RNS No 7371n
1st July 1997

Part 2                                
                       AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN.
                        NYCOMED AMERSHAM
                  Nycomed and Amersham to merge

1.   Introduction

The  Boards of Nycomed ASA ("Nycomed") and Amersham International
plc  ("Amersham") announce that they have unanimously agreed  the
terms  of  a proposed merger of the two companies (the "Merger").
The  holding company for the Merged Group will be called  Nycomed
Amersham plc ("Nycomed Amersham").

The  Merger creates a global group with the critical mass,  focus
and technology to build further on its world leadership positions
in   in-vivo   diagnostic  imaging  agents   and   research-based
biotechnology  supply, which the Boards of Nycomed  and  Amersham
believe  will be two of the key long-term medical growth markets.
The Merger brings together many complementary strengths including
powerful  global  distribution, low-cost production,  significant
R&D investment and a strong management team.

Under the terms of the Merger:

*    Nycomed  shareholders will be offered 53 per  cent.  of  the
     enlarged issued ordinary share capital of Nycomed Amersham.

*    Amersham  shareholders will own 47 per cent. of the enlarged
     issued  ordinary share capital of Nycomed Amersham, assuming
     acceptance of the Merger Offer in full.

All  Nycomed  shareholders will also receive a  special  dividend
from  Nycomed of NOK 5.62 (46p) per share upon completion of  the
Merger amounting, in aggregate, to NOK 576 million (#47 million).
This  dividend will be payable to Nycomed shareholders as of  the
dividend record date, which is expected to be shortly before  the
Merger Offer becomes unconditional.

Pro  forma combined historic revenues for Nycomed Amersham  would
be  approximately #1.5 billion (NOK 14.8 billion), and pro  forma
combined  historic profits before interest, tax and restructuring
charges would be approximately #244 million (NOK 2.5 billion), as
adjusted to UK GAAP.  The pro forma financial information assumes
completion of the Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger and the basis
of preparation is set out in Appendix VII.

Nycomed   Amersham   would  have  a  market   capitalisation   of
approximately  #1.8  billion (NOK 21.8  billion),  based  on  the
closing  prices of Amersham and Nycomed on 27th June,  1997,  the
last practicable date before the date of this announcement.

Nycomed  Amersham  would have, based on the last  audited  annual
accounts  for  each  of  Nycomed and  Amersham,  combined  annual
research and development investment of approximately #140 million
(NOK  1.4  billion).   The Merged Group will  have  approximately
11,600  employees, including employees of Pharmacia  Biotech  who
will  join  the  Amersham  Group on completion  of  the  Amersham
Pharmacia Biotech Merger.

The  Board of Nycomed Amersham will be drawn equally from Nycomed
and   Amersham.   Nycomed's  existing  Chairman,  Johan   Fredrik
Odfjell,  will become Chairman of Nycomed Amersham,  and  Richard
Lapthorne,  currently  Chairman  of  Amersham,  will  be   Deputy
Chairman  of  Nycomed Amersham.  The current Chief  Executive  of
Amersham, Bill Castell, will be Group Chief Executive Officer  of
Nycomed  Amersham  and  Nycomed's  current  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer,  Svein  Aaser, will  be  Group  Deputy  Chief
Executive  Officer  and  Chief Executive  of  Nycomed  Amersham's
Imaging  business. Andrew Allner, currently Finance  Director  of
Amersham,  will  be Nycomed Amersham's Finance  Director.   Trond
Berger,  currently Chief Financial Officer of  Nycomed,  will  be
Nycomed Amersham's Corporate Development Director.

The  corporate  and  worldwide Imaging  headquarters  of  Nycomed
Amersham  will  be  located  in  Buckinghamshire,  UK,  with  the
European  Imaging  and  Pharmaceuticals  divisional  headquarters
located in Oslo, Norway.

2.   Benefits of the Merger

The  Merger creates a global leader in two distinct and important
innovative  medical markets, which are well poised for  continued
growth  and  expansion  into the next  century.   The  Boards  of
Nycomed  and Amersham believe that Nycomed Amersham will  be  the
world's  leading  company  in  the development,  manufacture  and
distribution of in-vivo diagnostic imaging agents.  In  addition,
the  recently announced merger between Amersham Life Science  and
Pharmacia  Biotech will result in Nycomed Amersham  becoming  the
world's  leading research-based biotechnology supplier.   Nycomed
Amersham  also  benefits from a European pharmaceutical  business
with a strong and immediate product launch pipeline.

