RNS NO 7312H
1st July 1997

Lonsdale Holdings PLC


31 MARCH 1997

                                      1997     1996
                              Note    Total    Total
                                      #'000    #'000
Turnover                              1,659      894
Cost of sales                        (1,786)    (559)                         
                                       (127)     335
Provision against property                     
stock                                     -     (478)

Gross loss                             (127)    (143)                         
Other operating income                   14       97         
                                       (113)     (46)

Administrative expenses                (333)    (401)                    
Operating loss                         (446)    (447)                         
Restructuring costs           3        (131)       -
Profit on disposal of                     -       40           
discontinued operations                 
Loss on ordinary activities            (577)    (407)                 
before interest                       
Interest receivable                       9        3
Interest payable                        (62)     (33)                         
Loss on ordinary activities   4        (630)    (437)            
before and after taxation             
Dividends-non equity                    (29)    (634)                         
Loss  for the year                     (659)  (1,071)
Loss per ordinary share       5       (1.0p)   (2.2p)


                                                  1997                  1996
                                                 #'000                 #'000
FIXED ASSETS                                   
Tangible assets                                    34                    40
Investments                                         1                     1   
                                                   35                    41
CURRENT ASSETS                                 
Stocks                                  513                  2,115            
Debtors                                  41                     59      
Cash at bank and in hand                573                      6       
                                      1,127                  2,180
Amounts falling due within one year    (220)                 1,069           
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                 907                1,111   
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES              942                1,152   
Amounts falling due after more than                266                  290   
one year                              
                                                   676                  862   
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                           
Called up share capital                         11,420               10,927
Share premium account                            2,484                2,533
Merger reserve                                     162                  162   
Capital redemption reserve                       3,310                3,310
Profit and loss account                        (16,700)             (16,070)
                                                   676                  862
1. The above results for the year ended 31 March 1997 and
the  Consolidated  Balance Sheet at  31  March  1997  are
subject  to final audit.  However, the Directors  do  not
anticipate any alteration will be made before the  Annual
Report and Accounts are posted to shareholders on 4  July
2.   The comparative figures for the year ended 31  March
1996  do  not constitute the Company's statutory accounts
for the year.  Statutory accounts have been delivered  to
the  Registrar  of Companies on which the  auditors  have
reported;  their  report  was  unqualified  and  did  not
contain a statement under Sections 237 (2) or (3) of  the
Companies Act 1985.
3.   Restructuring costs:

                            1997          1996
                            #'000         #'000
Termination and related      103           -
Legal costs                   17           -
Other                         11           -
                             131           -

4.   Due  to  the  availability of  losses  for  taxation
purposes the Group will not incur a tax charge.
5.    The loss per ordinary share is based on the loss on
ordinary   activities  before  and  after  taxation   and
attributable  preference dividends for the year,  and  on
65,680,000  (1996: Restated 48,234,000)  ordinary  shares
being  the  weighted average number in issue  during  the

6.    The  Annual Report will be sent out to shareholders
in  due  course.  Additional copies can be obtained  from
the  Company  Secretary, Lonsdale Holdings PLC,  Unit  6,
McKay Trading Estate, Kensal Road, London, W10 5BN


In  my  interim statement to shareholders on 22nd January
1997, I outlined the considerable changes to your Company
following  the  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  on  22nd
November  1996,  and the appointment of  Marc  Jonas  and
myself as directors.  I am pleased to announce that  your
board  has completed the first of the two objectives  set
out  in  that  statement: being to reduce  the  Company's
running costs to the absolute minimum.

For the year ended 31st March 1997, the Group made a loss
before tax of #630,000, of which #403,000 was made in the
first  half, a period prior to our involvement.  However,
a substantial proportion of the losses in the second half
reflected  the  costs  of the restructuring.   These  are
shown  as a separate item in the Profit and Loss  Account
and  detailed  in  note 3 to this announcement.   At  the
operating  level, the loss for the year was #446,000,  of
which  #373,000  was  made in the  first  half  and  only
#73,000  in the second half.  The ongoing losses for  the
final  quarter from 1st January to 31st March  1997  were
some  #15,000, less than 2.5% of the total  loss  for  the

The  property dealing and development activities  of  the
Group continued to produce a satisfactory contribution to
Group  income.  Following the completion of the  sale  of
the  residential property known as Virginia Lodge,  Hatch
End  in  October  1996,  these  activities  now  comprise
primarily  the residential block of flats in Dover,  Kent
together with other smaller properties.  In the light  of
the  resources  now available to it, the Group  is  in  a
position to take advantage of the improved state  of  the
residential property market should a suitable opportunity

Since  the  year end, we have been working  hard  at  our
second  objective,  namely  to  find  a  substantial  new
acquisition   to  revitalise  your  Company's   fortunes.
Although we are at an advanced stage of discussions  with
two  potential  targets, it is too early to  say  whether
either  of  these will proceed to completion.  Given  the
size of potential acquisitions in relation to the current
size of the Group, any proposed transaction is likely  to
be put to shareholders for approval.

Your board is confident that during the remainder of 1997
we  shall find a suitable acquisition which will  enhance
shareholder value.  As I said in my interim statement, we
are  determined to give shareholders both capital  growth
and  dividend income and we shall not rest until we  have
achieved these objectives.

Luke Johnson


Luke Johnson         Lonsdale Holdings PLC       Tel: 0181 962 1230
Marc Jonas           Lonsdale Holdings PLC       Tel: 0181 962 1241