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Name | Symbol | Market | Type |
iShares Health Innovation Active ETF | AMEX:BMED | AMEX | Exchange Traded Fund |
Price Change | % Change | Price | High Price | Low Price | Open Price | Traded | Last Trade | |
-0.0496 | -0.19% | 25.4094 | 25.47 | 25.3399 | 25.44 | 6,622 | 21:15:01 |
RNS Number:2517L Banque Marocaine Du Commerce Exteri 19 May 2003 NOTICE OF MEETING TO SHAREHOLDERS Public Limited Company ("societe anonyme") with capital of 1,587,513,900 dirhams Head Office: Casablanca - 140 Avenue Hassan II - RC. number 27,129 Shareholders of BANQUE MAROCAINE DU COMMERCE EXTERIEUR, abbreviated to "BMCE BANK", a Public Limited Company with capital of 1,587,513,900 dirhams, headquartered in Casablanca -140, Avenue Hassan II - registered in the Register of Companies under number 27,129 are invited to attend the Annual Ordinary General Meeting at the Head Office on: Friday May 23, 2003 at 4 p.m. to deliberate and vote on the following agenda: 1- Reading of the Board of Directors' Report and the Auditors' Reports; 2- Examination and approval of the balance sheet and the income statements as closed on December 31, 2002; 3- Appropriation of the profits for fiscal year 2002 and setting of the date for payment of dividends; 4- Recognition of the fulfilment by the Auditors of their mission; 5- Approval of regulated agreements; 6- Resignation of Associated Advisors SARL (formerly Arthur Andersen) from its functions as Auditors and its replacement; 7- Discharge for Directors; 8- Setting of Directors' fees; 9- Renewal of Directors' mandates; 10- Powers; 11- Other issues. Owners of bearer shares should deposit the certificates recording the registration of their securities in the accounts, at the Bank's head office, or have them taken by an authorized representative, five days before the Meeting. Holders of registered shares, previously recorded in the accounts, at least five days before the Meeting, will be admitted on presentation of proof of identity or proxy. RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF MAY 23rd, 2003 FIRST RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting, after hearing the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors, approves all these documents in their entirety and without reservation, as well as the accounts for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002. To be noted that the individual accounts as well as the Balance Sheets for Domestic Activity, the Paris Branch and BMCE Bank Off Shore, their Income Statements and Management Balances Statements as closed on December 31, 2002, reflect the totality of the Bank's operations. SECOND RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting notes that net profit for fiscal year 2002, after provisions for depreciation, bad debts and taxation, can be broken down as follows: For Domestic Activity: MAD 217,562,913.69 For BMCE Bank Off Shore MAD 18,356,932.27 1) For earnings from Domestic Activity, it approves the net profit made and decides that it should be appropriated as follows: Net profit MAD 235,919,845.96 - Legal reserve of 5% MAD 11,795,992.30 MAD 224,123,853.66 - First dividend of 6% MAD 88,266,822.00 MAD 135,857,031.66 - Surplus dividend of 9% MAD 132,400,233.00 MAD 3,456,798.66 - Brought forward from previous year MAD 4,219.50 MAD 3,491,018.16 - Extraordinary reserve MAD 3,400,000.00 balance in dirhams to be carried forward MAD 91,018.16 It therefore sets the dividend at 15 dirhams per share. Payment of dividend, after the deductions stipulated by law, will be made starting from July 15, 2003 at the Head Office:140, Avenue Hassan II, Casablanca, Custody Department. Dividends will be collected by transfer of coupons to BMCE Bank's account with MAROCLEAR. The shares held by BMCE Bank as part of the shares repurchasing program do not give entitlement to a dividend. 2) For the PARIS Branch earnings of 4,363,286.27 euros, the Meeting decides to add to this amount the revenues from Head Office expenses of 375,940 euros and to appropriate the resulting amount of 4,739,226.27 as follows: - 375,000 euros to the allowance fund, bringing it from 22,500,000 euros to 22,875,000 euros; - 940 euros to the special reserve, bringing it from 2,192,282.48 euros to 2,193,222.48 euros; - 4,363,286.27 euros to the free reserve, bringing it from 38,478,678.74 euros to 42,841,965.01 euros. So that the Paris Branch shareholders' equity amounts to 67,910,187.49 euros. THIRD RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting formally acknowledges that the Bank's Auditors ASSOCIATED ADVISORS SARL (formerly ARTHUR ANDERSEN SARL) and ERNST & YOUNG, have accomplished their mission for fiscal year 2002, in accordance with the statutory provision, Law 17-95 on public limited companies ("societes anonymes") and the provisions of Article 35 of Dahir/Law number 1-93-147 of July 6, 1993, both for their general report on transactions for fiscal 2002 and for the transactions referred to in Articles 56 to 62 of Law 17-95 for which a special report has been submitted to it. The Ordinary General Meeting therefore approves the ordinary report. FOURTH RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting, after the reading of the Special Auditors' Report on the agreements coming under Articles 56 and following of Law 17-95 on public limited companies ("societes anonymes") and Article 26 of the Articles of Incorporation, approves the conclusions of the said report and the agreements mentioned in it. FIFTH RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting, being informed that, since March 1, 2003, ANDERSEN SARL has had a new name - ASSOCIATED ADVISORS SARL - and is a member of