The  Boards of Nycomed and Amersham believe that the Merger  will
have the following principal benefits:

*    World leadership in in-vivo diagnostic imaging agents
     The  Boards  of  Nycomed and Amersham believe  that  Nycomed
     Amersham  will  be the world's leading provider  of  in-vivo
     diagnostic imaging agents, with combined worldwide sales  of
     over  #670 million (NOK 6.8 billion) and combined investment
     in imaging research and development of some #79 million (NOK
     796  million), based on the historic results of Nycomed  and

     Nycomed's    and    Amersham's   imaging    interests    are
     complementary.  Nycomed's leadership in x-ray contrast media
     and  strength  in  magnetic resonance  imaging  ("MRI")  are
     complemented    by   Amersham's   global    leadership    in
     radiopharmaceuticals for the nuclear medicine industry.  The
     following  table illustrates the market position of  Nycomed

                         Ranking by imaging agent sales value
                           X-ray         Nuclear        MRI
     World                  1st            1st          2nd
     USA                    1st            3rd          2nd
     Europe                 1st            1st          2nd
     Japan                  2nd            1st          2nd

    Note:These  are  management estimates of  end-customer  sales
          into the market attributed to the innovator i.e. to the
          party  which  has intellectual property rights  to  the
          product.   These  rankings are based  on  estimates  of
          market share prepared by the management of Nycomed  and

*    Selling synergies

     The  combination  of Nycomed's and Amersham's  complementary
     geographic  coverage  will  give  Nycomed  Amersham  leading
     positions  in the major diagnostic imaging agent markets  of
     the  United States, Europe and Japan.  Nycomed and  Amersham
     sales  teams share a common core customer base,  centred  on
     the  imaging  (radiology) departments  of  major  hospitals.
     Increased  critical mass and strengthened product portfolios
     in  cardiology,  oncology and neurology will  allow  Nycomed
     Amersham  to expand direct promotion to managing  clinicians
     within the same hospitals and thereby increase the number of
     patients referred for its imaging agents.

     In  the  United States, Nycomed Amersham, with  one  of  the
     broadest imaging agent portfolios and several major  branded
     products, will be able to compete even more effectively  for
     the  increasing  proportion of business  secured  via  group
     purchase contracts.

*    Complementary R&D portfolios

     Nycomed's   established  strength  in  chemistry   will   be
     reinforced  by  Amersham's competence  in  the  biosciences.
     Amersham's cellular and molecular biology skills  base  will
     improve  the  ability of Nycomed Amersham to anticipate  and
     develop    the    increasingly   sophisticated    functional
     diagnostics that will be required for medical practice  into
     the   next   century.    Both   companies   have   extensive
     intellectual  property rights and the formation  of  Nycomed
     Amersham  is  expected  to  enable  this  portfolio  to   be
     developed more effectively.  The Merger will also provide  a
     skills  base and infrastructure which will make it  possible
     to   address   the   emerging  new  market   for   molecular

*    Ultrasound technology

     Nycomed's advanced ultrasound agent, NC100100, has completed
     Phase  II trials for major applications and is targeted  for
     FDA submission during 1998.  The performance characteristics
     and safety profile of NC100100 are expected both to help  it
     obtain   regulatory  approval  and  make  it  a  competitive
     product.   This, together with its robust patent  portfolio,
     is expected to help Nycomed Amersham win a significant share
     in  the  medium  term  of  the emerging  ultrasound  market.
     Forecasts  for  the size of the ultrasound  contrast  market
     vary,  but  the Boards of Nycomed and Amersham  believe  the
     market could reach #1 billion by 2005.

*    Merger cost savings

     The integration of Nycomed and Amersham is expected to yield
     annual pre-tax cost savings of at least #40 million (NOK 485
     million), of which up to half is expected to be realised  by
     31st  December,  1998, with the full amount  anticipated  by
     31st  December,  2000.  These savings  are  in  addition  to
     savings expected from Nycomed's Focus 98 initiative and  the
     Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger.  The savings are expected
     to  be  achieved principally by the elimination of duplicate
     infrastructure    in    imaging   sales    and    marketing,
     administration and corporate overheads.

