RNS No 7363k
1st July 1997

                    MFI Furniture Group Plc
                  Final Results Announcement
             For the 52 weeks ended 26 April 1997

MFI  Furniture  Group  Plc,  the  UKs  largest  retailer  and
manufacturer  of kitchen and bedroom furniture, announces  its
Preliminary Results for the 52 weeks to 26 April 1997.

Turnover of #845.6 (1996 - #766.2m)  up 10.4%

-    UK retail sales and sales per square foot up 9%.

-    Strong sales growth from higher priced Schreiber kitchen  ranges.

-    Good  performance in kitchens, bedrooms, appliances  and textiles.

-    Sales  in  France and Spain #59.3m;   up  24%  in  local currency.

Gross margin increased to  54.5% (1996 - 52.5%)

-    Lower raw material costs helped by strength of sterling.

-    Higher  proportion of sales manufactured  in-house,  now  56%.

Net operating margins rise from 8.1% to 8.9%

Pre-tax profits up 21% to #70.3m (1996 - #58.1m)

Earnings per share up 18% to 8.24p (1996 - 6.97p)

Dividend per ordinary share of 4.8p (1996 - 4.4p); up 9%

-    Covered 1.7 times

Investing for growth

-    Capital  expenditure increased by 22% to #73m.  (1996  - #60m).

-    Investing in MFI Homeworks, new products, France, Howden
     Joinery, manufacturing, distribution and freehold developments.

UK retail developments

-    MFI Homeworks very successful - 98 stores now trading in this format.

-    6  new UK stores opened, 3 relocations, 3 closure  - 186
     stores at year end.

-    Further developments to be led by John OConnell.

-    Aiming for lower selling costs and greater distribution efficiencies.

Other trading

-    13 new French stores bringing total to 99 stores at year end.

-    Howden Joinery trade venture exceeds expectations -  now
     trading from 37 depots.

Current trading & prospects - Mr Derek Hunt, Chairman of  MFI,

In the 9 weeks since the year end Group turnover has increased
by  5% over the previous year. This time last year sales  were
very  strong.  We are particularly pleased to have beaten this
very  demanding  comparative period from last  year.  We  have
continued  to  develop the business across a broad  front  and
made good progress in highly competitive markets.

For further           Derek Hunt, Chairman   Tel.  0181 913 5300
information contact:  John  Randall,  Chief  Tel.  0181 913 5345
                      Sue  Murphy,  Finance  Tel.  0181 913 5343


                                          1997    1996
                                            52      52
                                         weeks   weeks
  Consolidated results                      #m      #m
  Turnover                               845.6   766.2
  Operating profit                        75.0    61.8
  Profit  on  ordinary  activities        70.3    58.1
  before taxation
  Dividend  per Ordinary Share  of                    
  10p each
     - Interim                           1.70p   1.50p
     - Final                             3.10p   2.90p
     - Full year dividend                4.80p   4.40p
     - Dividend cover                     1.7x    1.8x
  Earnings per share                                  
     - Earnings per share                8.24p   8.11p
     -  Earnings per share  before       8.24p   6.97p
        exceptional items
  Gearing                                  27%     20%
  Net borrowings at period end          #60.8m  #38.9m
  Retail area at period end (000's       6,574   6,413
  sq ft)
  Retail sales per square foot  (#      120.67  113.10
  per sq ft)
  Average   number  of   employees       9,294   8,238
  (full time equivalent)

Chairmans Statement

Results for 52 weeks to 26 April 1997

These are the results for the 52 weeks to 26 April 1997. Group
sales,  at #845.6m, were 10.4% higher than last year with  the
majority  of  this  increase arising from our  UK  businesses.
Retail  sales  per  square foot in the  UK  increased  by  9%.
Operating profits rose to #75m, an increase of 21%.

Profit  before  tax grew from #58.1m last year to  #70.3m,  an
increase  of 21%. Earnings per share, at 8.24p  (1996  -  pre-
exceptional 6.97p), have risen by 18%.

This  improvement  in  profitability  has  been  helped  by  a
stronger gross margin which has grown from 52.5% to 54.5%.  We
have  benefited  from  lower  raw material  prices,  a  higher
proportion of retail sales being produced in our own factories
and the strength of sterling.

