Nemetschek (TG:NEM)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2020 to Jan 2025
Equity Gold Mineralized Material Not in Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Measured Material Indicated Material
Deposits/Districts Newmont Tonnage Grade Tonnage Grade
Share (000 tons) (oz/ton) (000 tons) (oz/ton)
Carlin Trend
Open Pit 100% 3,000 0.051 32,100 0.033
Lone Tree Complex 100% 4,200 0.022 0
Phoenix 100% 0 0.000 92,800 0.017
Twin Creeks 100% 2,100 0.080 22,900 0.056
Total Nevada
Open Pit 9,300 0.045 147,800 0.027
Carlin Trend
Underground 100% 200 0.35 900 0.26
Midas 100% 0 0.00 0 0.00
Ridge (2) 25% 700 0.43 500 0.43
Total Nevada
Underground 900 0.41 1,400 0.32
Stockpiles (3) 100% 1,200 0.076
Total Nevada 11,400 0.076 149,200 0.030
Yanacocha, Peru
Conga 51.35% 0 58,000 0.013
La Zanja(4) 46.9% 5,200 0.027 3,800 0.024
Yanacocha 51.35% 400 0.007 82,800 0.027
Total Yanacocha 5,600 0.026 144,600 0.021
New Zealand
Australia 66.67% 10,200 0.011 98,200 0.016
Australia 100% 0 800 0.123
Australia 50% 2,600 0.065 3,200 0.072
New Zealand 100% 0 1,800 0.21
Queensland 100% 0 0.10 100 0.08
Territory 100% 0 900 0.067
NEW ZEALAND 12,800 0.022 105,000 0.022
Batu Hijau,
Batu Hijau (5) 52.875% 30,600 0.011 131,500 0.008
Martabe(6) 0 0.000 0 0.000
TOTAL BATU HIJAU 30,600 0.011 131,500 0.008
Ghana, West Africa
Ahafo 100% 0 71,300 0.063
Akyem 100% 0 11,600 0.048
TOTAL AFRICA 0 82,900 0.061
Other Operations
and Projects
Ontario (7) 0 0.00 0 0.00
Kori Kollo,
Bolivia 88% 0 0.000 10,700 0.017
La Herradura,
Mexico 44% 6,400 0.021 15,200 0.020
PROJECTS 6,400 0.021 25,900 0.019
WORLDWIDE 66,800 0.026 639,100 0.026
Equity Gold Mineralized Material Not in Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Measured + Indicated
Material Inferred Material
Deposits/Districts Tonnage Grade Tonnage Grade
(000 tons) (oz/ton) (000 tons) (oz/ton)
Carlin Trend
Open Pit 35,100 0.035 6,300 0.022
Lone Tree Complex 4,200 0.022 0
Phoenix 92,800 0.017 23,200 0.022
Twin Creeks 25,000 0.058 3,100 0.033
Total Nevada
Open Pit 157,100 0.028 32,600 0.023
Carlin Trend
Underground 1,100 0.28 3,000 0.47
Midas 0 0.00 800 0.33
Ridge (2) 1,200 0.43 500 0.49
Total Nevada
Underground 2,300 0.35 4,300 0.45
Stockpiles (3) 1,200 0.076
Total Nevada 160,600 0.033 36,900 0.070
Yanacocha, Peru
Conga 58,000 0.013 79,000 0.011
La Zanja(4) 9,000 0.026 0
Yanacocha 83,200 0.027 23,500 0.020
Total Yanacocha 150,200 0.021 102,500 0.013
New Zealand
Australia 108,400 0.015 242,400 0.019
Australia 800 0.123 1,700 0.20
Australia 5,800 0.069 900 0.189
New Zealand 1,800 0.21 500 0.30
Queensland 100 0.08 300 0.15
Territory 900 0.067 7,000 0.21
NEW ZEALAND 117,800 0.022 252,800 0.027
Batu Hijau,
Batu Hijau (5) 162,100 0.009 48,900 0.003
Martabe(6) 0 0.000 0 0.000
TOTAL BATU HIJAU 162,100 0.009 48,900 0.003
Ghana, West Africa
Ahafo 71,300 0.063 27,600 0.072
Akyem 11,600 0.048 4,600 0.047
TOTAL AFRICA 82,900 0.061 32,200 0.068
Other Operations
and Projects
Ontario (7) 0 0.00 0 0.00
Kori Kollo,
Bolivia 10,700 0.017 0 0.00
La Herradura,
Mexico 21,600 0.020 29,600 0.021
PROJECTS 32,300 0.019 29,600 0.021
WORLDWIDE 705,900 0.026 502,900 0.027
(1) Mineralized Material calculated at a gold price of US$550, A$725, or
NZ$850 per ounce unless otherwise noted. 2005 Mineralized material
was calculated at a gold price of US$425, A$600, or NZ$715 per ounce.
Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000.
(2) Mineralized material estimates were provided by Barrick, the operator
of the Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture. Barrick calculated mineralized
material not in reserves assuming a gold price of US$525 per ounce.
(3) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside
to allow processing of higher grade material in the mills. Stockpiles
increase or decrease depending on current mine plans.
(4) Mineralized material estimates were provided by Buenaventura, the
operator of the La Zanja Project. Buenaventura calculated mineralized
material at a gold price of US$350 per ounce.
(5) Percentage reflects Newmont's economic interest.
(6) Martabe was sold during 2006.
(7) Holloway was sold during 2006.
Equity Copper Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Proven Reserve
Deposits/Districts Newmont Tonnage Grade (million
Share (000 tons) (Cu%) pounds)
Batu Hijau 52.875% 106,100 0.53% 1,120
Batu Hijau, Stockpiles (2) 52.875% 0 0
Total Batu Hijau, Indonesia (3) 52.875% 106,100 0.53% 1,120
Boddington, Western Australia (4) 66.67% 100,800 0.11% 230
Conga, Peru (5) 51.35% 0 0
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 0 0
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE 206,900 0.33% 1,350
Equity Copper Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Probable Reserve
Deposits/Districts Tonnage Grade (million
(000 tons) (Cu%) pounds)
Batu Hijau 266,100 0.47% 2,530
Batu Hijau, Stockpiles (2) 145,800 0.37% 1,070
Total Batu Hijau, Indonesia (3) 411,900 0.44% 3,600
Boddington, Western Australia (4) 276,600 0.11% 610
Conga, Peru (5) 317,200 0.26% 1,660
Phoenix, Nevada 296,600 0.13% 770
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE 1,302,300 0.25% 6,640
Equity Copper Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Proven + Probable Reserve
Copper Metal-
Deposits/Districts Tonnage Grade (million lurgical
(000 tons) (Cu%) pounds) Recovery
Batu Hijau 372,200 0.49% 3,650 85%
Batu Hijau, Stockpiles (2) 145,800 0.37% 1,070 72%
Total Batu Hijau, Indonesia (3) 518,000 0.46% 4,720 82%
Boddington, Western Australia (4) 377,400 0.11% 840 83%
Conga, Peru (5) 317,200 0.26% 1,660 85%
Phoenix, Nevada 296,600 0.13% 770 65%
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE 1,509,200 0.26% 7,990 81%
Equity Copper Reserves(1)
December 31, 2005
Proven + Probable Reserve
Deposits/Districts Tonnage Grade (million
(000 tons) (Cu%) pounds)
Batu Hijau 594,100 0.45% 5,310
Batu Hijau, Stockpiles (2) 103,900 0.36% 750
Total Batu Hijau, Indonesia (3) 698,000 0.43% 6,060
Boddington, Western Australia (4) 197,100 0.12% 480
Conga, Peru (5) 317,200 0.26% 1,660
Phoenix, Nevada 309,900 0.15% 900
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE 1,522,200 0.35% 9,100
(1) Reserves are calculated at US$1.25 or A$1.70 per pound copper price
unless otherwise noted. 2005 reserves were calculated at US$1.00 or
A$1.43 per pound copper price unless otherwise noted. Tonnage amounts
have been rounded to the nearest 100,000 and pounds have been rounded
to the nearest 10 million.
(2) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside
to allow processing of higher grade material. Stockpiles increase or
decrease depending on current mine plans. Stockpiles are reported
separately where tonnage or contained metal are greater than 5% of the
total site reported reserves.
(3) Percentage reflects Newmont's economic interest in remaining reserves.
(4) Deposit currently being developed. Newmont's equity ownership
increased to 66.67% during 2006 after the acquisition of an additional
22.22% equity interest.
(5) Deposit is undeveloped.