     An exceptional charge for the estimated #50 million (NOK 606
     million)  pre-tax cost of achieving these  savings  will  be
     made  in Nycomed Amersham's accounts for the nine months  to
     31st December, 1997.

3.   The Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger

On  10th June, 1997, Amersham announced that it had conditionally
agreed  with  Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. ("P&U") to merge  Amersham
Life   Science   with   Pharmacia  Biotech,  the   Uppsala-based,
biotechnology  supply  business of P&U (the  "Amersham  Pharmacia
Biotech  Merger").  The Merger will be conditional on  completion
of  the  Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger, although Nycomed  may
require Amersham to waive this condition.

Based on historic turnover, the Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger
would  create  the  world's largest research-based  biotechnology
supplier,  with  combined  annual  sales  of  approximately  #430
million   (NOK   4.4  billion),  approximately  3,600   employees
worldwide and combined annual R&D investment of approximately #40
million (NOK 413 million).

Under  the  terms  of  the  Amersham  Pharmacia  Biotech  Merger,
Amersham  and  P&U  will transfer their respective  life  science
businesses to a new company, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech  Limited,
of  which Amersham will own 55 per cent. of the equity and P&U 45
per  cent..   Ron  Long,  currently Group  Managing  Director  of
Amersham  Life  Science, will be the Chief Executive  Officer  of
Amersham  Pharmacia  Biotech.   Bill  Castell,  currently   Chief
Executive  of  Amersham, will be the Chairman  of  the  Board  of
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech.

The  Amersham  Pharmacia Biotech Merger  is  conditional  on  the
approval of Amersham's shareholders (at an Extraordinary  General
Meeting  to  be  held  on 3rd July, 1997) and certain  regulatory
consents.   The Board of Amersham expects the Amersham  Pharmacia
Biotech Merger to be completed towards the end of July 1997.

4.   Financial effects of the Merger

The  Boards  of Nycomed and Amersham anticipate that  the  Merger
will  enhance  the Merged Group's earnings in the  year  to  3lst
December, 1998 and will significantly enhance the Merged  Group's
earnings following realisation of the anticipated cost savings.

The   Nycomed  Special  Dividend  and  the  Mandatory  Offer   or
Compulsory Acquisition (see below) are expected, on the basis set
out in paragraph 5(b) below, to result in total cash payments out
of  the  Merged  Group  of approximately #140  million  (NOK  1.7
billion).   Following  the  Merger, the  Boards  of  Nycomed  and
Amersham  expect that the Merged Group will continue  to  have  a
strong financial position with a good interest cover.

It  is  intended that Nycomed Amersham will have a calendar  year
end  and the first results of Nycomed Amersham will be in respect
of  the  nine  months  to  3lst December,  1997.   The  published
accounts  of  Nycomed Amersham will be prepared in  sterling  and
Norwegian  kroner  in  accordance with  UK  GAAP,  with  US  GAAP

Under  current  UK GAAP, existing goodwill carried  in  Nycomed's
consolidated  balance  sheet  (which under  Norwegian  accounting
rules  is  amortised)  will  be  written  off,  and  the  related
amortisation  charge  will no longer be  incurred.   As  at  31st
December,  1996,  Nycomed's  consolidated  balance  sheet  showed
goodwill   of  NOK  3.7  billion  (#341  million)  and   goodwill
amortisation  charged in Nycomed's consolidated profit  and  loss
account  for the year ended 31st December, 1996 amounted  to  NOK
234 million (#23 million).

It is anticipated that the goodwill arising on the Merger will be
written  off  against  the  reserves  of  Nycomed  Amersham,   in
accordance with UK GAAP.

5.   Principal terms of the Merger

The  Merger will be effected by means of an all share offer  (the
"Merger Offer"), to be made by Amersham (either itself or through
a  Norwegian subsidiary) to acquire all the issued Nycomed voting
shares   ("Nycomed  A  Shares")  and  Nycomed  non-voting  shares
("Nycomed B Shares") (together "Nycomed Shares").