UK Retail Development Strategy

When we first started the MFI Homeworks development programme,
we were aware that one of the benefits was the standardisation
of  the  showroom layout which would allow us  to  examine  in
detail  the  performance of all our products. As we  expected,
our  core  products  of kitchens and bedrooms  are  performing
well, but some of the other product groups are producing  less
satisfactory returns.

During  the last year we have been carrying out a review  with
the objective of producing better sales performance within the
stores,  lowering our selling costs and improving distribution
efficiency.  At present, payroll and overhead costs within our
retail business are being adversely affected by the conversion
programme and the transitional distribution arrangements.

With  over  half  our stores converted to  the  MFI  Homeworks
format,  we are now confident to proceed with further  changes
to  enhance  the  overall  performance  of  the  stores.  This
continuing   evolution  of  the  MFI  Homeworks  format   will
consolidate  the  trading success which has been  achieved  so

This  stage  of development will be managed by John  OConnell
who  has  today  been appointed as Managing  Director  of  MFI
Furniture  Centres.  Trevor Tellett  has  resigned  from  this
position  and  also  from the Group Board.  I  would  like  to
acknowledge  the  contribution Trevor  has  made  to  MFI,  in
particular the development of the MFI Homeworks concept. I  am
pleased  that he has agreed to continue assisting the  company
in an advisory capacity.

Trading - Other Businesses

In  France planning restrictions have continued to hinder  the
opening   programme,  and  this,  combined  with  a  depressed
economy,  has resulted in the division breaking  even  in  the
year,  compared  to  a  small profit last  year.  We  are  now
planning to open smaller stores which will not be affected  by
these   planning  restrictions.   This  will  enable   us   to
accelerate the expansion of the business which is now the  key
element  in  improving profitability.  We now have five  pilot
stores  in  Spain which are being run by our French management

The  Howdens  trade  venture is meeting our best  expectations
and,  as a result, is being expanded faster than we originally
intended.  We expect to be trading from 60 depots by  the  end
of 1997.

Our  overseas  franchise operation now has outlets  in  twelve
countries.   We are continuing to look for other opportunities
to expand this business into other countries.

Our   most  significant  competitive  advantage  remains   the
vertical  integration of the business. During the last  twelve
months  our  manufacturing  operation  produced  56%  of   all
products  sold within the Group. As a result of the  continued
growth in our retail and trade formats, we are now undertaking
extensive  expansion  and  development  of  our  manufacturing

Investment  in  the business has been across  all  areas  with
capital  expenditure  of  #73m compared  to  #60m  last  year.
Approximately  half  of  this has been  spent  developing  our
trading  outlets,  #13m has been spent on property  investment
and  #13m  on  new  and extended manufacturing  capacity.   We
intend to increase the pace of our investment programme in the
year  to April 1998 with capital expenditure expected to reach

None  of  this progress could have been achieved  without  the
tremendous efforts of our employees.  We operate in tough  and
competitive markets where dedication to the customer, quality,
and  efficiency is paramount.  I want to thank  everyone  very
much indeed for the way they have responded to the demands  of
our markets.


The  Board  has recommended a final dividend of 3.1 pence  per
share (1996  - 2.9 pence per share) which, together with the interim
dividend  of  1.7 pence per share, will give a total  dividend
for  the  year  of 4.8 pence per share (1996 - 4.4  pence  per
share), an increase of 9%.

The  final  dividend, if approved, will be paid on  3  October
1997 to shareholders on the register on 19 September 1997.

Non-Executive Appointment

I  am  pleased to announce that Denise Kingsmill was appointed
to the Board as a non-executive director on 1 May 1997. She is
Deputy  Chairman  Designate  of  the  Monopolies  and  Mergers
Commission and a consultant at Denton Hall Solicitors.  Denise
brings extensive knowledge and experience to the Board.

Current Trading

In the 9 weeks since the year end Group turnover has increased
by  5% over the previous year. This time last year sales  were
very  strong. We are particularly pleased to have beaten  this
very  demanding  comparative period from last  year.  We  have
continued  to  develop the business across a broad  front  and
made good progress in highly competitive markets.

D S Hunt
Chairman                                     1 July 1997
Chief Executives Review

Over  the  last 12 months the Group has increased its  trading
profits  by 22%.  Sales increases of 10.4% have been  recorded
despite  difficult  trading conditions  in  a  number  of  our
markets.  Our  strategy  of  investment  and  development  has
continued in each area of the business and my review this year
focuses on our progress.

UK Retailing

-    Sales increase    9%

-    Increase in sales 9%  per sq. ft

The  last  12  months have seen large swings  in  demand  with
consumer  confidence being affected by a variety  of  economic
factors.  In particular, house moves have increased 19% to 1.3
million  over the last 12 months.  Whilst this is  a  definite
improvement in the levels seen over the last few years  it  is
still  considerably below the 2.1 million peak level  seen  in
the  late  1980s.   In addition, published statistics  reveal
that  the  bulk of the increase in house moves is concentrated
in  London  and the South East with slower recovery  in  other regions.

We  believe that the increase in house moves is biased  toward
the  higher end of the market. We can clearly see this pattern
within our sales statistics where strong sales growth has been
achieved in the higher priced Schreiber kitchen ranges but the
kitchen  market  as a whole has shown little growth.   If  the
improvement in the housing market follows previous recoveries,
then this increase in house moves will start to become evident
in other parts of the country.

Despite this background, we have achieved above average  sales
growth  in  our kitchens and also in appliances and  textiles.
The  MFI  Homeworks  format  has also  consistently  delivered
increased  sales.   Our market research  shows  that  the  MFI
Homeworks stores are attracting and retaining a broader  range
of  customers  with an increasing representation from  younger
age  groups.  Half of the stores are now trading  in  the  MFI
Homeworks  format and we intend to complete  the  conversions
within the next two years.

As  the  MFI Homeworks programme has progressed, the  size  of
warehouses attached to the stores has been gradually  reduced.
To  enable  the  branches to operate from smaller  warehouses,
additional   temporary   warehouse  arrangements   have   been
established.   At  the same time we have been developing  more
efficient  distribution centres serving  a  larger  number  of
branches.  Two of these are now operating successfully in  the
London area and we are beginning a programme of extending this
type  of  distribution throughout the country.  As this  takes
place  and  the  short  term  transitional  arrangements   are
rationalised,  greater  efficiencies  in  both   payroll   and
overheads will be obtained.

One  clear  benefit  of  MFI Homeworks is  the  evaluation  of
product  performance which can be measured  effectively  as  a
result of standardisation of the showroom layout.  Our product
development  will now be focused on improving the  performance
in those non-core areas which are less than satisfactory.  The
MFI  Homeworks  layout  was specifically  designed  to  enable
product changes to be easily accommodated.

Our   product  development  programme  during  the  year   has
continued  with a further expansion of our range  of  kitchens
including  a  number of new contemporary designs  as  well  as
upgrades  to our traditional ranges. The average  value  of  a
kitchen  sale  continues to increase and we  have  substantial
demand  for new products introduced at the higher end  of  the
price   range.   We   believe  that  there   are   significant
opportunities to introduce more products of this type.

We  have  broadened our appliance offer to complement our  new
kitchen  ranges and to satisfy customer demand for new colours
and  added features. Product development has continued  across
all other areas of the business with a noticeable increase  in
sales resulting from many of the initiatives.


Group  sales of own-manufactured goods have risen to 56%  from
55%  last  year.   We  believe that vertical  integration  has
substantially  strengthened the Groups competitive  position,
the main benefits being:-

-  Manufacturing margin is obtained in addition to a retail margin.

-  Manufacturing operation has high flexibility and low fixed costs.

-  Production schedules can be adjusted at short notice  to
   reflect changes in demand.

-  Product quality and reliability of supply are enhanced.

Additional  manufacturing  facilities  are  now  required   to
service  the growth arising from the main retail business  and
also  the  growing Howdens, Hygena Cuisines and  International
operations.    Consequently   we  are   currently   developing
additional  manufacturing and warehousing  capacity  totalling
675,000 square feet.  We have invested #13 million into  these
facilities this year and intend to spend a further #20 million
over the coming year.

This  expenditure will enable our capacity of certain products
to  be  increased.  These include pine products,  painted  and
lacquered  bedroom  finishes, PVC doors  and  also  additional
capacity for ovens. In addition, we will be upgrading some  of
our  core  production  facilities to incorporate  new  control
technology which will increase manufacturing productivity.

Trade Business

Our  Howden  Joinery  trade venture,  which  was  launched  in
October  1995  with  14 depots of up to  10,000  square  feet,
doubled  its size to 30 outlets at the year end.  A further  7
depots have opened so far in the new financial year.

Howden  Joinery has taken the Group into a new sector  of  the
kitchen market where we can exploit our position as a low cost
furniture manufacturer. As expected the overall business is at
present making losses, although we are pleased how quickly the
original  14  depots  have  been  able  to  trade  profitably,
increasing their average weekly sales by over 35% in the  last
year. A large proportion of the goods sold by Howdens is  made
in our factories, already increasing manufacturing profits for the Group.

France & Spain

-    Sales increase      24% (local currency)

-    Sales per sq ft     1% (local currency)

Despite the economic difficulties in France, we have continued
our  expansion programme with 13 store openings in  the  year,
although  more  stringent  planning  regulations  and  a   low
availability  of  new  sites means  that  suitable  properties
remain  difficult  to  obtain. We are  now  planning  to  open
smaller  stores  which will not be affected by these  planning
restrictions.  This will enable us to accelerate the expansion
of  the  business which has been held back over the  last  two years.

In  the  last  12  months, France has  achieved  a  break-even
position compared to a small profit the previous year. We feel
that   this   sales  and  profit  performance  is  creditable,
especially  in  relation  to the poor economic  background  in
France.   It should be noted that Hygena Cuisines purchases  a
high  proportion of its products from the UK Hygena factories,
with   the   result  that  these  extra  sales  increase   the
manufacturing throughput and hence profitability in the UK.

The pilot scheme in Spain has been extended during the year by
an additional three stores, making 5 in total.  This operation
has  started well although it is too early to comment  on  the
potential for our products in this new market.

MFI International

Our  objective  is  to create an export business,  capable  of
contributing  to the Groups profits both by direct  sales  of
furniture and by increasing manufacturing volumes and profits.

We are setting up overseas franchises, with these stores being
based  on  the MFI Homeworks concept, but stocking  a  reduced
range.   In  this  way  the  Group can  broaden  its  overseas
customer base with minimal capital investment.

During the year, four MFI Homeworks franchises were opened  in
Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, Sharjah and Hong Kong.


In addition to sub-leasing surplus retail space, our objective
is  to  grow  our  freehold property base as a  hedge  against
rising  retail rents, whilst at the same time providing  solid
asset backing on our balance sheet.

We  are continually exploring the opportunities to develop our
property  portfolio.  These typically involve the  acquisition
of  land alongside an existing MFI store where we demolish the
old  site and build a new retail park.  Not only do we benefit
from an enhanced trading location at these sites, but the  new
retail  space  gives us further rental income.  In  all  cases
there  is a substantial development profit available, although
it  is our practice to keep the asset on the balance sheet  at cost.

We  have now received planning permission for a 173,000 square
feet major high street development in Inverness. This is based
on  the site of an old MFI store which has now relocated to  a
more  appropriate out of town location. The scheme  is  to  be
anchored  by an 83,000 square foot Debenhams store.  We  would
not  normally undertake a high street development and  we  are
now considering the funding and development options with third parties.

During the year 210,000 square feet has been sub-leased  as  a
result  of  branch  warehouse  space  released  from  the  MFI
Homeworks programme.  A further 135,000 square feet  which  is
now  available for sub-leasing is under negotiation  or  being

J D Randall
Chief Executive                                   1 July 1997

Financial Review


During  the year, Group sales grew by 10.4%.  The majority  of
this increase has arisen from our UK businesses.

                    1996/97   1995/96  Increase       %
                         #m        #m       #m  increase
UK                    771.9     698.3     73.6     10.5
France & Spain         59.3      58.1      1.2      2.1
International          14.4       9.8      4.6     46.9
Group                 845.6     766.2     79.4     10.4

UK Retail sales have increased by 9% over last year.

Turnover  in  France & Spain has increased by 23.9%  in  local
currency  over last year. If exchange rates had  been  at  the
same  level  as  last year, the sales increase for  the  Group
would have been 1.6 percentage points higher at 12%.

Gross Margin

The  gross  margin for the year was 54.5% which compares  with
52.5% in the previous year.  The majority of this increase  is
due  to an improved manufacturing gross margin as a result  of
lower raw material prices and the strength of sterling.

In  addition, the gross margin has been favourably affected by
an  increase  in the amount of retail sales made  in  our  own
factories which has grown from 55% to 56%.