Equity Copper Mineralized Material Not in Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Measured Material Indicated Material
Deposits/Districts Newmont Tonnage Grade Tonnage Grade
Share (000 tons) (Cu%) (000 tons) (Cu%)
Batu Hijau,
Indonesia (2) 52.875% 30,600 0.36% 131,500 0.36%
Australia 66.67% 10,200 0.08% 98,200 0.09%
Conga, Peru 51.35% 0 0.00% 58,000 0.18%
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 0 0.00% 91,300 0.16%
WORLDWIDE 40,800 0.29% 379,000 0.21%
Equity Copper Mineralized Material Not in Reserves(1)
December 31, 2006
Measured + Indicated
Material Inferred Material
Deposits/Districts Tonnage Grade Tonnage Grade
(000 tons) (Cu%) (000 tons) (Cu%)
Batu Hijau,
Indonesia (2) 162,100 0.36% 48,900 0.29%
Australia 108,400 0.09% 242,400 0.10%
Conga, Peru 58,000 0.18% 79,000 0.17%
Phoenix, Nevada 91,300 0.16% 24,200 0.16%
WORLDWIDE 419,800 0.22% 394,500 0.14%
(1) Mineralized material calculated at a copper price of US$1.50 or
A$2.00 per pound unless otherwise noted. 2005 mineralized material
was calculated at a copper price of US$1.10 or A$1.47 per pound.
Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000.
(2) Percentage reflects Newmont's economic interest in remaining
mineralized material.
GOLD Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Consolidated ounces sold (000):
Nevada (1) 887.1 651.9 2,534.1 2,444.1
Yanacocha 439.0 1,062.9 2,572.3 3,327.5
Batu Hijau 169.1 180.9 435.3 720.5
Australia/New Zealand
Tanami 116.0 108.2 417.6 493.7
Kalgoorlie 76.1 109.4 332.2 409.6
Jundee 76.1 92.9 305.4 341.8
Pajingo 57.6 51.0 174.6 192.0
Martha 20.7 35.5 120.3 163.4
346.5 397.0 1,350.1 1,600.5
Ahafo 124.8 -- 202.1 --
Golden Giant 1.7 46.0 59.3 162.0
La Herradura 17.9 19.0 79.2 80.2
Kori Kollo 25.3 49.4 128.8 94.5
44.9 114.4 267.3 336.7
2,011.4 2,407.1 7,361.2 8,429.3
Equity ounces sold (000):
Nevada (1) 887.1 606.2 2,427.0 2,287.2
Yanacocha 225.4 545.8 1,320.9 1,708.7
Batu Hijau 89.4 95.7 230.2 381.0
Australia/New Zealand
Tanami 116.0 108.2 417.6 493.7
Kalgoorlie 76.1 109.4 332.2 409.6
Jundee 76.1 92.9 305.4 341.8
Pajingo 57.6 51.0 174.6 192.0
Martha 20.7 35.5 120.3 163.4
346.5 397.0 1,350.1 1,600.5
Ahafo 124.8 -- 202.1 --
Golden Giant 1.7 46.0 59.3 162.0
La Herradura 17.9 19.0 79.2 80.2
Kori Kollo 22.3 43.5 113.3 83.2
41.9 108.5 251.8 325.4
1,715.1 1,753.2 5,782.1 6,302.8
Discontinued operations:
Zarafshan 0.5 29.6 26.0 122.7
Holloway -- 16.0 62.2 67.8
1,715.6 1,798.8 5,870.3 6,493.3
Batu Hijau (pounds sold
in millions):
Consolidated 146.8 128.7 434.7 572.7
Equity 77.6 68.0 229.9 302.8
(1) Includes 17,400 and 100,300 ounces sold (consolidated and equity) for
the quarter and year ended December 31, 2006, respectively, and 22,100
ounces sold (consolidated and equity) for the quarter and year ended
December 31, 2005, from Phoenix and Leeville start-up activities which
are not included in Revenue, Costs applicable to sales and
Depreciation, depletion and amortization per ounce calculations prior
to commencing operations on October 1, 2006 and October 14, 2006,
respectively. Revenues and costs during start-up are included in
Other income, net.
Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Open pit
Ore 12,961 9,512 38,446 34,115
Waste 41,631 40,023 152,992 159,450
Total 54,592 49,535 191,438 193,565
Underground 660 475 1,651 1,727
Tons milled/processed
(000 dry short tons):
Mill 6,502 4,188 17,882 15,570
Leach 4,768 5,740 22,138 21,660
Average ore grade (oz/ton):
Mill 0.112 0.153 0.127 0.157
Leach 0.032 0.021 0.026 0.024
Average mill recovery rate 79.8% 84.5% 81.1% 86.0%
Ounces produced (000):
Mill 734.8 514.9 2,059.3 2,060.8
Leach 123.7 79.0 363.8 355.9
Incremental start-up (1) 17.4 22.1 100.3 22.1
Consolidated 875.9 616.0 2,523.4 2,438.8
Equity 875.9 570.2 2,415.8 2,276.7
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 887.1 651.9 2,534.1 2,444.1
Equity 887.1 606.2 2,427.0 2,287.2
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $316 $222 $980 $807
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $73 $32 $180 $124
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $372 $348 $404 $346
Capitalized mining -- -- -- (20)
By-product credits (22) (6) (15) (7)
Royalties and production taxes 7 7 9 8
Reclamation/accretion expense 2 1 3 2
Other 4 2 2 4
Costs applicable to sales $363 $352 $403 $333
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $84 $51 $74 $51
(1) Phoenix and Leeville start-up activities. Revenues and incremental
costs during start-up are included in Other income, net.
Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Ore 23,918 35,497 115,795 145,926
Waste 27,990 17,565 101,706 73,007
Total 51,908 53,062 217,501 218,933
Tons processed
(000 dry short tons): 26,666 36,216 118,551 146,645
Average ore grade (oz/ton): 0.016 0.028 0.026 0.028
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 456.0 1,064.4 2,612.2 3,333.1
Equity 234.2 546.6 1,341.4 1,711.5
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 439.0 1,062.9 2,572.3 3,327.5
Equity 225.4 545.8 1,320.9 1,708.7
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $107 $154 $498 $488
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $34 $57 $172 $205
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $255 $149 $200 $150
By-product credits (21) (11) (16) (10)
Royalties and production taxes 5 3 4 3
Reclamation/accretion expense 3 2 3 2
Other 2 2 2 2
Costs applicable to sales $244 $145 $193 $147
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $78 $53 $67 $62
Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons)
Ore 21,101 27,533 127,255 83,761
Waste 54,670 24,452 165,904 142,077
Total 75,771 51,985 293,159 225,838
Tons milled
(000 dry short tons): 12,755 11,763 47,026 50,210
Average ore grade:
Gold (oz/ton) 0.017 0.016 0.012 0.018
Copper 0.65% 0.61% 0.55% 0.69%
Average mill recovery rate:
Gold 81.2% 80.6% 79.5% 80.7%
Copper 90.7% 85.0% 87.3% 86.7%
Gold ounces (000)
Consolidated 175.7 156.9 447.7 731.8
Equity 92.9 82.9 236.7 386.9
Copper pounds (millions)
Consolidated 150.5 120.8 453.7 596.0
Equity 79.6 63.9 239.9 315.1
Gold ounces (000)
Consolidated 169.1 180.9 435.3 720.5
Equity 89.4 95.7 230.2 381.0
Copper pounds (millions)
Consolidated 146.8 128.7 434.7 572.7
Equity 77.6 68.0 229.9 302.8
Gold production costs
(in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $32 $29 $91 $110
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $6 $9 $20 $34
Gold production costs
(per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $188 $151 $203 $145
Capitalized mining -- 4 -- 1
By-product credits (10) (5) (9) (5)
Royalties and production taxes 12 10 13 9
Reclamation/accretion expense 2 2 2 2
Costs applicable to sales $192 $162 $209 $152
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $38 $47 $46 $47
Copper production costs
(in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $94 $77 $308 $304
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $20 $21 $66 $88
Copper production costs
(per pound sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $0.58 $0.52 $0.66 $0.47
Capitalized mining -- 0.02 -- --
By-product credits (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.02)
Royalties and production taxes 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03
Reclamation/accretion expense 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Other 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04
Costs applicable to sales $0.64 $0.60 $0.71 $0.53
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $0.13 $0.16 $0.15 $0.15
PAJINGO Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons) 161 147 567 629
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) 317 317 1,133 1,318
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.434 0.342 0.331 0.303
Average mill recovery rate 96.3% 96.5% 96.7% 96.6%
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 61.2 50.9 177.1 193.0
Equity 61.2 50.9 177.1 193.0
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 57.6 51.0 174.6 192.0
Equity 57.6 51.0 174.6 192.0
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $16 $13 $61 $58
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $9 $6 $28 $25
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $267 $245 $341 $289
By-product credits (12) (8) (13) (8)
Royalties and production taxes 18 18 17 15
Reclamation/accretion expense 2 2 2 2