The  Merger  Offer will be extended to Nycomed's shareholders  in
the  United  States, and the new Nycomed Amersham  shares  issued
will be registered with the United States Securities and Exchange

It  is  intended that Nycomed Amersham will have listings on  the
London, Oslo, New York and Copenhagen Stock Exchanges.

(a)  The Merger Offer

The  Merger  Offer, which will be subject to the  conditions  and
further  terms  set  out  in Appendix I,  will  be  made  on  the
following basis:

      For  each  Nycomed   A  0.6506 Nycomed Amersham Ordinary
      Share                   Shares
      For  each  Nycomed   B  0.6506  Nycomed  Amersham   Non-
      Share                   voting Shares

and  so  in  proportion for any greater number of Nycomed  Shares

Fractional  entitlements to new Nycomed Amersham Ordinary  Shares
and  Nycomed  Amersham Non-voting Shares will be  aggregated  and
sold  in the market and the net proceeds distributed pro rata  to
Nycomed  shareholders  entitled  thereto,  save  that  individual
amounts of less than #3 (NOK 36) will be retained for the benefit
of the Merged Group.

The  Nycomed  Amersham Ordinary Shares to  be  issued  under  the
Merger  Offer  will  rank pari passu with the  existing  Amersham
Ordinary  Shares,  save  that the new Nycomed  Amersham  Ordinary
Shares will not rank for the final dividend proposed by the Board
of Amersham in respect of the year to 31st March, 1997.

The  Nycomed  Amersham Non-voting Shares to be issued  under  the
Merger  Offer  will  rank pari passu with  the  Nycomed  Amersham
Ordinary  Shares,  except that each Nycomed  Amersham  Non-voting
Share  will  not carry the right to vote at general  meetings  of
Nycomed Amersham.

As  at  27th  June, 1997, there were in issue approximately  59.1
million  Amersham Ordinary Shares, 60.6 million Nycomed A  Shares
and  41.9  million Nycomed B Shares.  The closing price of  these
securities  on  27th  June, 1997 was 1,592.5p (NOK193),  NOK106.5
(878p)  and NOK103.5 (853p) respectively.  Following the  Merger,
there   will  be  approximately  98.6  million  Nycomed  Amersham
Ordinary  Shares and approximately 27.2 million Nycomed  Amersham
Non-voting  Shares in issue, assuming that the  Merger  Offer  is
accepted in full by all holders of Nycomed Shares.

(b)  The Mandatory Offer

If  the Merger Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in  all
respects,  Amersham will be required to make a  cash  offer  (the
"Mandatory  Offer") for the remaining Nycomed Shares not  already

The  price per Nycomed Share under the Mandatory Offer is  likely
to  be the value of the consideration per Nycomed Share under the
Merger  Offer on the dealing day immediately prior to the day  on
which  the Merger Offer becomes or is declared unconditional  or,
if  Amersham acquires Nycomed Shares at a higher price before  or
during the Mandatory Offer, that higher price.

In  addition,  if  Amersham acquires Nycomed Shares  representing
more than 90 per cent. of the Nycomed voting rights and more than
90 per cent. of the Nycomed Shares, Amersham will become entitled
(and may be required) to acquire the remaining Nycomed Shares for
cash   (on  terms  agreed  with  each  shareholder  or,   failing
agreement,  determined by the Norwegian courts) (the  "Compulsory

Based  on the closing price of Amersham Ordinary Shares  on  27th
June,  1997,  the cash required to acquire 10 per  cent.  of  the
Nycomed  Shares  under  the Mandatory  Offer  or  the  Compulsory
Acquisition   (assuming  the  Norwegian  courts   confirmed   the
Mandatory Offer price as the Compulsory Acquisition price)  would
be approximately #90 million (NOK 1.1 billion).

6.   Summary financial information

Summary  financial information on Nycomed, Amersham and Pharmacia
Biotech  is  set out in Appendices IV, V and VI.  The information
in  relation to Nycomed and Amersham has been extracted from  the
Nycomed  audited accounts for the year ended 31st December,  1996
and  the Amersham audited accounts for the year ended 31st March,
1997 respectively.  The information on Pharmacia Biotech has been
extracted  from  the accountants report published  in  Amersham's
circular  to its shareholders dated 16th June, 1997 in connection
with the Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger.

Appendix   VII  contains  abbreviated,  illustrative  pro   forma
financial  information on Nycomed Amersham, which assumes,  inter
alia,  that the Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger and the  Merger
have been completed.

7.   Dividend payments

(a)  Amersham shareholders

As  a  result of the proposed change of Amersham's financial year
end  to 31st December, following completion of the Merger,  there
will  be no interim dividend for Amersham shareholders in respect
of  the  six months to 30th September, 1997 and the next dividend
payment  to  shareholders will be a final dividend in respect  of
the  nine months to 31st December, 1997, which is expected to  be
announced  in March 1998.  Thereafter, shareholders will  receive
dividends  twice  annually,  in  November  following  the  Merged
Group's  interim results and in June following the Merged Group's
full year results.

(b)  Nycomed shareholders

Nycomed  shareholders of record shortly before the  Merger  Offer
becomes unconditional will qualify for a special dividend of  NOK
5.62 (46p) per share (the "Nycomed Special Dividend"), to be paid
by Nycomed as soon as reasonably practicable following completion
of  the  Merger.   Payment  of  this dividend  will  require  the
approval of Nycomed's shareholders at a general meeting.  Nycomed
has  been  advised that the Nycomed Special Dividend will  reduce
the  base  cost  of  Nycomed shares for Nycomed shareholders  for
Norwegian tax purposes (the "RISK" adjustment).

Thereafter,  Nycomed  shareholders will rank  alongside  Amersham
shareholders  in  respect of the payment of  dividends  and  will
receive the final dividend of the Merged Group in respect of  the
nine  months  to  31st December, 1997, which is  expected  to  be
announced in March 1998.

It  is intended that shareholders whose shares are registered  in
the  Norwegian  book entry clearing system - VPS -  will  receive
their dividends in Norwegian kroner.

8.   Board, management and employees

(a)  Board of Directors and senior management

The  Board  of  Nycomed  Amersham  will  comprise  six  executive
directors  and  eight  non-executive directors,  of  which  three
executive  and four non-executive directors will be nominated  by
the existing Boards of each of Nycomed and Amersham.

In addition, Nycomed, consistent with current Norwegian practice,
and  Amersham  will  each  be entitled to  appoint  one  employee
representative director to the Board.

The  Board of Nycomed Amersham will, following implementation  of
the proposed Merger, include the following:

      Johan        Non-executive Chairman

      Richard      Non-executive Deputy Chairman

      Bill         Group Chief Executive Officer

      Svein Aaser  Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer;
                   Chairman, Pharmaceuticals

      Ron Long     Chief Executive, Amersham Pharmacia
      Trond        Chief Executive, Pharmaceuticals

      Andrew       Finance Director

      Trond        Corporate Development Director
The  additional non-executive directors (other than the  employee
representatives) will be drawn equally from the  existing  Boards
of Nycomed and Amersham.

(b)  Employees

As  at  31st  December,  1996, Nycomed  had  approximately  5,600
employees.   The  average number of employees  for  Amersham  and
Pharmacia  Biotech was 3,487 and 2,502 for the years  ended  31st
March, 1997 and 31st December, 1996, respectively.

Nycomed  and  Amersham  will inform and  fully  consult  relevant
employee  organisations regarding the social, economic and  legal
consequences  of  the Merger in accordance with applicable  legal

9.   Timetable and other matters

It  is  expected that the formal Merger Offer documents  will  be
posted to Nycomed shareholders by the beginning of September 1997
and  that  the Merger Offer will be open for at least 20 business
days  thereafter.  The consideration due under the  Merger  Offer
will  be  sent  to  accepting Nycomed  shareholders  as  soon  as
reasonably  practicable  after the Merger  Offer  becomes  or  is
declared unconditional in all respects.

An  extraordinary  general  meeting of Amersham  shareholders  to
approve  the  Merger is expected to be held towards  the  end  of
September 1997.  A circular and listing particulars are  expected
to  be  posted  to  Amersham shareholders  by  the  beginning  of

Nycomed is being advised by Goldman Sachs International ("Goldman
Sachs")   and  Sundal  Collier  &  Co.  a.s  ("Sundal  Collier").
Amersham  is  being  advised  by Morgan  Stanley  &  Co.  Limited
("Morgan  Stanley") and Morgan Grenfell & Co. Limited  ("Deutsche
Morgan  Grenfell").  Hoare Govett Corporate Finance  Limited  are
brokers to Amersham.

