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51JJ Arkle 2060 A

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Banco Espirito Santo 1st Quarter Results

28/04/2003 9:01am

UK Regulatory

LISBON - April 28, 2003 -- Banco Espírito Santo (BES) today announced its first quarter 2003 results.
*    Net income increased 9.9%, to euro 60.1 million. Annualized first  
     quarter result corresponds to a ROE of 13.0%.                      
*    Fees and commissions grew 7.3%, based on continuous improvement of 
     service quality, more than offsetting the decrease of Net Interest 
     Income (2.9%).                                                     
*    Costs were contained within planned limits for the year, rising by 
*    Provisions were significantly reinforced (euro 63.7 million), in   
     line with a prudent risk coverage policy.                          
*    Credit growth was limited against a macroeconomic scenario of      
     greater risk: customer credit (on-balance sheet) was up 3.6% while 
     on-balance sheet customer funds rose by 10.9%, with a positive     
     impact on the transformation ratio, which decreased from 117% to   
*    Comfortable solvency levels: the solvency ratio remains way above  
     recommended levels while the coverage of overdue loans remains     

CONTACTS         Paulo Padrao                                           
                 Elsa Jardim                                            
                 Banco Espírito Santo, Lisbon                           
                 +351 21 350 1713                                       
Economic activity in the first quarter of 2003 was conditioned by a climate of extreme uncertainty linked to the war in
Iraq, and in particular to its unclear potential effects on an already weakened world economy. The main stock market
indices reached the year's low in the second week of March, just before the start of the war, while the price of Brent
crude oil recorded a maximum of 34.9 dollars per barrel at the beginning of the same month.
In the United States GDP is thought to have grown at an annualized real rate of around 2% in the first three months of
the year. Household spending registered zero growth in January and February, and consumer confidence reached the lowest
level of the last 10 years in March. On the supply side, March also saw a contraction in both the industrial and the
services sectors.
In the Euro Area, GDP is estimated to have posted flat growth in the first quarter. The economic activity in the Euro
Area continued to be marked by very high unemployment (8.7% in February), restraining the confidence and spending of
families. To address a feeble economic activity and given the lack of inflationary pressures in the medium term, the
European Central Bank cut, in the beginning of March, its key interest rates by 25 basis points, bringing the Refi rate
down to 2.5%. The slowing down of the economy in the Euro Area did not halt the rising trend of the single currency.
Faced with an adverse external situation, economic activity in Portugal continued to struggle under extremely difficult
conditions. The Bank of Portugal's coincident indicator for the first quarter dropped by 3.2% year-on-year, reflecting
the overall negative trend of the construction, trade and industry sectors. The trend for rising unemployment persisted
in the month of March, with 420 thousand unemployed registered in the Training and Employment Institute. The adjustment
process of internal demand was thus pursued, with imports falling by 3.5% in January. Exports continued to recover,
rising at a nominal rate of 5.1% in the first month of the year. On the equity market front, the PSI-20 index
registered a drop of 8.9% between January and March.
The commercial strategy that underlies the activity developed by Group BES continues to show considerable dynamism in
spite of the difficulties raised by a very tough macroeconomic environment. Total customer funds were up by 9.5% while
customer loans, though slowing down, rose by 3.6% (8.7% if including securitized credit). Product innovation,
fine-tuned segmentation and the continuous improvement of quality standards continued to be the key factors in the
vigorous performance displayed.
                                   March 2002   March   Change     
                                                2003     (%)       
Net Assets                             37,981    40,326    6.2     
Loans to Customers (gross)             25,051    25,954    3.6     
  - Mortgage                            8,711     8,798    1.0     
  - Other Loans to Individuals          1,959     1,844   -5.9     
  - Corporate                          14,381    15,312    6.5     
Loans to Individuals / Customer          42.6      41.0   -1.6 p.p.
Loans (%)                                                          
+ Deposits                             16,301    16,988    4.2     
+ Debt Securities                       9,070    10,455   15.3     
= On-Balance Sheet Funds               25,371    27,443    8.2     
- EMTN and Commercial Paper             4,561     4,361   -4.4     
= On-Balance Sheet Customer Funds      20,810    23,082   10.9     
+ Off-Balance Sheet Funds               9,994    10,640    6.5     
= Total Customer Funds                 30,804    33,722    9.5     
Transformation Ratio (%)                  117       109     -8 p.p.
The moderate growth pace of credit also reflects the securitization operations carried out by the Group (one of
consumer and leasing in the second quarter of 2002, and another of residential mortgages, in December of the same
The following chart shows the evolution of credit, including the impact of securitization:
                                                                                       euro million
                  March 02                     March 03                       Change (%)           
               Excl.        Incl.        Excl.           Incl.           Excl.           Incl.     
          Securiti-zation Securiti- Securiti-zation Securiti-zation Securiti-zation Securiti-zation
Loans to           25,051    25,226          25,954          27,421             3.6             8.7
Mortgage            8,711     8,711           8,798           9,778             1.0            12.2
Other               1,959     2,134           1,844           2,071            -5.9            -3.0
Loans to                                                                                           
Corporate          14,381    14,381          15,312          15,572             6.5             8.3