Other Operating Income

Other operating income has increased from #17.6m to #18.0m and
includes  rent  receivable and commissions  earned  on  credit

Rent  receivable was #13.5m compared with #14.1m the  previous
year.   Last years reported figure included #1.1m of  one-off
credits. During the year, space at five stores was surrendered
back  to  the landlord, which in a full year will reduce  rent
receivable  by  #0.5m but which will also save #0.6m  of  rent
payable. Excluding these two items the underlying increase  in
rent  receivable is #0.7m which is the net effect in the  year
of  new sub-tenancy agreements. Annualised rent receivable now
stands at #14.2m.

Commission earned on credit sales was #4.5m, a 29% increase on
last years figure of #3.5m.


Payroll  costs  have increased by 13.5% compared  to  a  turnover
growth  of  10.4%.  This  increase  is  due  to  the  short  term
additional  expense associated with the MFI Homeworks conversions
and   the  extra  costs  arising  from  the  changeover  in   our
distribution arrangements. We have now started the final stage of
the   MFI   Homeworks  programme  relating  to  the  changes   in
distribution which will reverse this trend in rising costs.


The  increasing capital investment programme in  recent  years
has resulted in the depreciation charge rising from #21.7m  to
#28.0m.   The  current level of capital expenditure  indicates
that  depreciation  will continue to rise over  the  next  few

Other Operating Charges

Other  operating charges were #203m compared  to  #183.9m  the
previous year, an increase of 10.4%.  These costs include rent
and  rates,  advertising,  energy, distribution,  repairs  and
maintenance  and  the asset write offs arising  from  the  MFI
Homeworks conversions.

Rent  and  rates  now total #74m compared to #66m  last  year.
Rent  reviews,  which normally cover a five year  period,  are
currently  averaging increases of 24% and we  expect  them  to
rise  further  in  the  future.  Our strategy  of  sub-leasing
excess  branch warehouse space and developing specific  retail
parks will help to mitigate these rises.

Rates  have increased during the year by 10% which is  largely
due  to the phasing of Uniform Business Rate increases arising
from the 1995 revaluation of commercial rateable values.

Losses on disposal of fixed assets total #3.9m of which  #3.4m
is  the  write  off of retail branch assets  which  have  been
replaced  during the MFI Homeworks conversion programme.  This
compares to #2.8m last year.


The Groups tax rate for the year was 31% compared to 30.3% in
the  previous  year.  This is lower than the  corporation  tax
rate  of  33%  due  to  a higher level of  qualifying  capital
expenditure  which  results  in capital  allowances  being  in
excess of the depreciation charge.  We expect this rate to  be
maintained at a similar level for 1997/98.

Earnings Per Share

Earnings per share for the year were 8.24p, an increase of 18%
on  last years pre-exceptional 6.97p. The earnings per  share
last year, including the exceptional tax credit, were 8.11p.


The  proposed final dividend of 3.1p gives an overall dividend
of 4.8p, an increase of 9%.  This level of dividend is covered
1.7 times by earnings per share.

Capital Expenditure

Capital  expenditure has grown to #73m from  #60m  last  year.
These figures are analysed in the table below:-

                             1996/97         1995/96
                                  #m              #m
MFI Homeworks                     23              16
New stores/depots                 12              11
Manufacturing                     13               6
Freehold developments             13              11
Others                            12              16
                                  73              60
Forty-five  stores have been converted into the MFI  Homeworks
format  at  a  cost of #23m.  We are now half way through  the
conversion programme which will continue in the current year.

The  continued growth of our retail and trade formats requires
additional   manufacturing  capacity   to   keep   pace   with
anticipated  demand.   Consequently, we  have  spent  #13m  on
additional manufacturing lines and will be spending over  #20m
in 1997/98.


Closing  stock  values totalled #96.5m, compared  with  #88.2m
last year. This increase is primarily due to the expansion  of
Howden Joinery which sells from stock.

Borrowings and Gearing

Net  borrowings at the year end were #60.8m which  represented
gearing  of  27% compared to 20% last year.  This increase  in
gearing  has  arisen  as  a  direct  result  of  our  on-going
investment  programme.  Given  our  expansion  plans  for  the
current year, we expect gearing to rise further over the  next
12 months.
                    Store and Depot Numbers
                       MFI        MFI     Howdens     France
At April 1996          147         36          15         86
New                      -          6          15         13
Closures               (3)          -           -          -
Relocations            (3)          3           -          -
Reformats             (45)         45           -          -
At April 1997           96         90          30         99
S M Murphy
Financial Director                              1  July 1997

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the 52 weeks ended 26 April 1997