the ERNST & YOUNG network, formally acknowledges the resignation of the ARTHUR ANDERSEN practice and decides to replace it by the KPMG Maroc practice, represented by Mr. Azeddine BENMOUSSA. KPMG Maroc is appointed as the Bank's Auditors for the remaining period of the mission of ASSOCIATED ADVISORS SARL (formerly ARTHUR ANDERSEN SARL), in accordance with the provisions of Article 163 of Law number 17/95. Its mandate will thus expire at the Meeting called to examine the accounts for fiscal year 2004. SIXTH RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting gives full and final discharge, without reservation, to the Directors for their management for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002. SEVENTH RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting sets the overall amount of Directors' fees to be divided among the Directors, for fiscal year 2002, at 1,300,000.00 MAD (ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DIRHAMS), net of tax, per year. EIGHTH RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting, noting that the mandates of the Directors: - Hadj Abdelmajid BENGELLOUN; - Mr. Jean-Bernard MERIMEE; - Mr. Jurgen LEMMER; - FINANCE.COM; - COMMERZBANK, have come to an end, decides to renew them, for the first four Directors, for a period of 6 years, that is until the Meeting called to examine the accounts for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008. Consequently, the Board of Directors will thus be made up of twelve Directors: - Mr. Othman BENJELLOUN, Chairman - Hadj Abdelmajid BENGELLOUN, Honorary Chairman - Mr. David SURATGAR - Mr. Moriyuki MOTONO - Mr. Jean-Bernard MERIMEE - Mr. Jurgen LEMMER - ROYALE MAROCAINE D'ASSURANCES represented by Mr. Sebastien CASTRO - AKWA HOLDING represented by Mr. Aziz AKHANNOUCH - ASSURANCES AL WATANIYA represented by Mr. Azeddine GUESSOUS - FINANCE.COM represented by Mr. Sa(R)?d BENDIDI - UNION BANCAIRE PRIVEE represented by Mr. Edgar DE PICCIOTTO - BANCO ESPIRITO SANTO represented by Mr. Mario MOSQUEIRA DO AMARAL NINTH RESOLUTION: The Ordinary General Meeting gives authority to the bearer of an original, a copy or extract of the minutes of this meeting, to carry out any formalities required by law, in particular for filing wherever necessary and for disclosure. Any shareholder fulfilling the conditions required by Law 17-95 on public limited companies ("societes anonymes") can request the inclusion of draft resolutions on the agenda, it being their responsibility to send the request to the Head Office by recorded delivery, at the latest ten days after publication of this notice. AGGREGATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As of December 31st , 2002 BALANCE SHEET In thousand MAD ASSETS 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 CASH, CENTRAL BANKS, TREASURY, GIRO ACCOUNTS 3 545 617 500 775 LOANS TO CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT 8 767 627 10 899 654 . Demand 1 052 439 1 521 564 . Time 7 715 188 9 378 090 LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS 22 866 649 22 867 051 . Cash and consumer loans 13 870 889 13 780 251 . Equipment loans 5 164 968 4 953 829 . Mortgage loans 1 010 707 604 078 . Other loans 2 820 085 3 528 893 ADVANCES ACQUIRED BY FACTORING TRANSACTION AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES 12 177 293 8 654 780 . Treasury bonds and equivalent securities 6 553 502 6 792 404 . Other debt securities 2 483 780 1 745 608 . Title deeds 3 140 011 116 768 OTHER ASSETS 557 250 650 582 INVESTMENT SECURITIES 555 940 242 625 . Treasury bonds and equivalent securities . Other debt securities 555 940 242 625 EQUITY INVESTMENT AND EQUIVALENT USES 3 964 995 3 733 396 SUBORDINATED LOANS FIXED ASSETS LEASED AND RENTED INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 60 567 48 473 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 950 627 943 261 TOTAL ASSETS 53 446 565 48 540 597 LIABILITIES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 CENTRAL BANKS, TREASURY, GIRO ACCOUNTS LIABILITIES TO CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT 6 548 001 4 325 210 . Demand 871 717 1 003 186 . Time 5 676 284 3 322 024 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS 40 914 297 38 119 114 . Demand deposits 19 335 195 16 185 779 . Savings deposits 6 904 628 6 231 782 . Time deposits 10 623 276 11 100 127 . Other deposits 4 051 198 4 601 426 DEBT SECURITIES ISSUED 100 000 . Negotiable debt securities 100 000 . Bond loans . Other debt securities issued OTHER LIABILITIES 588 557 627 296 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 168 730 172 929 REGULATED PROVISIONS 382 SUBSIDIES, ASSIGNED PUBLIC FUNDS AND SPECIAL GUARANTEE FUNDS SUBORDINATED DEBTS REVALUATION RESERVE RESERVES AND PREMIUMS RELATED TO CAPITAL 3 301 138 3 250 609 CAPITAL 1 587 514 1 587 514 SHAREHOLDERS. UNPAID-UP CAPITAL RETAINED EARNINGS (+/-) 34 91 NET EARNING BEING APPROPRIATED (+/-) 55 953 NET EARNING FOR THE YEAR (+/-) 282 341 357 452 TOTAL LIABILITIES 53 446 565 48 540 597 OFF BALANCE SHEET In thousand MAD OFF-BALANCE SHEET 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 GIVEN COMMITMENTS 10 970 480 13 209 232 Financing commitments on behalf of credit 1 485 847 2 694 001 institutions and equivalent Financing commitments on behalf of customers 3 604 830 4 156 885 Guarantee commitments given to credit institutions 1 783 785 2 013 166 and equivalent Guarantee commitments given to customers 4 096 018 4 345 180 Securities repos purchased Other securities to be delivered RECEIVED COMMITMENTS 587 931 582 489 Financing commitments received from credit institutions and equivalent Guarantee commitments received from credit 546 429 534 283 institutions and equivalent Guarantee commitments received from the State and 41 502 48 206 various guarantee bodies Securities repos sold Other securities to be received INCOME STATEMENT In thousand MAD 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 BANK OPERATING REVENUES 3 656 479 3 835 401 Interests and assimilated revenues on transactions 210 180 255 440 with credit institutions Interests and assimilated revenues on transactions 1 653 077 1 771 956 with customers Interests and assimilated revenues on debt 541 949 537 202 securities Revenues on title deeds 102 184 49 836 Revenues from leased and rented fixed assets Fees on provided services 350 656 263 894 Other banking revenues 798 433 957 073 BANK OPERATING EXPENSES 1 431 907 1 812 752 Interests and assimilated expenses on transactions 135 677 162 950 with credit institutions Interests and assimilated expenses on transactions 784 494 914 656 with customers Interests and assimilated expenses on debt 1 830 3 486 securities issued Expenses on leased and rented fixed assets Other banking expenses 509 906 731 660 NET BANKING INCOME 2 224 572 2 022 649 Non-banking operating revenues 28 261 54 515 Non-banking operating expenses 6 038 10 088 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1 290 990 1 253 519 Staff expenses 789 887 665 667 Tax expenses 25 903 21 050 External expenses 345 205 456 288 Other general operating expenses 11 044 Allowances for depreciation and provisions for 118 951 110 514 intangible and tangible fixed assets ALLOWANCES FOR PROVISIONS AND LOAN LOSSES 980 098 661 027 Allowances for non performing loans and 583 783 389 369 commitments Loan losses 349 030 244 953 Other allowances for provisions 47 285 26 705 PROVISION WRITE-BACKS AND RECOVERY ON AMORTISED 416 542 385 296 DEBTS Provision write-backs on non performing loans and 361 667 295 905 commitments Recovery of amortised debts 14 237 21 115 Other provision write-backs 40 638 68 276 CURRENT INCOME 392 249 537 826 Non-current revenues Non-current expenses PRE-TAX EARNING 392 249 537 826 Corporate tax 109 908 180 374 NET EARNING FOR THE YEAR 282 341 357 452 MANAGEMENT BALANCES STATEMENT In thousand MAD I- EARNING FORMATION TABLE 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 + Interests and assimilated revenues 2 405 215 2 564 592 - Interests and assimilated expenses 922 001 1 081 091 Interest Margin 1 483 214 1 483 501 + Revenues from leased and rented fixed assets - Expenses on leased and rented fixed assets Profit from leasing and renting operations + Fees received 424 895 356 534 - Fees paid 33 137 31 211 Margin on fees 391 758 325 323 +/- Income from operations on transaction 57 852 securities +/- Income from transactions on marketable 131 886 37 714 securities +/- Income from exchange transactions 129 901 154 106 +/- Income from derivatives transactions - 10 246 -2 409 Income from market transactions 309 393 189 411 + Other miscellaneous banking revenues 102 341 80 403 - Other miscellaneous banking expenses 62 134 55 989 NET BANKING INCOME 2 224 572 2 022 649 +/- Net income from equity investments -42 347 36 855 + Other non-banking operating revenues 28 261 19 141 - Other non-banking operating expenses 4 930 10 088 - General operating expenses 1 290 990 1 253 517 GROSS OPERATING EARNING 914 566 815 040 +/- Allowances for non performing loans and -556 908 -317 302 commitments (net of write-backs) + Other allowances net of provision 34 591 40 088 write-backs CURRENT INCOME 392 249 537 826 NON-CURRENT INCOME - Corporate tax 109 908 180 374 NET EARNING FOR THE YEAR 282 341 357 452 II- CASH-FLOW +/- NET EARNING FOR THE YEAR 282 341 357 452 + Allowances for depreciation and provisions 118 951 110 514 for intangible and tangible fixed assets + Allowances for provisions for equity 43 381 23 518 investments depreciation + Allowances for provisions for general risks + Allowances for regulated provisions + Non-current allowances - Provisions write-backs 4 611 53 800 - Capital gains on disposals of intangible and 1 607 2 128 tangible fixed assets + Capital losses on disposals of intangible and 1 449 3 353 tangible fixed assets - Capital gains on disposals of equity 35 373 investments + Capital losses on disposals of equity 1 108 investments - Write-backs of investment subsidies received +/- FINANCING CAPACITY 441 012 403 536 - Dividends distributed 238 127 238 127 +/- CASH-FLOW 202 885 165 409 CASH FLOW STATEMENT In thousand MAD 2002 2001 1. (+) Banking revenues received 3 484 932 3 771 899 2. (+) Recovery of amortised debts 14 237 21 115 3. (+) Non-banking revenues received 28 261 54 515 4. ( -) Banking expenses paid 2 001 223 2 147 684 5. ( -) Non-banking expenses paid 6 038 10 088 6. ( -) General operating expenses paid 1 172 039 1 143 005 7. ( -) Corporate tax paid 109 908 180 374 I. NET CASH FLOWS FROM THE INCOME STATEMENT 238 222 366 378 Change in: 8. ( +/- ) Loans to credit institutions and -5 334 1 084 211 equivalent 9. ( +/- ) Loans to customers 402 -680 852 10.( +/- ) Debt and marketable securities -3 522 513 16 946 11.( +/- ) Other assets -154 386 -225 913 12.( +/- ) Fixed assets leased and rented out - - 13.( +/- ) Debts to credit institutions and 2 222 791 -5 047 equivalent 14.( +/- ) Customer deposits 2 795 183 1 392 565 15.( +/- ) Debt securities issued -100 000 100 000 16.( +/- ) Other liabilities -286 457 213 474 II. BALANCE OF CHANGES IN OPERATING ASSETS AND 949 686 1 895 384 LIABILITIES III. NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ( I + 1 187 908 2 261 762 II ) 17. (+) Revenues from disposals of long-term 40 122 104 201 investments 18. (+) Revenues from disposals of intangible and 5 183 11 501 tangible fixed assets 19. (-) Acquisitions of long-term investments 231 600 1 059 155 20. (-) Acquisitions of intangible and tangible 25 721 196 114 fixed assets 21. (+) Interests received 69 906 13 950 22. (+) Dividends received 101 641 49 552 IV. NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES - 40 469 - 1 076 065 Change in : 23. (+) Subsidies, public funds and guarantee funds received 24. (+) Issues of subordinated debts 25. (+) Stock issues 26. ( -) Repayment of equity capital and equivalent 27. ( -) Interests paid 1 830 3 485 28. ( -) Dividends paid 238 128 238 128 V. NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES -239 958 -241 613 VI. NET CHANGE IN CASH ( III + IV + V ) 907 481 944 084 VII. OPENING CASH 2 576 775 1 632 691 VIII. CLOSING CASH 3 484 256 2 576 775 ADDITIONAL AGGREGATED DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS As of December 31st , 2002 STATEMENT OF DEROGATIONS INDICATIONS OF JUSTIFICATION INFLUENCE OF THE DEROGATIONS ON THE THE DEROGATIONS FOR THE DEROGATIONS ASSETS, FINANCIAL POSITION AND PROFITS I -Derogations to NONE fundamentals accounting principles (*) (*) NONE II - Derogations to (*) (*) valuation methods III - Derogations to NONE the rules for establishing and presenting financial statements. (*) (*) (*) Compliance with the specific principles of the "Plan Comptable des Etablissements de Credits" (Credit Institution Accounting Standards) cf : Accounting principles and valuation methods applied SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN METHODS NATURE INFLUENCE ON THE ASSETS, OF CHANGES JUSTIFICATIONS FOR CHANGES FINANCIAL POSITION AND PROFITS I -Changing affecting valuation methods 1- Balance Sheet Reclassification Intention of disposal Reclassification of investment securities of investment in a short time period into marketable securities ( 2 928 480 KMAD ) securities (less than 6 months) (mutual funds) into marketable securities 2- Income Statement Taking into account an unrealised capital gain of 57 852 KMAD II - Changes affecting the rules for presentation LOANS TO CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT In thousand MAD CLAIMS Banks in Other credit Foreign credit Total Total Bank Morocco institutions and institutions 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Al-Maghrib equivalent in Treasury and Morocco giro accounts ORDINARY 3 083 729 289 405 035 284 885 3 773 938 3 036 497 ACCOUNTS IN DEBIT SECURITIES 209 866 RECEIVED AS PLEDGES - overnight - time 209 866 SHORT-TERM 99 355 618 102 2 390 373 3 107 830 3 221 399 LOANS - overnight 19 355 19 355 429 297 - time 80 000 618 102 2 390 373 3 088 475 2 792 102 FINANCIAL LOANS 1 955 516 1 955 516 1 697 892 OTHER LOANS 3 297 274 28 946 142 196 3 468 416 3 230 943 RECEIVABLES 6 552 992 7 544 3 832 ACCRUED INTEREST NON PERFORMING LOANS TOTAL 6 381 003 135 142 2 979 645 2 817 454 12 313 244 11 400 429 Comments: The PL 480 of MAD 2 895 759 million is included in the line "other loans" LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS In thousand MAD Private Sector Public Total Total CLAIMS sector Financial companies Non financial companies Other customers 12/31/2002 31/12/2001 SHORT-TERM 1 470 913 867 622 8 176 638 2 037 931 12 553 104 12 674 136 LOANS - Deposit 1 310 348 867 622 4 350 426 1 553 431 8 081 827 7 845 679 accounts in debit - Commercial 2 044 586 626 2 045 212 1 199 445 loans in Morocco - Export 6 293 253 445 51 974 311 712 957 771 loans - Other cash 154 272 1 528 181 431 900 2 114 353 2 671 241 loans CONSUMER 988 252 988 252 936 684 LOANS EQUIPMENT 797 284 28 014 3 720 297 619 371 5 164 966 4 953 830 LOANS MORTGAGE 1 010 707 1 010 707 604 078 LOANS OTHER LOANS 134 157 769 1 538 042 457 706 2 153 651 2 553 125 ADVANCES ACQUIRED BY FACTORING RECEIVABLES 329 533 329 533 372 155 ACCRUED INTEREST NON PERFORMING 29 684 415 068 221 684 666 436 773 043 LOANS - Substandard 1 289 1 434 2 723 1 847 loans - Doubtful 9 490 12 249 21 739 2 554 loans - Loss loans 29 684 404 289 208 001 641 974 768 642 TOTAL 2 298 015 1 053 405 13 850 045 5 665 184 22 866 649 22 867 051 BREAKDOWN OF TRANSACTION & MARKETABLE SECURITIES AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES BY CATEGORY OF ISSUER In thousand MAD Credit Public Private issuers Total Total institutions issuers Financial Non financial 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 and equivalent QUOTED SECURITIES 6 553 502 3 140 011 9 641 907 7 151 797 - Treasury bonds and 6 553 502 6 553 502 6 792 404 equivalent securities - Bonds - Other debt securities - Title deeds 3 140 011 3 088 405 359 393 UNQUOTED SECURITIES 1 198 312 352 960 1 421 953 118 101 3 091 326 1 745 608 - Treasury bonds and equivalent securities - Bonds 352 960 118 101 471 061 1 106 266 Other debt securities 1 198 312 1 421 953 2 620 265 639 342 Title deeds TOTAL 1 198 312 6 906 462 4 561 964 118 101 12 733 233 8 897 405 DETAIL OF OTHER ASSETS In thousand MAD HEADING AMOUNT COMMENT OPTIONAL INSTRUMENTS 318 Miscellaneous transactions on 318 Coupons to be received securities (debit) Sums settled to be recovered from securities issuers Other settlement accounts concerning transactions on securities OTHER DEBTORS 230 828 - Sums due by the State 210 235 Deductible VAT, advances Corp Tax, TPPRF State and exchange loss receivable from the Treasury - Sums due by provident companies - Receivable from staff 9 706 Advances to staff - Receivable for non-banking services - Other debtors 10 887 Deposits, guarantees and stocks OTHER SECURITIES AND ASSETS 6 742 - Other securities and assets 6 742 furniture stock, postal and tax stamps OFF-BALANCE SHEET ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNTS (DEBIT) CURRENCIES AND SECURITIES 71 990 structured positions adjustment. DISCREPANCY ACCOUNTS (DEBIT) Potential