Other -- 2 3 3
Costs applicable to sales $275 $259 $350 $301
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $158 $127 $161 $130
JUNDEE Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined
(000 dry short tons):
Open pit
Ore 177 285 812 1,309
Waste 1,522 1,565 5,810 11,867
Total 1,699 1,850 6,622 13,176
Underground 257 274 1,166 1,132
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) 1,275 1,322 4,921 5,124
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.139 0.157 0.136 0.145
Average mill recovery rate 92.8% 92.5% 92.3% 92.2%
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 82.8 92.2 313.0 341.6
Equity 82.8 92.2 313.0 341.6
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 76.1 92.9 305.4 341.8
Equity 76.1 92.9 305.4 341.8
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $28 $26 $113 $115
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $8 $8 $26 $26
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $354 $261 $345 $315
By-product credits (2) (1) (2) (1)
Royalties and production taxes 17 12 16 11
Reclamation/accretion expense 5 4 5 4
Other -- -- 5 6
Costs applicable to sales $374 $276 $369 $335
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $110 $83 $85 $80
TANAMI Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons) 539 504 2,136 2,049
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) 1,613 1,546 6,301 8,162
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.167 0.146 0.144 0.125
Average mill recovery rate 95.5% 94.6% 95.2% 94.8%
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 129.2 107.3 430.7 487.5
Equity 129.2 107.3 430.7 487.5
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 116.0 108.2 417.6 493.7
Equity 116.0 108.2 417.6 493.7
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $42 $37 $155 $162
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $9 $8 $30 $33
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $295 $309 314 $301
By-product credits (1) (1) (1) (1)
Royalties and production taxes 63 28 54 20
Reclamation/accretion expense 3 4 3 4
Other -- 4 -- 4
Costs applicable to sales $360 $344 $370 $328
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $76 $77 $72 $67
KALGOORLIE Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Open pit
Ore 1,715 1,506 7,037 7,306
Waste 9,267 10,213 38,687 38,084
Total 10,982 11,719 45,724 45,390
Underground 51 53 207 213
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) 3,266 3,537 12,868 14,627
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.057 0.057 0.062 0.067
Average mill recovery rate 85.3% 81.7% 84.6% 85.6%
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 87.3 109.5 342.5 409.4
Equity 87.3 109.5 342.5 409.4
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 76.1 109.4 332.2 409.6
Equity 76.1 109.4 332.2 409.6
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $41 $42 $163 $144
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $6 $5 $25 $17
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $512 $453 $470 $363
Capitalized mining -- (80) -- (23)
By-product credits (3) (2) (3) (2)
Royalties and production taxes 18 7 16 11
Reclamation/accretion expense 7 3 6 3
Other 5 -- 1 --
Costs applicable to sales $539 $381 $490 $352
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $83 $49 $76 $42
MARTHA Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Open pit
Ore 45 347 890 1,225
Waste 826 187 987 900
Total 871 534 1,877 2,125
Underground 86 -- 149 --
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) 353 636 2,049 2,554
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.181 0.129 0.135 0.140
Average mill recovery rate 86.4% 93.6% 91.9% 93.0%
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 28.6 34.6 129.7 163.5
Equity 28.6 34.6 129.7 163.5
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 20.7 35.5 120.3 163.4
Equity 20.7 35.5 120.3 163.4
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $7 $7 $27 $29
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $1 $3 $10 $16
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $404 $256 $294 $229
Capitalized mining -- 15 -- 12
By-product credits (74) (70) (79) (67)
Royalties and production taxes 3 -- 1 --
Reclamation/accretion expense 10 3 7 3
Costs applicable to sales $343 $204 $223 $177
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $36 $96 $83 $97
AHAFO Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Open pit
Ore 2,596 -- 5,007 --
Waste 8,422 -- 14,992 --
Total 11,018 -- 19,999 --
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) 4,342 -- 7,031 --
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.068 -- 0.065 --
Average mill recovery rate 86.7% -- 88.3% --
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 119.1 -- 197.0 --
Equity 119.1 -- 197.0 --
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 124.8 -- 202.1 --
Equity 124.8 -- 202.1 --
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $41 -- $60 --
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $13 -- $19 --
Production costs (per ounce sold): -- --
Direct mining and production
costs $306 -- $277 --
By-product credits (1) -- (1) --
Royalties and production taxes 18 -- 18 --
Reclamation/accretion expense 1 -- 1 --