                                                1997      1996
                                                  52   52weeks
                                    Notes         #m        #m
  Turnover                            2        845.6     766.2
  Change in stocks                               9.6       7.9
  Other operating income              3         18.0      17.6
                                               873.2     791.7
  Raw materials and consumables                394.4     372.0
  Staff costs                         4        172.8     152.3
  Depreciation of tangible  fixed               28.0      21.7
  Other operating charges                      203.0     183.9
                                               798.2     729.9
  Operating profit                    2         75.0      61.8
  Interest receivable and similar     7          1.3       0.8
  Interest  payable  and  similar     8        (6.0)     (4.5)
  Profit  on  ordinary activities               70.3      58.1
  before taxation
  Tax                                 5       (21.8)    (10.9)
  Profit for the financial period               48.5      47.2
  Dividends                           6       (28.5)    (25.6)
  Amount transferred to reserves      8         20.0      21.6
  Earnings per share                  7        8.24p     8.11p

Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 26 April 1997

                                                  1997     1996
                                         Notes      #m       #m
  FIXED ASSETS                                                 
  Tangible assets                                309.1    273.0
  CURRENT ASSETS                                               
  Stocks                                          96.5     88.2
  Debtors                                         75.6     62.3
  Investments                                      0.6      2.6
  Cash at bank and in hand                        23.6     33.5
                                                 196.3    186.6
  Amounts falling due within one year            275.7    254.6
  Net current liabilities                       (79.4)   (68.0)
  Total assets less current liabilities          229.7    205.0
  Amounts  falling due after more  than            1.3      1.7
  one year
  PROVISIONS   FOR   LIABILITIES    AND            5.2      6.2
  Net assets                                     223.2    197.1
  CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                         
  Called up share capital                         59.1     58.3
  Share premium account                    8      38.0     30.2
  Other  reserves                          8      10.4      7.9
  Profit and loss account                  8     115.7    100.7
  Equity shareholders funds                     223.2    197.1

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the 52 weeks ended 26 April 1997

                                                  1997     1996
                                         Notes      #m       #m
  Cash flow from operating activities      9      98.6     71.5
  Returns  on investments and servicing   10     (8.0)    (0.7)
  of finance
  Taxation                                      (20.7)   (18.7)
  Capital   expenditure  and  financial   10    (72.2)   (59.1)
  Equity dividends paid                         (27.1)   (24.7)
                                                (29.4)   (31.7)
  Management of liquid resources          10       1.5        -
  Financing                               10      18.3     50.5
  (Decrease)/increase in  cash  in  the   11     (9.6)     18.8
  Reconciliation of net  cash  flow  to                        
  movement in net debt
  (Decrease)/increase in  cash  in  the   11     (9.6)     18.8
  Cash movement on:                                            
  -  debt and lease financing             10     (9.7)   (49.4)
  -  liquid resources                     10     (1.5)        -
  Change  in  net  debt resulting  from         (20.8)   (30.6)
  cash flows
  Effect   of  foreign  exchange   rate   11     (0.6)    (0.1)
  Movement in net debt in the period            (21.4)   (30.7)
  Net  debt  at  the beginning  of  the   11    (40.6)    (9.9)
  Net debt at the end of the period       11    (62.0)   (40.6)

Notes to the Financial Statements

  Basis of preparation

  These  Statements  do  not  constitute  statutory  financial
  statements  within  the  meaning  of  Section  240  of   the
  Companies  Act 1985. They are an abridged statement  of  the
  Group's  full  Financial Statements for the 52  week  period
  ended  26  April  1997 on which the auditors  have  made  an
  unqualified  report and which will be sent  to  shareholders
  and filed with the Registrar of Companies on 31 July 1997.

  Turnover and profit

  The turnover of the Group substantially relates to UK retail
  sales and accordingly no analysis of turnover is shown.
  Profits are analysed as follows:
                                            1997       1996
                                        52 weeks   52 weeks
                                              #m         #m
 Trading profit                             78.9       64.6
 Loss on disposal of fixed assets          (3.9)      (2.8)
 Operating profit                           75.0       61.8
  Other operating income
                                            1997       1996
                                        52 weeks   52 weeks
                                              #m         #m
  Rents receivable                          13.5       14.1
  Commission income                          4.5        3.5
                                            18.0       17.6

