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PG&E and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Partnership Fosters Stewardship of California's Natural Resources
SAN FRANCISCO, May 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Nature Restoration Trust, a collaboration between Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), today announced it is donating over $310,000 in grants to 10 community organizations to foster stewardship of California's diverse wildlife and habitats. With these grants, PG&E and NFWF are renewing their successful program, which previously invested over $2 million in projects to conserve and enhance wildlife in habitat from Redding to Bakersfield.
"Conservation at the local level builds community connections to the land and is a solid, long-term investment in our natural resources," said Jeff Trandahl, executive director, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. "We are extremely proud to collaborate with PG&E and pleased that The Nature Restoration Trust is the newest member of NFWF's Five Star Restoration Program, which brings together diverse organizations to help restore America's streams and wetlands."
The Nature Restoration Trust brings together public and private resources to conserve and enhance the natural habitats of fish and wildlife. Major funding for the program comes from PG&E, which has committed $1 million over 2008-2010 to support projects throughout the company's northern and central California service area. In addition, federal funding of the program is provided by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, and in-kind contributions are made by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, EPA Region IX, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center Southwest.
"Since this unique, public-private team was launched in 1999, it has helped advance critical habitat and wildlife restoration projects, while inspiring our youth to protect California's natural heritage for generations to come," said Ophelia Basgal, vice president of civic partnerships and community initiatives at PG&E. "PG&E is proud to be part of this creative program which empowers communities to restore native habitats in urban, suburban and rural areas."
Winning projects were ranked and selected by an Advisory Panel that included representatives from NOAA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, EPA Region IX, PG&E and Foundation staff. Consideration for funding was based on hands-on experiential education opportunities, benefits to the resource, partnership with other organizations and geographical distribution in California -- from coastal dunes and tidal marsh to Sierra streams.
The 2008 recipients of Nature Restoration Trust grants are:
Organization Grant Project
American $31,500 Sediments & the Next Generation: Restoration
Rivers & Education in Deer Creek
American Rivers will work with multiple
partners and integrate their work in-field
water quality monitoring, floodplain
restoration along a Sierra stream, and
historical and cultural research into local
7th - 12th grade curricula. High school
students will partner with middle school
students in an "Eco-Pal" program to jointly
learn about a riverine system.
Audubon $40,000 Audubon Bobcat Ranch Oak Woodland Corridor
California Audubon California Landowner Stewardship
Landowner project will re-establish an ecological
Stewardship connection between the Dry Creek tributaries
Program and the main channel of Putah Creek while
creating a viable wildway managed by local
landowners. High school students will do
restoration work to better learn about the
connection between a healthy ecosystem and
responsible stewardship of working
Children's $11,290 BioSITE SEED
Discovery The BioSITE (Students Investigating Their
Museum of Environment) SEEDS program of Children's
San Jose Discovery Museum of San Jose will work with
the San Jose Unified School District, the
Santa Clara Water District, and other
entities to restore riparian habitat in the
Guadalupe Watershed. Students will conduct
vegetation surveys, remove invasives, re-
plant appropriate natives, and collect data
at three sites to measure the success of the
Community $30,504 Enhancing Red-legged Frog Habitat at
Alliance Serendipity Farms
with Working with the Monterey Bay Aquarium and
Family the Wild Farm Alliance, Community Alliance
Farmers with Family Farmers will restore wetland and
riparian habitat for the endangered red-
legged frog and Carmel River steelhead trout
and monitor water quality and vegetation on
Department of Parks and Recreation land at
Serendipity Farms. Students will learn
principles of on-farm biodiversity
conservation practices and benefits for
Friends of $38,800 Community-based Coastal Dune Restoration at
the Dunes Manila Dunes
Friends of the Dunes will develop a service
learning curriculum for the Adopt-A-Dune
education project and work with Humboldt
county students, community volunteers, and
the California Conservation Corps to restore
4 acres of coastal dune habitat at the Manila
Dunes Recreation Area. Three rare plant
species occur on the property: beach layia
(Layia carnosa), dark eyed gila (Gilia
millefoliata), and pink-sand verbena (Abronia
umbellata ssp. Breviflora) and the endangered
Humboldt Bay wallflower is expected to spread
onto the property in the future as a result
of increased suitable habitat created.
Golden $20,000 Eco-Oakland Environmental Education Program
Gate Golden Gate Audubon Society will provide
Audubon experiential learning opportunities for
Society Oakland children and their families to help
restore critical marshlands at Martin Luther
King, Jr. Regional Shoreline Park's wetland
complex and additional riparian lands. The
wetlands are a critical habitat for
endangered California clapper rails and
endangered brown pelicans and California
least terns.
Golden $20,000 Mori Point Habitat Restoration
Gate Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy will
National work with local youth and community groups to
Parks remove and control the spread of non-native
Conservancy plants and debris and revegetate with native
plants near Pacifica on the coast to create
and improve breeding and foraging habitat for
the threatened California red-legged frog and
endangered San Francisco garter snake.
Round $40,000 Mill Creek Enhancement Project
Valley The Round Valley Indian Tribes will enhance
Indian instream and riparian conditions for salmon,
Tribes steelhead, migratory birds, and sensitive
species on nearly 2.5 miles of Mill Creek.
Working with the tribes, local schools will
incorporate the project area into their
"Adopt-A-Stream" program for hands-on
learning experiences.
Save the $40,000 San Francisquito Creek Restoration Project
Bay Save the Bay will mobilize and train 750
middle school, high school, and community
volunteers to revegetate and enhance tidal
salt marsh and restore over 6 acres of
critical habitat at the mouth of San
Francisquito Creek in Palo Alto for the
benefit of fish, shorebirds, and other
Urban $39,573 Rheem Creek Restoration and Watershed
Creeks Education Project
Council Urban Creeks Council will reach out to
neighborhoods close to Contra Costa College
to help restore native riparian habitat on
Rheem Creek. The Council will establish a
Watershed Curriculum at the college and
provide stipends to 10 interns to design and
install the project.
PG&E has a long history of making charitable grants tailored to the wide variety of needs of the communities it serves. The company's broader program of support to communities includes cash grants, in-kind contributions, and volunteers for community-based nonprofit organizations, and for schools and other governmental programs throughout northern and central California. All charitable contributions are entirely funded by PG&E Corporation shareholders and the level of charitable giving does not affect gas and electric rates.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation, is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, with 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation's cleanest energy to 15 million people in northern and central California. For more information, visit
A nonprofit established by Congress in 1984, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation sustains, restores and enhances the Nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats. Through leadership conservation investments with public and private partners, NFWF is dedicated to achieving maximum conservation impact by developing and applying best practices and innovative methods for measurable outcomes. Since its establishment, NFWF has awarded nearly 9,500 grants to over 3,000 organizations in the United States and abroad and leveraged -- with its partners -- more than $400 million in federal funds into more than $1.3 billion for on-the-ground conservation. For more information, visit
DATASOURCE: Pacific Gas and Electric Company
CONTACT: PG&E News Department, +1-415-973-5930; or John Butler of
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, +1-202-715-0710,
Web site: