Latest sleazy move is sending text messages to renters pretending that tenant groups supporting rent control are against it

***See the text message here.***

Opponents of Proposition 33, the California ballot initiative that would eliminate the statewide ban on rent control and allow local cities and counties to decide what’s best for their residents, continue to engage in sleazy, dirty trick tactics to confuse renters and rent control advocates.

Opponents of Prop 33 are sending out text messages to tenants and their allies using the No on 33 logo alongside the logos of two pro-tenant organizations – Los Angeles Tenants Union (LATU) and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Both LATU and DSA support Prop 33.

“This sleazy, dirty trick is designed to confuse tenants who will benefit if Prop 33 passes,” said Susie Shannon, Yes on 33 campaign manager. “It’s another illustration of the depths to which the No on 33 campaign will sink in an act of desperation because they are behind in the latest polls. Resorting to explicitly false text messages to get renters and their allies to vote against their interests is fraud.”

“Rent control is a popular program in California, and the No on 33 campaign is trying to confuse voters so that renters and their allies don’t understand which campaign actually supports their interests,” Shannon added. “The No on 33 campaign is funded by corporate landlords, and the text message makes it seem like the Yes campaign is being funded by these landlords.”

In addition to LATU and DSA, other notable figures and groups who have endorsed Proposition 33 include the California Democratic Party, both San Francisco & Los Angeles Counties, the Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing (SCANPH), Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), labor and civil rights icon Dolores Huerta; UNITE HERE Co-President Ada Briceño; and Democratic National Committee Member Christine Pelosi.

More than 100 elected and formerly elected officials in California, including Congressmember Maxine Waters, Congressmember Barbara Lee, Congressmember Ro Khanna, State Senator Ben Allen, State Senator Maria Elena Durazo, and Assemblymembers Chris Holden (D-41st District) and Matt Haney (D-17th District), also have endorsed Proposition 33.

Proposition 33 is just 23 words: “The state may not limit the right of any city, county, or city and county to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.” It would remove California’s statewide rent control ban and give local communities the right to stabilize rents and make apartments more affordable.

Ged Kenslea, AHF Senior Communications Director 323.791.5526