*    Mortgage loans remained the most dynamic item overall (rising by
     12.2%), which is quite noteworthy given the Government's        
     extinction of the subsidized credit regime;                     
*    Other loans to individuals, where selectivity criteria were     
     tightened, decreased 3.0%;                                      
*    Corporate lending rose by 8.3%, reflecting a slowdown against   
     the end of 2002, when its growth rate was 10%.                  
Total customer funds increased by 9.5%. The performance of on-balance sheet customer funds was quite remarkable
(+10.9%), particularly in terms of deposits, with an increase of euro 687 million, up by 4.2%. Off-balance sheet funds
grew by 6.5%, despite a negative background that continued to condition the market. The subscription of domestic mutual
funds and bancassurance products, up by respectively 38% and 16%, was decisive to this growth.
A sales forced motivated to attract more funds, combined with moderate credit growth, led to a fresh improvement in the
transformation ratio, from 117% in March 2002 to 109% at the end of the first quarter of 2003.
Consolidated net profit reached euro 60.1 million, which corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 9.9% and a Return on
Equity (ROE) of 13%, the same as achieved in full 2002.
                                   March 2002    March   Change (%) 
Net Interest Income                      195.7     190.0        -2.9
+ Fees and Commissions                    93.9     100.8         7.3
= Commercial Banking Income              289.6     290.8         0.4
+ Capital Markets Results                 28.1      50.3        79.0
= Banking Income                         317.7     341.1         7.4
- Operating Costs                        175.0     178.7         2.1
- Net Provisions                          55.5      63.7        14.8
    Credit                                48.5      47.1        -2.9
    Securities                             2.4      -2.1         ...
    Others                                 4.6      18.7         ...
- Extraordinary Results and Others         6.8      16.7       145.6
= Results Before Taxes and                80.4      82.0         2.0
Minority Interests                                                  
- Income Taxes                            15.1      13.3       -11.9
- Minority Interests                      10.6       8.6       -18.9
= Net Income for the Period               54.7      60.1         9.9
3.1 Net Interest Income
Declining interest rates, scarce liquidity, reduced consumer credit and the extinction of subsidized mortgage credit,
all combined to condition strongly net interest income this quarter, as we predicted in the 2002 results release.
Despite the difficulties presented by the current economic situation, the Board is already taking appropriate steps
that should enable the Group's net interest income to bounce back, while maintaining strict control over credit risk.
The net interest margin for the quarter was 2.12%, which compares with 2.27% in full 2002 and 2.25% in the first
quarter of that year.
3.2 Fees and Commissions
Fees and commissions on customer services reached euro 100.8 million, a year-on-year rise of 7.3% that stemmed from the
sphere of traditional products and the positive contribution of investment funds and cards, as well as project finance
and structured finance businesses. A policy geared towards improved service quality and the launch of fresh initiatives
aimed at reinforcing loyalty in the customer base were crucial contributors to the growth achieved.
3.3 Capital Markets Results
Following on previous actions, Group BES continued to seek opportunities linked to the evolution of interest rates. A
selective use of fixed income instruments afforded new gains in financial operations before the beginning of the Iraq
conflict, leading to the offset of the negative effects of a falling equity market as well as to reinforce Other
3.4 Operating Costs
Operating costs were contained within planned limits, rising by 2.1%. Depreciation and amortization showed the highest
growth, which is explained by the start of the depreciation period of the investments made in modernizing processes,
the most significant being the new management information system (SIG), the Workflow and E-procurement.
                                                        euro million
                                  March 2002      March   Change (%)
Staff Costs                             81.3       79.0         -2.8
Other Administrative Costs              62.3       64.3          3.2
Depreciation                            31.4       35.4         12.7
Operating Costs                        175.0      178.7          2.1
The rationalization plan for 2003 is proceeding according to plan. There was a net reduction of 41 employees in the
first quarter of the year. The objective for the full year remains at 250.
3.5 Provisioning
Provisions were reinforced by euro 63.7 million (14.8% YoY). Credit provisions stand significantly above minimum
regulatory requirements. Provisions for country-risk and Fund for General Banking Risks contributed to the increase in
provisions for other purposes.
3.6 Extraordinary Results and Other
The consequences of the current cycle of economic recession were felt in the "Extraordinary Results and Other" heading,
where the euro 9.9 million increase adversely affected the income statement. This was mainly due to the amortization of
extraordinary retirement charges and actuarial deviations in the pension plan.
3.7 Profitability
Return on assets (ROA) reached a good level compared to the previous year, even though positively influenced by the
securitization operations. Return on equity (ROE), based on annualized results, points to a similar level as that
achieved in full 2002.
                              March 2002*          2002   March 2003* 
Return on Equity (ROE)               15.8          13.1          13.0 
Return on Assets (ROA)               0.57          0.57          0.60 
Bearing in mind the adverse economic context, asset quality did not deteriorate significantly, emphasizing the Group's
capacity to manage credit risk.
In view of the difficult period which all economies, both domestic and international, are going through, provisions for
credit were increased (euro 115 million) by an amount that exceeded the rise in overdue credit (euro 93 million).
                                                      YoY Change      
                          Mar     Dec     Mar   absolute relative     
                         2002    2002    2003              (%)        
Loans to Customers (M?)  25,051  25,795  25,954      903      3.6     
Overdue Loans      (M?)   476.0   548.8   568.9       93     19.5     
Overdue Loans > 90 (M?)   411.7   481.8   499.0       87     21.2     
Provisions for     (M?)   620.6   716.1   735.5      115     18.5     
Overdue Loans /     %      1.90    2.13    2.19              0.29 p.p.
Loans to Customers                                                    
Overdue Loans > 90  %      1.64    1.87    1.92              0.28 p.p.
days/Loans to                                                         
Customers (gross)                                                     
Coverage of         %     130.4   130.5   129.3              -1.1 p.p.
Overdue Loans                                                         
Coverage of         %     150.7   148.6   147.4              -3.3 p.p.
Overdue Loans > 90                                                    
The ratio of overdue loans over 90 days was 1.92%, while the coverage ratio remained at a high level (147% for overdue
loans over 90 days and 129% for total overdue loans).
The solvency ratio remains at comfortable levels: 10.7% according to the Bank of Portugal's rules (Dec 02: 10.7%) and
12.8% under the BIS criteria (Dec 02: 12.8%).
                                             Dec 02         Mar 03* 
Solvency Ratio (Bank of Portugal)                                   
  - TIER I                                     6.06            6.00 
  - Total                                     10.74           10.67 
Solvency Ratio (BIS)                                                
  - TIER I                                     7.19            7.13 
  - Total                                     12.81           12.76 
* estimate                                                          
Debt rating (medium and long term) remains A1 as assigned by Moody's, A-  by Standard and Poor's and A+ by
Group BES has achieved fresh improvements in its Cost to Income ratio, which decreased 2.7 p.p. versus the same period
in the previous year.
Notwithstanding current economic difficulties, BES maintains the objective of reaching a cost to income ratio of 50% at
the end of 2003, as well as the target set in terms of costs.
The remaining productivity indicators also improved significantly, in particular Operating Costs / Average Net Assets
and Total Assets per Employee ratios.
          Indicators                     Mar   Dec   Mar  Change YoY
                                         02    02    03             
 Cost to Income (including         %     55.1  53.4  52.4  -2.7 p.p.
 Cost to Income (excluding         %     60.4  59.5  61.4   1.0 p.p.
Operating Costs / Average Net      %     1.81  1.85  1.78 -0.03 p.p.
Total Assets* per Employee        Eur   6,022 7,017 6,930  15.1 %   
* Includes Asset and Liability                                      
off balance-sheet items                                             
The first quarter of 2003 continued to display a sharp increase in the number of users of BES's Direct Channels,
revealing the customers' enhanced multi-channel oriented behavior in their relationship with the Bank.
At the end of the quarter, Banco Espírito Santo had 758,000 clients using its telephone banking service and 619,000
using its internet banking service for individuals, on the whole accounting for a penetration rate in BES's retail
customer base of 44.7%. The number of companies using the Bank's internet banking service for corporate customers
totaled 28,000 on the same date.
                              Mar 02     Mar 03     Growth
BES Directo                  641,616    757,916        18%
BESnet                       405,233    619,155        53%
BESnet Negócios               16,832     28,287        68%
During this quarter, the operations carried out by the Investment Banking's area of Project Finance, in Europe, as well
as M&A area in Brazil deserve a note:
*     Metronet  - 2nd and 3rd concessions for the London Underground's  
      Infrastructures operation;                                        
*     Expansion of the Barcelona Underground - Concession for the       
      transport of passengers through a surface rail line;              
*     Combined-cycle power station at Rijmond (The Netherlands);        
*     Tele Centro Oeste Celular, S.A. (Brazil) - Advisory to Brasilcel  
      (PT/Telefónica joint venture) in the acquisition of TCO;          
*     BBV Banco (Brazil) - Advisory on the acquisition of BBV Banco     
      (BBVA subsidiary in Brazil) by Banco Bradesco.                    
The announcement of these operations totaling US$ 1.8 bn placed BES Investimento in the first place of M&A Transactions
ranking in Brazil.

(Unaudited Figures)
                                               Mar 2002        Mar 2003
                                            (1,000 EUR)     (1,000 EUR)
NET ASSETS                                                             
Cash and deposits at Central Banks              767,556         704,987
Loans and advances to credit                    604,443         481,801
institutions repayable on demand                                       
Other loans and advances to credit            3,590,374       4,527,234
    (Provisions)                                (9,900)         (8,395)
Loans and advances to customers              25,051,316      25,953,623
    (Provisions)                              (318,975)       (375,498)
Bonds and other fixed income securities       4,839,179       4,435,266
    (Provisions)                               (74,901)        (87,937)
    a) Issued by Government and Public        1,764,697       1,368,038
        (Provisions)                            (8,997)         (5,638)
    b) Issued by other entities               3,067,396       3,055,131
        (Provisions)                           (65,904)        (82,299)
    c) Own securities                             7,086          12,097
Shares and other variable income                589,851         714,780
    (Provisions)                               (75,267)       (102,641)
Investments in associated companies              40,046          50,670
    (Provisions)                                                (2,384)
Other investments                               845,811         949,353
    (Provisions)                                (3,975)        (41,996)
Intangible assets                               463,006         537,330
    (Amortization)                            (280,695)       (363,276)
Tangible assets                               1,025,850       1,055,702
    (Depreciation)                            (594,635)       (638,400)
Treasury stock                                                    4,639
Other debtors                                   538,223         477,457
    (Depreciations)                            (18,115)        (19,155)
Prepayments and accrued income                1,001,541       2,072,575
TOTAL NET ASSETS                             37,980,733      40,325,735

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                   
Amounts owed to credit institutions           7,056,756       7,350,694
    a) Repayable on demand                      347,640         336,806
    b) With agreed maturity date              6,709,116       7,013,888
Amounts owed to customers                    16,300,529      16,988,079
    a) Savings accounts                       2,532,138       2,226,471
    b) Repayable on demand                    6,037,541       6,815,701
    c) With agreed maturity date              7,730,850       7,945,907
Debt securities                               9,070,328      10,454,903
    a) Outstanding Bonds                      7,195,365       8,512,526
    b) Other securities                       1,874,963       1,942,377
Other liabilities                               170,807         190,664
Accruals and deferred income                    913,410         662,579
Provisions for liabilities and charges          337,370         413,627
    a) Pension plan and equivalent                  153           4,790
    b) Other provisions                         337,217         408,837
Provisions for general banking risks             61,271          18,251
Subordinated debt                             1,455,685       1,694,615
Share capital                                 1,500,000       1,500,000
Share premium                                   300,000         300,000
Reserves                                         64,736          80,977
Revaluation reserves                                                   
Retained earnings                                75,200          86,100
Minority interests                              619,907         525,126
Consolidated net income for the period           54,734          60,120
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS'          37,980,733      40,325,735

(Unaudited Figures)
                                                 Mar 02          Mar 03
                                            (1,000 EUR)     (1,000 EUR)
Interest income                                 561,954         497,089
Income from securities                            2,239           6,181
Commissions                                      83,659          86,353
Profits arising from trading activity           797,020         601,714
Write-back of provisions                         49,445          53,402
Income arising from the equity method                                  
    of consolidation                              2,068             795
Other operating income                           23,886          26,212
Extraordinary gains                              11,239           3,278
Minority interests                                                     
TOTAL CREDIT                                  1,531,510       1,275,024

Interest expense                                366,206         307,053
Commissions                                      13,655          11,773
Losses arising from trading activities          771,178         557,606
General administrative costs                    143,620         143,284
    a) Staff costs                               81,291          78,992
    b) Other administrative costs                62,329          64,292
Depreciation                                     31,429          35,380
Other operating expenses                          2,297           2,371
Provisions for loan losses and other            104,778         116,568
Provisions for investments                          170             531
Extraordinary losses                             15,547          15,915
Income taxes                                     15,139          13,290
Other taxes                                       2,171           1,730
Losses arising from the equity method                                  
    of consolidation                                                782
Minority interests                               10,586           8,621
Consolidated net income for the period           54,734          60,120
TOTAL DEBIT                                   1,531,510       1,275,024

This news release may include certain statements relating to the Banco Espírito Santo Group that are neither reported
financial results nor other historical information.  These statements which include [targets, forecasts, projections,
descriptions of anticipated cost savings, statements regarding the possible development or possible assumed future
results of operations] and any statement preceded by, followed by or that includes the words "believes", "expects", "
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within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, regulations, and case law. 
By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive, speculative and involve risk and uncertainty. 
There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those
expressed or implied by forward-looking statements.  These factors include, but are not limited to, changes in economic
conditions in individual countries in which the BES Group conducts its business and internationally, fiscal or other
policies adopted by various governments and regulatory authorities of Portugal and other jurisdictions, levels of
competition from other banks and financial services companies as well as future exchange and interest rates.  [Certain
of the factors that could affect actual results and developments are described in Banco Espírito Santo's Annual Report
and Form 20-F under the heading "Risk Factors".]
Banco Espírito Santo does not undertake to release publicly any revision to the forward-looking information included in
this news release to reflect events, circumstances or unanticipated events occurring after the date hereof.


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