losses on hedging transactions non settled Deferred losses on hedging transactions non settled DEFERRED EXPENSES 547 costs for increase in capital and start up costs LIAISON ACCOUNTS BETWEEN THE HEAD 23 733 OFFICE, BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN MOROCCO (DEBIT) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAYMENT 79 173 - Accrued income 65 237 - Prepayment 13 936 SUSPENSE ACCOUNTS NON PERFORMING LOANS ON MISCELLANEOUS TRANSACTIONS PROVISIONS FOR NON PERFORMING 143 919 LOANS ON MISCELLANEOUS TRANSACTIONS TOTAL 557 250 EQUITY INVESTMENT AND EQUIVALENT In thousand MAD Revenues recorded Equity Overall in the year's Name of the issuing Sector of Share Holdings acquisition income statement company activity capital as % price Provisions Net book value (in MAD) EQUITY HOLDINGS SOCIETE CASA Financial 114 862 500 33.40 38 420 083.75 38 420 083.75 2 373 831.2 FINANCE MARKET company CAISSE MAROCAINE Financial 100 000 000 16.59 13 009 501.00 13 009 501.00 DES MARCHES institution MARTKO (MAGHREB Financial inst.600 000 USD 20.00 970 638.00 970 638.00 0.00 ARAB TRADING Cdegrees) RADIO Audiovisual 18 000 000 14.17 2 550 000.00 2 550 000.00 MEDITERRANEE INTERNATIONAL EUROCHEQUE Means of 500 000 28.78 143 900.00 143 900.00 MAROC payment STE CONSEIL Engineering 10 000 000 20.00 2 000 000.00 2 000 000.00 INGENIERIE ET consultants DEVELOPPEMENT STE RECOURS Debt collection 5 000 000 15.00 375 000.00 375 000.00 75 000.00 EUMAGEX Insurance and 2 000 000 25.00 400 000.00 400 000.00 service ACMAR Insurance and 25 000 000 20.00 5 000 000.00 5 000 000.00 service STE IPE Publishing and 4 000 000 10.00 400 000.00 400 000.00 printing TANGER ZONE Development co. 90 000 000 15.00 13 500 000.00 13 500 000.00 FRANCHE STE Development co. 60 000 000 15.00 1 000 000.00 1 000 000.00 D'AMENAGEMENT DU PARC INDUSTRIE AL WATANIYA Insurance 1 105 450 000 21.85 958 509 942.06 958 509 942.06 26 575 010.00 BANQUE DE Foreign credit 3,8 Milliards 20.73 58 342 005.48 58 342 005.48 1 188 188.87 DEVELOPPEMENT DU inst. FCFA MALI INFORMATION Information 26 500 000 10.00 2 650 000.00 2 650 000.00 TECHNOLOGY processing SOLUTION CENTRE MONETIQUE Electronic 10 000 000 11.00 11 000 000.00 11 000 000.00 INTERBANCAIRE payment mgt M@FINANCE.COM Holding co. 30 000 000 20.00 6 000 000.00 6 000 000.00 MOROCAN Real est. mgt. 46 000 000 12.30 5 650 000.00 5 650 000.00 INFORMATION techno park TECHNO PARC CIE RISMA Tourism 263 000 000 11.38 29 950 000.00 29 950 000.00 1 149 871 070.29 970 638.00 1 148 900 432.29 SECURITIES OF RELATED COMPANIES B.M.C.E. Foreign credit 3 Milliards 75.00 154 859 410.00 154 859 410.00 MADRID inst. Ptas MAGHREBAIL Leasing 102 532 000 45.85 173 128 434.00 173 128 434.00 9 404 000.00 MAROC Factoring 15 000 000 95.00 16 208 700.00 16 208 700.00 855 000.00 FACTORING ISTITMAR WA PF INVESTMENT 10 000 000 50.00 5 000 000.00 5 000 000.00 MOUSSAHAMA STE ATTACHYID SCI 10 000 000 100.00 10 000 000.00 7 279 270.73 2 720 729.27 OUAL MABANI STE BEMCOM SCI 94 000 000 75.00 70 500 000.00 70 500 000.00 INTERFINA PF INVESTMENT 210 000 000 100.00 252 916 718.42 252 916 718.42 DOCUPRINT Service co. 4 000 000 100.00 4 000 000.00 4000 000.00 BMCE CAPITAL Stock brokers 10 000 000 67.50 6 750 000.00 6 750 000.00 BOURSE (EX. MAROC INTER TITRES) BMCE CAPITAL Mutual fund mgt 5 000 000 100.00 6 442 928.01 6 442 928.01 40 000 000.00 GESTION (EX. MARFIN) STE Mutual fund mgt 1 000 000 50.00 500 000.00 500 000.00 11 000 000.00 CONSULTITRES STE SALAFIN Consumer credit 100 000 000 100.00 100 000 000.00 100 000 000.00 BMCE CAPITAL Investment bank 100 000 000 100.00 100 000 000.00 100 000 000.00 SITVA BMCE club 600 000 95.00 1 711 431.29 1 711 431.29 902 017 621.72 7 279 270.73 894 738 350.99 SECURITIES/ ACTIVITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO AFREXIM BANK Foreign credit 750 000 000 USD 0.04 2 889 630.00 288 963.00 34 672.99 (African Import inst. Export) PROPARCO Multi-national 142 560 000 2.5 35 973 921.33 35 973 921.33 396 351.31 credit inst. euros BANCO BILBAO Multi-national 62 Milliards 0.01 6 367 746.00 6 367 746.00 331 657.63 VISCAYA credit inst. Ptas E.S.I.H. Foreign credit 134 972 950.00 134 972 950.00 3 922 660.94 inst. E.S.F.G. Foreign credit 135 541 656.25 135 541 656.25 1 466 060.48 inst. UBAE ARAB Foreign credit 110 000 000 66 697 904.00 66 697 904.00 ITALIAN BANK inst. Euros STE CIVILE FIN Equity 100 000 50.00 50 000.00 50 000.00 FUND investment FONDS D Investment fund variable equity 11 402 415.54 11 402 415.54 INVESTISSEMENT funds CAPITAL MOROCCO FONDS ESPAGNOL Investment fund variable equity 28 979 477.83 28 979 477.83 MARCO POLO funds INVEST. S.C.R. FINAFUND USA Investment fund variable equity 51 873 928.00 51 873 928.00 funds FINAFUND Investment fund variable equity 15 470 998.20 15 470 998.20 EUROPE funds 490 220 627.15 490 220 627.15 OTHER EQUITY INVESTMENT MEDITELECOM Telecommunications 6 475 000 000 7.80 685 318 000.00 685 318 000.00 ROYAL MAROCAINE Insurance 1 108 000 000 9.90 389 406 600.00 389 406 600.00 10 969 200.00 D ASSURANCES CREDIT DU Credit inst. 833 817 000 0.00 4 450.00 985.00 3465.00 MAROC C.I.H. Credit inst. 3 326 650 000 1.64 197 277 478.00 83 513 676.00 113 763 802.00 BANQUE CENTRALE Credit inst. 575 529 000 2.00 92 098 162.40 92 098 162.40 716 638.00 POPULAIRE BANK AL AMAL Credit inst. 500 000 000 0.20 971 000.00 971 000.00 FONDS MONETAIRE Financial inst. 500 000 000 USD 0.06 2 031 425.00 2 031 425.00 115 717.36 ARABE(ARAB TRADE FINANCING PROGRAM) S.N.I. Holding CO. 1 090 000 000 0.00 3 520 303.00 726 583.00 2 793 720.00 99 132.00 O.N.A. Holding CO. 1 720 056 950 0.00 1 155.00 158.00 997.00 BRASSERIES DU Agribusiness 282 625 000 0.00 15 986 850.00 7 169 520.00 8 817 330.00 484 450.00 MAROC CTM/ LN Transport 125 597 800 5.00 27 363 667.00 10 068 347.00 17 295 320.00 926 535.00 COMANAV Maritime 274 500 000 5.00 1 373 505.00 1 373 505.00 transport LA CELLULOSE DU Paper pulp 450 351 000 1.97 3 393 433.00 3 393 433.00 MAROC CIE IMMOBILIERE Real estate CO. 20 000 000 0.04 8 500.00 8 500.00 12 800.00 FONCIERE MAROCAINE C.M.K.D. Holding CO. 315 000 000 2.14 7 062 374.99 7 062 374.99 SIDET Holding CO. 75 500 000 2.00 1 268 300.00 413 846.29 854 453.71 SOMED Holding CO. 300 000 000 2.64 7 927 000.00 7 927 000.00 475 620.00 SMAEX Insurance and 30 000 000 5.63 1 690 000.00 1 690 000.00 118 300.00 service GECOTEX Industry 10 000 000 5.00 500 000.00 500 000.00 STE NATIONALE Road 120 000 000 4.17 5 000 000.00 1 010 800.00 3 989 200.00 DES AUTOROUTES infrastructure DAR ADDAMANE Guarantee 25 000 000 0.96 480 500.00 480 500.00 bodies STE IMMOBILIERE Real estate 19 005 000 8.08 1 267 000.00 1 267 000.00 SIEGE GPBM CASA WORLD TRADE Real estate 3 500 000 2.70 95 500.00 95 500.00 CENTER FRUMAT Agribusiness 171 058 800 8.50 14 500 000.00 13 004 000.00 1 496 000.00 MAROCLEAR Central 20 000 000 4.00 803 000.00 803 000.00 custodian SOCIETE ALLICOM Industry 20 000 000 2.50 500 000.00 500 000.00 0.00 MAROC CIE IMMOBILIERE Real estate 0.01 0.01 DES ETUDIANTS SINCOMAR Agribusiness 37 440 000 49 400.00 49 400.00 SWIFT Service CO. 434 020 000 BEF 0.00 21 962.28 21 962.28 BANQUE POPULAIRE Financial inst. 2 Milliards 5.00 2 814 120.00 2 814 120.00 0.00 MARROCO FCFA CENTRAFRICAINE FONDS DE SOUTIEN SUPPORT ACTIONS 500 000 000 0.05 240 250.00 240 250.00 ACTIONS BAA 1 462 973 935.68 119 222 035.29 1 343 751 900.39 Shareholder's 89 435 085.31 2 052 000.00 87 383 085.31 accounts MEDITELECOM 65 382 165.71 65 382 165.71 ISTITMAR WA 18 000 000.00 18 000 000.00 MOUSSAHAMA MAGHREBAIL 2 500 000.00 2 500 000.00 MARTCO 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00 0.00 Siege G.P.B.M. 1 446 419.60 1 446 419.60 ALLICOM MAROC 552 000.00 552 000.00 0.00 WORLD TRADE 54 500.00 54 500.00 CENTER 4 094 518 340.15 129 523 944.02 3 964 994 396.13 101 640 825.78 TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS In thousand MAD Depreciation Gross Disposals or Gross and/or provisons Depreciation Net amount at the withdrawals amount at at the Allowance on fixed amount at beginning of Aquisitions of the end of beginning for the assets the end of CATEGORY the year of the year the year the year of the year year withdrawn Total the year INTANGIBLE 63 048 18 332 81 380 13 043 6 238 19 281 62 099 FIXED ASSETS - Leasehold 26 798 350 27 148 27 148 rights - Investment in research and development - Other 36 250 17 982 54 232 13 043 6 238 19 281 34 951 operating intangible fixed assets - Non-operating intangible fixed assets TANGIBLE FIXED2 103 371 118 448 44 814 2 177 005 1 117 369 112 346 1 805 1 227 910 949 095 ASSETS - OPERATING 499 603 48 787 2 839 545 551 99 699 10 135 109 834 435 717 BUILDINGS . Operating 68 577 9 098 77 675 77 675 land . Operating 431 026 39 689 2 839 467 876 99 699 10 135 109 834 358 042 buildings. Offices . Operating buildings. Staff housing - OPERATING 818 077 33 240 36 822 814 495 619 892 54 686 1 106 673 472 141 023 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT . Operating 205 725 5 332 211 057 124 576 13 774 138 350 72 707 office furniture . Operating 133 124 5 862 204 138 782 113 951 8 807 205 122 553 16 229 office equipment . Computer 421 406 16 880 35 954 402 332 341 664 27 221 240 368 645 33 687 equipment . Operating 27 138 55 664 26 529 17 715 3 267 661 20 321 6 208 vehicles . Other 30 684 5 111 35 795 21 986 1 617 23 603 12 192 operating equipment - OTHER 585 076 26 402 611 478 363 773 42 527 406 300 205 178 OPERATING TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS - NON-OPERATING 200 615 10 019 5 153 205 481 34 005 4 998 699 38 304 167 177 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS . Non-operating land 40 040 127 4 298 35 869 - 35 869 . Non-operating 79 412 7 393 151 86 654 19 642 3 459 151 22 950 63 704 buildings . Non-operating 15 451 1 211 13 16 649 7 524 1 190 13 8 701 7 948 furniture and equipment . Other 65 712 1 288 691 66 309 6 839 349 535 6 653 59 656 non-operating tangible fixed assets TOTAL 2 166 419 136 780 44 814 2 258 385 1 130 412 118 584 1 805 1 247 191 1 011 194 LIABILITIES TO CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT IN DEBTS MOROCCO In thousand MAD Other credit Bank Al-Maghrib, institutions Credit Treasury and giro Banks in and equivalent institutions Total Total current account Morocco in Morocco abroad 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 ORDINARY CREDIT 162 321 19 284 152 651 334 256 567 792 ACCOUNTS SECURITIES 708 720 449 074 1 157 794 111 950 PLEDGED - overnight - time 708 720 449 074 1 157 794 111 950 CASH BORROWING 490 000 889 595 2 401 765 3 781 360 2 282 979 - overnight 490 000 490 000 220 000 - time 889 595 2 401 765 3 291 360 2 062 979 FINANCIAL 111 365 934 160 1 045 525 836 114 BORROWING OTHER DEBTS 9 627 47 905 1 823 51 462 110 817 510 965 PAYABLE ACCRUED 118 249 15 410 INTERESTS TOTAL 829 712 1 149 300 910 702 3 540 038 6 548 001 4 325 210 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS In thousand MAD Private sector Financial Non-financial Other Total Total DEPOSITS Public sector companies companies companies 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 DEMAND CREDIT 966 062 1 259 820 4 916 537 12 192 776 19 335 195 16 120 814 ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 6 904 628 6 904 628 6 231 782 TIME DEPOSITS 180 295 500 701 221 7 696 995 8 579 011 10 766 678 OTHER CREDIT 3 061 663 2 165 795 539 463 287 232 6 054 153 4 777 813 ACCOUNTS ( * ) PAYABLE ACCRUED 41 310 41 310 222 027 INTERESTS TOTAL 4 208 