4 Staff costs
  The   aggregate   payroll  costs  of  employees,   including
  directors, were:
                                            1997       1996
                                        52 weeks   52 weeks
                                              #m         #m
  Wages and salaries                       150.1      133.7
  Social security costs                     15.0       12.5
  Other pension costs                        7.7        6.1
                                           172.8      152.3
5.   Tax
                                            1997       1996
                                        52 weeks   52 weeks
                                              #m         #m
  Taxation  on profits for the  period                     
  UK corporation tax                        24.5       17.7
  Adjustments relating to prior periods     (2.7)      (6.8)
                                            21.8       10.9

6.                                      Dividends

                                            1997      1996
                                        52 weeks  52 weeks
                                              #m        #m
  Interim paid - 1.70 pence per share       10.2       8.7
  (1996 - 1.50 pence per share)                           
  Final proposed - 3.10 pence per share      18.3      16.9
  (1996 - 2.90 pence per share)                           
  Total dividend - 4.80 pence per share      28.5      25.6
  (1996 - 4.40 pence per share)                           

7.   Earnings per share

  Earnings per share have been calculated by reference to  the
  profit  for the financial period of #48.5m (1996  -  #47.2m)
  divided by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares of
  10p each amounting to 588,830,171 (1996 - 582,404,879).
  The  comparative earnings per share is stated including  the
  exceptional  #6.7m  prior  year  tax  release  arising  from
  utilisation  of available capital losses within  the  Group.
  Excluding  this  exceptional tax release  the  earnings  per
  share would have been 6.97p.
  The  fully  diluted  earnings per share are  not  materially
  different from the actual earnings per share.

8.   Reserves
                                    Share            Profit
                                  premium    Other      and
                                  account reserves     loss
                                       #m       #m       #m
  At 28 April 1996                   30.2      7.9    100.7
  Retained profit for the period        -        -     20.0
  Ordinary Shares issued              7.8        -        -
  Amortisation of goodwill              -      2.5    (2.5)
  Currency translation adjustments      -        -    (2.5)
  At 26 April 1997                   38.0     10.4    115.7

9. Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows:

                                              1997     1996
                                          52 weeks  52 weeks
                                                #m       #m
  Operating profit                            75.0     61.8
  Depreciation of tangible fixed assets       28.0     21.7
  Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets        3.9      2.8
  (Increase) in stocks                       (9.5)   (11.2)
  (Increase) in debtors                     (13.5)   (16.5)
  Increase in creditors and provisions        14.7     12.9
  Net cash inflow from operating activities   98.6     71.5

10. Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in  the
    cash flow statement

                                              1997     1996
                                          52 weeks 52 weeks
                                                #m       #m
  Returns  on investments and  servicing                   
  of finance
  Interest received                          (1.3)    (0.8)
  Interest paid                                9.1      1.2
  Interest element of finance lease rentals    0.2      0.3
  Outflow  on investments and  servicing       8.0      0.7
  of finance
  Capital expenditure                                      
  Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets   73.4     60.2
  Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets(1.2)    (1.1)
  Outflow for Capital expenditure             72.2     59.1
  Management of liquid resources                           
  Cash withdrawn re foreign certificates       1.5        -
  of deposit
  Outflow of liquid resources                  1.5        -
  Increase/(decrease)    in    revolving      70.0   (10.0)
  credit facility
  (Decrease)/increase  in   short   term    (60.0)     60.0
  Capital   element  of  finance   lease     (0.3)    (0.6)
  rental payments
                                               9.7     49.4
  Issue of ordinary share capital              8.6      1.1
  Inflow from financing                       18.3     50.5
11. Analysis of net debt
                  Cash  Current  Revol  Short 
                    at            ving           Net  Finan  Total
                  bank    asset  credit term  borrow     ce    net
                         invest         loans   ings  leases   debt
                          ments facility                    
                    #m       #m     #m    #m      #m     #m     #m
  As at 29 April  14.7      2.6  (25.0)    -   (7.7)  (2.2)  (9.9)
  Cash flow       18.8        -   10.0  (60.0) (31.2)  0.6  (30.6)
  Exchange movement  -        -      -     -       -  (0.1)  (0.1)
  As at 27 April  33.5      2.6  (15.0) (60.0) (38.9) (1.7)  (40.6)
  Cash flow       (9.6)    (1.5) (70.0)  60.0  (21.1)  0.3   (20.8)
  Exchange        (0.3)    (0.5)     -     -   (0.8)   0.2    (0.6)
  As at 26 April  23.6      0.6  (85.0)     -  (60.8)  (1.2)  (62.0)