Deutsche  Bank  AG  London  and Citibank,  N.A.  have  agreed  in
principle  to  provide  fully underwritten credit  facilities  in
connection  with  the Merger and the Amersham  Pharmacia  Biotech


Nycomed                Svein Aaser              00 47 23 18 50 50
                       Eric Cameron             00 47 23 18 50 50
                       Trond Berger             00 47 23 18 50 50
Goldman Sachs          Richard Campbell-        0171 774 1000
                       Breeden                  0171 774 1000
                       Berent Wallendahl        
Sundal Collier         Jan Petter Collier       00 47 22 01 6000
                       Are Andersen             00 47 22 01 6000
Finsbury               Rupert Younger           0171 251 3801
Amersham               Bill Castell             01494 544 000
                       Andrew Allner            01494 544 000
                       Giles Kerr               01494 544 000
Morgan Stanley         Michael Tory             0171 425 5555
                       Mark Perrett             0171 425 5555
Deutsche Morgan        Mark Preston             0171 545 8000
Grenfell               Philip Mastriforte       0171 545 8000
Brunswick              Alan Parker              0171 404 5959

Conference notes

The  following meetings for investors, stockbrokers' analysts and
the press are being held today:


10.00a.m.           Analysts presentation
11.45a.m.           Press conference

Location:           The Sugar Rooms, The Brewery, Chiswell
                    Street, London EC1


09.30a.m.           Press conference
11.00a.m.           Analysts conference

Location:           Nycoveien 2, Oslo

The  following  foreign exchange rates have  been  used  in  this

(a)  #1  :  NOK  10.082  and  #1 : NOK 10.926,  respectively  the
     average  and  year end rates for the year to 31st  December,
     1996,  to  translate respectively Nycomed  profit  and  loss
     information  and  Nycomed  balance  sheet  information  into

(b)  #1  :  SEK  10.474  and  #1 : SEK 11.685,  respectively  the
     average  and  year end rates for the year to 31st  December,
     1996, to translate respectively Pharmacia Biotech profit and
     loss   information  and  Pharmacia  Biotech  balance   sheet
     information into sterling;

(c)  #1  :  NOK  10.324  and  #1 : NOK 10.834,  respectively  the
     average and year end rates for the year to 31st March, 1997,
     to translate respectively:

     (i)  Amersham profit and loss information and balance  sheet
          information into Norwegian kroner;

     (ii) Amersham  Pharmacia Biotech pro forma profit  and  loss
          information   and   balance  sheet   information   into
          Norwegian kroner;

(d)  the  same rates as in (a) to translate Nycomed Amersham  pro
     forma   profit  and  loss  information  and  balance   sheet
     information into Norwegian kroner;

(e)  #1  :  NOK  12.129, the rate prevailing on 27th June,  1997,
     being  the last practicable date prior to the date  of  this
     announcement, for all other information.

The  contents of this announcement have been approved  by  Morgan
Stanley  and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell solely for the purposes  of
Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986.

No offer or invitation to acquire securities in Amersham is being
made  now  nor  are offers being solicited.  Any  such  offer  or
invitation will only be made in an offer document to be published
in  due course and any such acquisitions should be made solely on
the basis of information contained in such offer document.

Goldman  Sachs, which is regulated in the United Kingdom  by  The
Securities and Futures Authority Limited, and Sundal Collier  are
acting  for Nycomed and no one else in connection with the Merger
and  will  not  be responsible to anyone other than  Nycomed  for
providing the protections afforded to customers of Goldman  Sachs
and   Sundal  Collier respectively, nor for providing  advice  in
relation to the Merger.

Morgan  Stanley  and  Deutsche Morgan Grenfell,  which  are  both
regulated  in  the United Kingdom by The Securities  and  Futures
Authority  Limited, are acting for Amersham and no  one  else  in
connection with the Merger and will not be responsible to  anyone
other  than  Amersham for providing the protections  afforded  to
customers   of  Morgan  Stanley  and  Deutsche  Morgan   Grenfell
respectively, nor for providing advice in relation to the Merger.