THE BRUNNER INVESTMENT TRUST PLC TOP 10 HOLDINGS AS AT 30TH APRIL 2003 Stock Name Market Value % # Treasury 5% 2004 25,947,005 11.23 BP 8,144,399 3.53 Vodafone 7,892,975 3.42 GlaxoSmithkline 7,184,806 3.11 HSBC 6,043,944 2.62 Royal Bank of Scotland 4,925,314 2.13 Astrazeneca 3,938,164 1.70 Shell Transport & Trading 3,602,730 1.56 Barclays 3,142,289 1.36 Lloyds TSB 2,506,788 1.09 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 231,003,005 |
Geographical Distribution as at 30th April 2003
VALUE % CASH 56,929,438 24.64 UNITED KINGDOM 96,394,495 41.73 NORTH AMERICA 43,721,229 18.93 EUROPE 18,641,615 8.07 PACIFIC EX JAPAN 7,158,965 3.10 ASIA 8,157,263 3.53 LATIN AMERICA 0 0.00 MIDDLE EAST 0 0.00 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 231,003,005 100.00
Europe Denmark 0.00% Eire 0.00% France 4,963,221 2.15% Finland 903,175 0.39% Germany 4,341,727 1.88% Greece 253,469 0.11% Italy 529,727 0.23% Netherlands 2,811,223 1.22% Portugal 0.00% Russia 880,963 0.38% Spain 1,080,070 0.47% Sweden 383,167 0.17% Belgium 0.00% Switzerland 2,494,873 1.08% 18,641,615 8.08% Other Pacific Australia 2,613,201 1.13% New Zealand 469,350 0.20% China 0.00% Hong Kong 3,331,760 1.44% Malaysia - incl Govett Asian Smlr 0.00% Singapore 0.00% Taiwan 0.00% Korea 744,654 0.32% 7,158,965 3.09% Latin America Latin America - Brazil 0 0.00% 0 0.00% United Kingdom UK total per valuation 121,846,995 52.75% Less Fixed Interest -25,452,500 -11.02% 96,394,495 41.73% North America USA 40,387,522 1.14% Canada 2,639,492 17.48% Mexico 694,215 0.30% 43,721,229 18.92% Asia Japan 6,783,108 2.95% India - DRCM India Fund 1,374,155 0.59% 8,157,263 3.54% Middle East Israel 0 0.00% 0 0.00% TOTAL 174,073,567 |