they will put the investment side on the back burner. That's not a problem. Room to Invest is big money to CAPT ... Uhu villa at only 50% rigths sold is 1.8 mill That should cover the purchase price of the hotel and marketing...sell the rest for a cool 1.8 mill profit. Marrakech has 17 suites at 6500k per right that's 5.7 million.. if Capt paid 2 mill and used 700k for marketing a sweet 3 mill profit could be made. Come results... I expect record profit's a good increase in NAV and a positive statement on the progress of Room to invest.. this should over shaddow any negative news on any small amounts of money lost on investments.. should create some buying imo. |
Posted at 02/9/2008 08:37 by tiredoldbroker More questions about CAPT's investments, which you can check for yourself:The portfolio also shows an investment in Europol Holdings plc, a repossessions business - Companies House a-z check (go to and select Search with our Webcheck service) shows no company called Europol Holdings plc - what's going on ? Cons Vending (CVD) down to 0.1p, and in its first year on AIM has closed down its Aqua Polar, Powerpod and BFresh businesses, stuck holding a stockpile of ex-Post Office photo booths it can't place, lost £952K last year and saw cash drop from £955K to £171K - what's going on ? Pathway 1 on Plus Markets - Plus shows this as suspended after sliding from 10.75p to 4p, still no figures out for the year to 31.12.07 - what's going on ? Eastern European Ventures - oh yeah, CAPT already said "written down as the Directors believe there has been a permanent diminution in its carrying value" Viatrade - lost money last year, and the year before, seems to duplicate what CAPT does, only on an even smaller basis, funds of maybe £150,000 - what's the point of this ? Add this to Traction Technology going off-AIM and putting its business into liquidation, and you do wonder quite what the figures may have to include. Fascinating that at on p21-22 of the 'offer document' selling shares in Turnaround Capital, Traction Technology is written up as a successful example of the CAPT strategy for reviving companies experiencing difficulties - CAPT may have sold shares, but it's hardly worked out well for other investors ! |
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