Other 2 -- 2 --
Costs applicable to sales $326 -- $297 --
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $102 -- $95 --
GOLDEN GIANT Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons) -- 172 13 576
Tons milled (000 dry short tons) -- 351 35 1,162
Average ore grade (oz/ton) -- 0.309 0.627 0.298
Average mill recovery rate -- 95.2% 96.9% 95.7%
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 1.7 45.9 59.2 161.8
Equity 1.7 45.9 59.2 161.8
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 1.7 46.0 59.3 162.0
Equity 1.7 46.0 59.3 162.0
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $-- $13 $13 $48
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $-- $3 $1 $11
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $-- $271 $201 $290
By-product credits -- -- (1) --
Royalties and production taxes -- 1 -- 1
Reclamation/accretion expense -- 3 14 3
Other -- 2 -- 2
Costs applicable to sales $-- $277 $214 $296
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $-- $54 $10 $67
LA HERRADURA Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Ore 1,219 717 4,263 3,510
Waste 3,902 2,321 13,926 9,670
Total 5,121 3,038 18,189 13,180
Tons processed
(000 dry short tons) 1,219 717 4,263 3,510
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.024 0.031 0.023 0.029
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 24.4 19.0 79.2 80.2
Equity 24.4 19.0 79.2 80.2
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 17.9 19.0 79.2 80.2
Equity 17.9 19.0 79.2 80.2
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $5 $4 $20 $15
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $2 $2 $9 $5
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $264 $263 $251 $212
Capitalized mining -- (43) -- (31)
By-product credits (25) (2) (10) (1)
Royalties and production taxes -- -- -- --
Reclamation/accretion expense 12 2 4 2
Other 3 3 3 2
Costs applicable to sales $254 $223 $248 $184
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $129 $80 $114 $63
Q4 2006 Q4 2005 2006 2005
Tons mined (000 dry short tons):
Ore 1,920 4,391 9,516 12,712
Waste 4,317 914 14,294 1,343
Total 6,237 5,305 23,810 14,055
Tons processed
(000 dry short tons) 1,920 4,391 9,516 12,712
Average ore grade (oz/ton) 0.021 0.014 0.021 0.013
Ounces produced (000):
Consolidated 25.1 46.6 129.0 97.4
Equity 22.1 41.0 113.5 85.7
Ounces sold (000):
Consolidated 25.3 49.4 128.8 94.5
Equity 22.3 43.5 113.3 83.2
Production costs (in millions):
Costs applicable to sales $8 $7 $27 $16
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $2 $2 $9 $4
Production costs (per ounce sold):
Direct mining and production
costs $310 $120 $213 $140
By-product credits (25) (7) (17) (11)
Royalties and production taxes -- 23 -- 21
Reclamation/accretion expense 12 7 10 14
Other 4 2 4 3
Costs applicable to sales $301 $145 $210 $167
Depreciation, depletion and
amortization $92 $47 $68 $40
MATURITY SUMMARY (1), (2) (000 Ounces)
Put Option Price Capped
Contracts Contracts
Year Ounces Price (2) Ounces Price (2)
2007 20 397 -- --
2008 -- -- 1,000 384
2009 -- -- 600 381
2010 -- -- -- --
Thereafter -- -- 250 392
Total/Average 20 $397 1,850 $384
The Company's fourth quarter earnings conference call and web cast presentation will be held on February 22, 2007 beginning at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (2:00 p.m. Mountain Time). To participate:
Dial-In Number: 210.795.2680
Leader: Randy Engel
Password: Newmont
The conference call will also be simultaneously carried on our web site at under Investor Information/Presentations and will be archived there for a limited time.
Cautionary Statement
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, (i) estimates of future gold and copper production and sales; (ii) estimates of future costs applicable to sales; (iii) estimates of future capital expenditures, royalty and dividend income, tax rates and expenses; (iv) estimates regarding timing of future development, construction, production or closure activities; (v) statements regarding future exploration results and the replacement of reserves; and (vi) statements regarding cost structure and competitive position. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. However, forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed, projected or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to, gold and other metals price volatility, currency fluctuations, increased production costs and variances in ore grade or recovery rates from those assumed in mining plans, political and operational risks in the countries in which we operate, and governmental regulation and judicial outcomes. For a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors, see the Company's 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K/A, filed October 26, 2006, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the Company's other SEC filings. The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly revisions to any "forward-looking statement," to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.
DATASOURCE: Newmont Mining Corporation
CONTACT: Randy Engel, +1-303-837-6033, , or
Stephen Gottesfeld, +1-303-837-5737, , both of
Newmont Mining Corporation
Web site: