Better than expected, in terms of how terrible AGFX have been, but still another wishy-washy statement. Call that marginal improvement with the promise of delivery. Can they be trusted now?
What is the bottom line number and cash position too?
That just strikes you as more of the same from AGFX, where you're not entirely sure whether they are going to deliver or not.
But hey, at least it isn't a warning.
Anyway, let's see how the year progresses.
All imo DYOR
09:32 Decent early exchanges totalling 670k. Price is at 38.8p so just where it has moved post the large exchanges (still no rns) and the SCSW tip. So in light of those and how far the price has fallen here, the market is undecided on the basis of early morning exchanges. It would just have just gone flying through 40p already if there was firmer belief here.
So they'll be having words with management to work out whether to push the rating higher now. We just have to sit and wait to see how those interactions go. But clearly folk are watching that key 40p mark for some form of trading opportunity. |
That’s quite a beat on revenue for a company widely perceived as being in the doldrums
Sounds like there’s a decent chance that translates into an upgrade to the EBITDA margin too- think it would be refreshing (given issues in the past) if they kept estimates on the conservative side for the time being |
..you expect a trading update RNS ? |
RNS tomorrow? |
recalling post 1079
if exclude future years of lease liability (& future years of wages, tax....) it looks like the cap. value is lower than the NTAV. (NTAV excludes the asset value of intangibles; only £2m, so, if you want a number for NAV incl. intangibles, just add on £2m (as mentioned just above, the lease liability for future years has been excluded, as justified in post 1079)
then I make it that, at the end of H1 "£50m NTAV versus a cap. value of ~£44m". @37.5p. |
I saw the following text on P37 of the AR for 2023
"FINANCIAL POSITION The Group views its ability to generate cash from its trading portfolio as a key indicator of performance within an agreed risk appetite framework." ..... ......
"..its trading portfolio..."
I thought that AGFX traded for clients & takes a cut on the business, & hence AGFX has no portfolio of its own.
Can anyone explain what the text means ?
(I can't understand what it is trying to say, nor what is AGFX's "trading portfolio"). |
....clearly no one interested in any debate/discussion. :-( |
btw 3 trades each of 100k shares, after the mkt closed according to advfn
perhaps that was part of the reason for the price jump near the end of the day. (did the trades take place earlier but reported after the mkt closed ?)
interesting 2 trades at 39.9p went thru yesterday. ...perhaps on Friday we will see the first trade since the 28p reversal area at over 40.0p |
 any experts on the NTAV ?
NAV at end of June '24 was £42m, including £2m of intangibles, since it is such a small amount versus the turnover, licences etc I think it is valid to include it as a real asset (but if remove it, it has little effect on the total NAV)
£10.0m of lease liabilities as a non-current liability, so, not a liability in '24. Lease costs will be paid each year from the operation of the company, (in recent years, gross profit of £34-36m/year). So, imo future lease costs can be excluded from the valuation for NAV. (noting that future years for tax, NI, wages, are not included as a liability or the NAV calcs).
So, I make the NAV, end of June '24, as £52m, or £50m NTAV if you subtract £2m for the intangible assets. (noting that I have removed the lease costs for future years, as explained in this post).
NAV of £52m versus a cap. value £46m according to ADVFN. Or £50m NTAV versus a cap. value of £46m.
cheap as chips imo despite the rise from 28p/share to 38p/share. =====
Anyone agree or disagree with this post ? |
Could go vertical once its past this level but not today by the looks of things
Has anyone got any up to date eps forecasts ? |
Impressive |
nice spike, any reason why? bit late in Jan for tips no? DYOR |
Closed that gap so healthy pull back. Trying to decide of to swap into these from Plus 500 |
what an idiot. |
...one doesn't need to be Brain of Britain to know that a pull back is possible/likely after a sudden rise from 28p to 38p. + ~33%
but imo it will march upwards from this pullback, but sure, everything in its own time.
(the chairman didnt invest £200k in December hoping to make just 10%) |
And it proved the case
john09 13 Jan '25 - 14:41 - 1065 of 1069
I thought thee write up was good but Zak Mir had resistance at 39p in his update this weekend so decided not to buy for now
Also some of the initiatives that were cited in the write up are rather far ahead i though |
licence for Holland
"Argentex Group PLC (AIM: AGFX), the provider of bespoke foreign exchange services to institutions, corporates and high net worth private individuals, is pleased to confirm that the Dutch National Bank has granted Argentex BV, a subsidiary of Argentex, an Electronic Money Institution ("EMI") licence in the Netherlands."
Does anyone know what that allows them to do & what it does not allow them to do ?
I assume it is not a full/normal banking licence (or is it ) ? |
Is the needy child who LOVESSSS followers, following me around again here?
I blocked him and can't see his worthless drivel ha
He followed me to VCP and then makes out like he knew all that insider buying was going to come and keep coming in, buyers then cornering off the market, short squeeze and SCSW move was going to take the price this high....except he disappeared on the first plunge down, only to come back on the stablisation.
Muppet...you can slate me all you want now - traded VCP all the way up...can't see your posts...people know you're a numpty.
I'm hitting all time highs in my ISA, trading long.
Hope this helps.
Sorry folks, he slates me enough...cant help give some back ha |
I'm guessing Argentex was in SCSW for you to be popping up here J09. Explains the move, i figured it was tipped somewhere at the weekend |
I thought thee write up was good but Zak Mir had resistance at 39p in his update this weekend so decided not to buy for now
Also some of the initiatives that were cited in the write up are rather far ahead i though |
(looks to me like good solid healthy share trading at the moment
after a ~10p share price rise (~33%) from last week the share price is relatively steady at the moment & 20-40k blocks of shares being sold & also bought. With sell trades going thru at ~37.9p & buy trades at ~38.3p (a small spread at the moment; hopefully infers imo that MMs think the buy & sell volumes are about balanced & they don't expect a sudden drop from here, or they would have a wider % spread to protect themselves vs any losses from that happening )).
(fingers crossed that (as someone posted) sell trades will get mopped up as the price rises as some ppl might top slice or sell all their shares.....before then continuing higher. Time will tell. Anyone that bought last week at 29p makes a good quick % profit if sell at 38.3p. But 'if' the price then moves up over coming days/weeks then they miss a good bit of profit). |
Bought this at 30p a few days back, been on my list for some time and made a technical purchase. For me this is a recovery situation and one that I cant put an upward valuation on, but so far so good, was waiting for the base to break am a bit surprised at the reaction, am also of the opinion the downside was priced in so any operational improvements would result in upside movement, TU late January? So the question will be whether to buy more. |