Thank you bbd2 - the above are your two links in direct clickable style.
Having read both I'm of the opinion that Atome clearly has a great concept and a willing buyer for its product. It just doesn't have a product - yet.
I fail to understand why this is taking so long.
I note that Yara may be hoping to import into Europe the fertiliser produced by Villeta. How is this to be transported. The Paraguay river is a considerable distance from the ocean - at Buenos Aires as the River Plate enters the Atlantic. I can understand how electrolysis will require water, but that's in plentiful supply on the coast. Unfortunately, Paraguay has no coastline.
So, the driving element has to be access to the spare hydroelectric production generated from the Itaipu dam on the Parana River. Some distance from Viletta but not for HT power cables of course.
It appears that there are 20 dynamos (generators) at the dam. 10 each for Paraguay and Brazil. This hydro plant was second in the world in production terms to the Three Gorges dam in China. As Paraguay's share of the generated electric is currently underutilised it is re-directed to Brazil. Clearly, this is likely to change soon and not in Brazil's favour.
It seems to me that a better solution may well have been to site the ammonia production facility in Brazil, close to the coast, but using Paraguay's spare energy capacity for which Paraguay would undoubtedly obtain a higher fee than that paid to them by Brazil currently.
There's an interesting bit of history to be found on the Wiki page below:
All may not be well between Brazil and Paraguay. However, an agreement was reached such that Paraguay can sell spare electricity directly to Brazilian companies rather than through the Brazilian electricity monopoly.
So, why didn't Atome team up with a Brazilian company ..... on the coast? |
hxxps://ammoniaenergy.org/articles/yara-expands-capacity-for-low-emission-imports-into-europe/ |
Change hxxps to https |
Unfortunately, I have to say I have a number of shares that are a lot slower than this one! |
 I'm not a chartist. To me, a shoulder is where a head rests at a time of mourning.
However, there really is a pattern evident with this stock. A bit of a morsel thrown from the king's table and the dogs get all excited and up goes the share price Then, after the frenzy of activity normality creeps back in and the share price starts its inexorable decline.
Where to jump in?
And with how much?
Below 60p I think but perhaps not as low as 55p.
Then, on the next lob of a morsel is it worth selling? With the spread currently 65/67p it needs to move several pence to make it worthwhile trading. The last couple of jumps have indeed been significant. 46p to 61p approx. in March 2024 and 58p to 81p in late July 2024.
Unfortunately, each 'high point' over time is demonstrably lower than previous high points.
£0.8350 appears to be the most recent high point. Buying £5k at between 56p and 58p and then selling between 75p to 79p appears possible on the next decent news and would reap between £6465 and £7053 which doesn't appear to be too bad a return.
I bought into RR just before Xmas 2023 and have since topped-up. My initial hope lay in their Small Modular Reactor development and the belief our government would see the benefits of investing in that technology. Not happened yet although RR are still climbing on the back of their wide ranging success.
ATOM seem to be a one-trick pony and whilst the prospects for profit out of Villeta exist, on paper, there's slow progress. |
Thanks Hum - better, but I'm not inclined to create an 'X' account.
This I found to be informative:
I particularly like the prospect that the share price should be at the 200p level. |
Change hxxps: to https: at the beginning of the address. |
Barony: That link isn't working for me and I cannot determine what you are attempting to present. A brief explanation would help.
I don't 'do' twitter either. |
hxxps://x.com/mornenergiser/status/1848313283658281442?s=61&t=GTRW5CgFRbsqPU2b14N2vQ |
My brother, sadly deceased, owned his own computer computer company. In the very early days after he'd bought it (previously been a minor shareholding director) as a result of the retirement of the two senior director/owners the business was healthy.
Over the following few years however it declined and unable to turn it around he resorted to borrowing money externally to pump into the business, in turn continuing to take a salary to maintain both his personal lifestyle and appearance of success.
All ended in tears sadly.
I'm cynical. I'm not a direct holder of ATOME shares but have invested all three of my grandkids' trust funds in this outfit - modestly so.
I'm unhappy with the constant push backs of deadlines and the constant drawing of handsome salaries during such. Maybe Oliver is simply churning money in a manner similar to my brother? |
 on the flip side of this news the chairman just sold over 10% of his holdings for a meagre 75p a share. I'm not sure what can be read into this I'd anything but why offload 900k shares if the stock price is due an imminent re-rating. Mussat could have just subscribed for more shares earlier this month.
Those of us cynical enough will remember we were promised FID on the fertiliser project in Q3 2023, then pushed back to Q1 2024, H1 2024, the end of 2024 etc.
I wonder if you deduct the salaries of the management over the last few years (£35k a week) I wonder how much they have actually put into the company net, probably very little.
It's not that I don't belive the company will be successful I do. However a $750k salary for the ceo and the chairman as well as a tidy $180k for the chairman's son all effectively for part time jobs whist deadlines slip and slip is ridiculous. I work for a large French multinational with 60,000 employees, the head of our entire uk operations earns significantly leas than that. |
He bought 900,000 shares.
That's a pretty confident investment. As CEO, would you chuck in towards a million quid at the risk of a loss ?
I've topped up this morning. |
Mr. Mussat has just made a very major share acquisition. 3% increase in share price doesn’t cut it. |
Great presentation, which makes me very confident of Atome’s future:-
hxxps://x.com/atomeplc/status/1844700132400316732?s=61&t=GTRW5CgFRbsqPU2b14N2vQ |
Announced yesterday: Richard Day (Deputy Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director) purchased 17,000 ordinary shares at a price of 75p |
SP bleeding away, day by day by day.
Predictable if nothing else. |
@MC Im pretty sure from the outset H2 and NH3 were targetted, the latter particularly because it makes it easier to transport and can be used in different ways.
The market was mentioned in the admission, the pivot to CAN seemed to come a little later.
Agree its taken longer, but id say that very few AIM companies have management alignment like this one. Fairly sure Levine would rather his shareholding value be thru the roof than a lifestyle contribution during a delay. |
perhaps your post could be rephrased thus:
Key milestones, stated to have been achieved although generally later than originally stated, and a clear misunderstanding at the outset of the difficulty in producing and then transporting hydrogen. The change to ammonia primarily resulting from a market on their doorstep that wasn't originally identified.
The extended timeframes do provide Peter with a decent lifestyle during such however. |
I bet some of you are bags of fun at parties.
Solid progress so far with key milestones already achieved and an ability to adapt quickly to changes in CAN/ammonia/H2 needs.
Be interesting to see what happens when the next stage is funded and building commences. |
As we saw some months ago, over the winter and into the spring of this year, the share price will drop-off bit by bit whilst there's no news emanating from the management. |
Well let’s hope 75p becomes the new floor |
I am also hopeful here, but only hold a tiny amount, which were my free shares from the PPC dividend in specie. Sadly I have been burned by PL's perennial placings at PPC. I sold the bulk of my ATOM free shares in the early 1.40s...wasn't any kind of genius investment decision, just wanted to recover something from 000's that I lost at PPC. I will continue to hold my free shares and hope this proves to be a success but I won't be committing any more money to it. Good luck to all who continue to hold or invest here. |
Also, you cannot get banks to fund a project if a company is not solvent with auditors stamp of approval. Hence cash needed now, rather than tapping the loan which would have to be repaid on FID anyway. |
Illogical?? The company needs cash to function until there is an income. That is AIM.. |
Levine already had 40% so I don’t buy the “showing commitment” angle. Don’t get me wrong, I have a good wedge here in the grandkids fund, and see the potential, but I am nervous about illogical events like this. |