020 3 426 115 6 157 221 27 122 941 40 914 297 38 119 114 Comments: ( * ) Including PL 480 for MAD 2 895 759 million DETAIL OF OTHER LIABILITIES In thousand MAD LIABILITIES Amount 12/31/2002 OPTIONAL INSTRUMENTS SOLD MISCELLANEOUS TRANSACTIONS ON SECURITIES OTHER CREDITORS 268 901 State debt 186 479 Social security and provident societies debts 39 404 Staff debt 23 954 Shareholders and partners debt 2 844 Supply of goods and services Other creditors 16 220 ACCRUAL ACCOUNTS 319 656 Adjustment accounts of off-balance sheet transactions Currencies and securities differential accounts Profit on hedging instruments Liaison accounts between the head office, branches and Moroccan agencies 121 678 Expenses payable and prepaid income 69 124 Other accruals 128 854 TOTAL 588 557 PROVISIONS PROVISIONS Amount Allowances Write-backs Other Amount 12/31/2001 changes 12/31/2002 PROVISIONS, DEDUCTED FROM ASSETS, ON: Loans to credit institutions and equivalent Loans and advances to customers 1 316 567 583 783 361 667 17 105 1 521 578 Doubtful interest 53 373 10 237 43 136 Marketable securities 22 298 10 509 18 576 14 231 Equity investments and equivalent assets 158 716 43 381 72 573 129 524 Leased and rented fixed assets Other assets SUB TOTAL 1 550 954 637 673 463 053 17 105 1 708 469 PROVISIONS RECORDED UNDER LIABILITIES Provisions for risks of fulfilment commitments Provisions for general risks 22 929 4 199 18 730 Provisions for other losses and expenses Regulated provisions 382 382 Other provisions SUB TOTAL 23 311 4 581 18 730 TOTAL 1 574 265 637 673 467 634 17 105 1 727 199 Provisions taxed in 1999 150 000 150 000 CUMULATED 1 724 265 637 673 467 634 17 105 1 877 199 2002 2001 RECOVERY OF AMORTISED DEBTS 14 237 21 115 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY In thousand MAD Shareholders' equity Amount Appropriation Other Amount 12/31/2001 of profit changes 31/12/2002 Revaluation reserve Legal reserve 219 612 15 124 234 736 Other reserves 2 434 779 49 300 -13 895 2 470 184 Issuance, merger and contribution premiums 596 218 596 218 Capital Called-up capital 1 587 514 1 587 514 Uncalled capital Investment certificates Allowance fund Shareholders. Unpaid-up capital Retained earnings (+/-) 91 -57 34 Net earning being appropriated (+/-) 55 953 Net earning for fiscal 2001 (+/-) 357 452 -238 071 Sub-Total 5 195 666 - 173 704 - 13 895 4 944 639 Net earning for fiscal 2002 (+/-) 282 341 TOTAL 5 226 980 FINANCING AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS In thousand MAD 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 FINANCING AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS GIVEN 10 970 480 13 209 232 FINANCING COMMITMENTS ON BEHALF OF CREDIT 1 485 847 2 694 001 INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT Import letters of credit Payment acceptances or commitments Opening of confirmed credit Substitution commitments on issuing of securities Irrevocable leasing commitments Other financing commitments given 1 485 847 2 694 001 FINANCING COMMITMENTS ON BEHALF OF CUSTOMERS 3 604 830 4 156 885 Import letters of credit 2 402 727 2 223 105 Payment acceptances or commitments 500 406 595 397 Opening of confirmed credit Substitution commitments on issuing of securities Irrevocable leasing commitments Other financing commitments given 701 697 1 338 383 GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS FOR CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND 1 783 785 2 013 166 EQUIVALENT Confirmed export letters of credit 182 793 140 462 Payment acceptances or commitments 95 591 81 516 Credit guarantees given 3 439 4 254 Other security, endorsements and guarantees given 1 501 962 1 786 934 Non performing commitments GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS FOR CUSTOMERS 4 096 018 4 345 180 Credit guarantees given Security and guarantees given on behalf of the 1 993 379 2 002 896 public administration Other security and guarantees given 2 102 639 2 342 284 Non performing commitments FINANCING AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS RECEIVED 587 931 582 489 FINANCING COMMITMENTS RECEIVED FROM CREDIT INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT Opening of confirmed credit Substitution commitments on issuing of securities Other financing commitments received 129 625 38 526 GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS RECEIVED FROM CREDIT 546 429 534 283 INSTITUTIONS AND EQUIVALENT Credit guarantees 110 290 122 440 Other guarantees received 436 139 411 843 GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS RECEIVED FROM THE STATE AND 41 502 48 206 OTHER GUARANTEE INSTITUTIONS Credit guarantees 41 502 48 206 Other guarantees received FORWARD EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS AND COMMITMENTS ON DERIVATIVES In thousand MAD Hedging transactions 12/31/2001 Other transactions 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 FORWARD EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS 5 669 917 1 819 034 1 053 487 974 220 Currency to be received 433 326 122 256 282758 394829 Currency to be delivered 2 354 590 793 866 285088 89036 Dirhams to be received 2 423 700 780 249 273969 250700 Dirhams to be delivered 458 301 122 663 211672 239655 Of which financial currency swaps COMMITMENTS ON DERIVATIVES 1 169 464 420 908 Commitments on regulated interest rate 1 169 464 420 908 markets Commitments on OTC interest rate markets Commitments on regulated exchange rate markets Commitments on OTC exchange rate markets Commitments on regulated markets for other instruments Commitments on OTC markets for other instruments SECURITIES AND SURETIES RECEIVED AND GIVEN AS GUARANTEES In thousand MAD Securities and sureties Net book value Assets or off-balance sheet Amounts of the loans or received as guarantees headings recording loans or signature commitments given commitments given covered Treasury bonds and equivalent 152 461 Treasury bonds received as 152 461 securities pledges Other securities 5 296 Negotiable debt securities 5 296 received as pledges Mortgages Other real securities and sureties TOTAL 157 757 157 757 Securities and sureties given Net book value Asset or off-balance sheet Amounts of the loans or as guarantees headings recording loans or commitments received covered commitments received Treasury bonds and equivalent 3 318 773 Treasury bonds given as 3 318 773 securities pledges Other securities Bills given as pledges Mortgages Other real securities and sureties TOTAL 3 318 773 3 318 773 BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND OFF-BALANCE SHEET IN FOREIGN CURRENCY In thousand MAD BALANCE SHEET Amount 12/31/2002 ASSETS 6 343 585 Cash, Central Banks, Treasury, Giro Accounts 95 510 Loans to credit institutions and equivalent 2 737 428 Loans and advances to customers 2 577 250 Transaction, marketable and investment securities Other assets Equity investments and equivalent uses 933 397 Subordinated loans Fixed assets leased and rented Intangible and tangible fixed assets LIABILITIES 5 020 642 Central Banks, Treasury, Giro accounts Liabilities to credit institutions and equivalent 4 031 850 Customer deposits 988 792 Debt securities issued Other liabilities Subsidies, assigned Public funds and special guarantee funds OFF-BALANCE SHEET 6 502 341 Commitments given 6 502 341 Commitments received INTEREST MARGIN In thousand MAD AVERAGE CAPITAL AMOUNTS AVERAGE COST RATE OF RETURN Average amount of uses 23 168.5 1 548.2 6.68% Average amount of resources 32 612 694.8 2.13% This table shows only average amounts of uses and resources related to "domestic activity" REVENUES ON TITLE DEEDS In thousand MAD CATEGORY OF SECURITIES REVENUES RECEIVED Marketable securities Equity investments 30 212 Investments in affiliated companies 51 359 Equivalent assets 20 070 TOTAL 101 641 FEES In thousand MAD FEES Amount Fees received 494 549 on transactions with credit institutions 3 917 on transactions with customers 147 231 on exchange transactions 84 239 concerning operations on the primary securities markets on derivatives 25 875 on transactions on securities under management and custody on means of payment 172 583 on consulting and assistance on sales of insurance products 3 339 on other services 57 365 Fees paid 16 532 on transactions with credit institutions 383 on transactions with customers on exchange transactions 10 273 concerning operations on the primary securities market on derivatives on transactions on securities under management and custody 1 830 on means of payment on consulting and assistance on sales of insurance products on other services 4 046 EARNINGS FROM MARKET TRANSACTIONS In thousand MAD REVENUES AND EXPENSES Amount REVENUES 621 206 Gains on transactions securities 57 852 Capital gains on disposals of marketable securities 147 502 Provision write-backs on depreciation of marketable securities 18 576 Gains on derivatives Gains on exchange transactions 397 276 EXPENSES 278 440 Losses on transaction securities Capital losses on disposals of marketable securities 818 Provisions for depreciation of marketable securities Losses on derivatives 10 246 Losses on exchange transactions 267 376 GENERAL OPRERATING EXPENSES In thousand MAD EXPENSES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Staff Expenses 789 887 665 667 Expenses 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Taxes 25 903 21 050 EXPENSES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 External Expenses 345 205 456 288 EXPENSES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Allowances for depreciation and provision for 118 951 110 514 intangible and tangible fixed assets OTHER REVENUES AND EXPENSES In thousand MAD REVENUES AND EXPENSES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Other banking revenues and expenses 288 527 225 413 Other banking revenues 798 433 957 073 Other banking expenses 509 906 731 660 NON-BANKING OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENSES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Non-Banking operating revenues and expenses 22 223 44 427 Non-Banking operating revenues 28 261 54 515 Non-Banking operating expenses 6 038 10 088 OTHER EXPENSES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Allowances for provisions and losses on 980 098 661 027 irrecoverable loans OTHER REVENUES 12/31/2002 12/31/2001 Provision write-backs and recoveries on amortised 416 542 385 296 debts DATING AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTS I. DATING . Date of the end of the fiscal year (1) December 31, 2002 . Date of financial statements performance (2) March 17, 2003 (1) Justification in case of a change in the date of the end of the fiscal year (2) Justification in the case of an overrun on the statutory period of three months allowed for drawing up the financial statements. II. EVENTS OCCURRING SUBSEQUENT TO THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR NOT CHARGED TO THIS YEAR AND KNOWN BEFORE THE 1ST EXTERNAL DISCLOSURE OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EXTERNE DES ETATS DE SYNTHESE Dates Indication of events . Favourable NONE . Unfavourable NONE COMMITMENTS ON SECURITIES NONE SUBSIDIES, ALLOCATED PUBLIC FUNDS AND SPECIAL GUARANTEE FUNDS NONE DEBT SECURITIES ISSUED NONE SUBORDINATED DEBTS NONE SUBORDINATED LOANS NONE This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange END AGMEAESNFLLDEFE
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