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HRE Hameldon Res

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Hameldon Res Investors - HRE

Hameldon Res Investors - HRE

Share Name Share Symbol Market Stock Type
Hameldon Res HRE London Ordinary Share
  Price Change Price Change % Share Price Last Trade
0.00 0.00% 0.875 00:00:00
Open Price Low Price High Price Close Price Previous Close
0.875 0.875
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Posted at 01/11/2014 16:31 by marab
hehog asked me to post this. I think he may be trying to tell us something ;-)

3000 POSTS

That’s another thousand posts and another thousand thanks to all you posters for helping to keep the thread alive ;-))

The story so far-
Post 0000 - 25 May 2014, share price 0.57p
Post 1000 – 13 Aug 2014, share price 0.47p
Post 2000 – 02 Nov 2014, share price 0.275p
Post 3000 – 27 Feb 2015, share price 0.43p

Post 4000 – 17 Mar 2015, £10.80 ;-)))
Posted at 29/6/2013 08:46 by marab


H1 2013
H2 2013
TOTAL 2013
TOTAL 2012












09 May 2014 Shoats Creek RNS Marab’s PostOverheads have been way to high on SML and the recently announced £600,000+ cut in overheads is most welcome. With exports stopped and the current emphasis on improving the vastly more profitable gate sales SML has a real chance of being profitable.So if you imagine a ball as being gross profit and an animal as being overheads we might get from here in 2013

to here in
Posted at 13/12/2010 19:39 by marab
leedsu36 - Every one helps, appreciate the effort. It looks like 1.9m traded(including PLUS) with a maximum of 200k sold, giving a net 1.7m buys. Since there should be a sell for every buy I am guessing that there is a big sell order being worked. Or some of the buys are sells which would give a spread of 0.002p which hardly seems worth the effort for the MMs. I know prices tend to be higher on Mondays but even so it would appear that most investors are just holding to see what happens next. Who knows what Ascot will do on an AIM listing but it seems worth waiting here to find out.

There are quality investors out there who watch the actual buy and sell prices to get the correct spread and totally ignore the quoted prices. Sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised by the real prices. Well worth doing a dummy quote now and then in a share that interests you. A skill I am working on, but a long way to go yet. It is truly amazing how the MMs can make it look like a share price is moving up and down when all they are doing is changing the bid and the actual buy and sell prices stay in the same narrow range.
Posted at 11/12/2010 11:00 by marab
I have been asked how many performance shares TW (TIM) will qualify for if the share price doubles. The answer is - none. TW gets rewarded on the value of the NAV and the share price doesn't come into at all. Good definition of NAV on

"The total value of a company's assets less the total value of its liabilities is its net asset value (NAV). For valuation purposes it is common to divide net assets by the number of shares in issue to give the net assets per share. This is the value of the assets that belong to each share, in much the same way that PE measures profit per share."

TW example from the Q and A session in the heading.
A. It is NAV per share that you should look at. If the company has £100 and 100 shares and it raises another £200 at £2 a share then NAV goes to 1.50 per shares which is GOOD for shareholders. If it raises another £200 at 50p per share then NAV per share goes to 60p. That is bad.

The share price is only a reflection of how investors look at the future potential capital and/or dividend growth of the stock. If TW can keep doing deals like the Ascot one you could reasonably expect the share price to be higher than the NAV. Many investment trusts and companies have a price less than the NAV, some up to 50%, depending on how popular the area of investment is. SVE's share price for example had a large discount to NAV the last time I looked but has a portfolio of good shares. What will make the difference here, in my opinion, will be regular updates on what TW is investing in so we can follow his progress. I personally find it hard to keep much interest in a stock when I have no clue as to what it's doing. Look at DXR, HRE's 'sister', to see the effect of no news. (Incidentally, you might want to look at DXR which will be investing in silver related stocks, but hasn't invested a penny yet). At the end of the day the only fundamental factor in the price of a share is whether investors are generally inclined to buy or to sell it.

From the Q and A in the header (with thanks to Kennyruss for collecting the questions from us and arranging for TW to answer them),

Q. What are the current share holdings for HRE?

A. What does HRE own? The board has yet to set a policy on disclosure.

I think that at the moment the share price here is holding up quite well bearing in mind the only investment we know about is Ascot which was only about a third of the investments in cash terms. Fans of TW might be an additional reason for the share price. Holders in his t1ps gold fund might be looking for the same performance here.
Posted at 08/12/2010 15:16 by marab
leedsu36 - Welcome, and lets hope 'he who cannot be named' doesn't follow you over. That helps explain the end of the cheap placing shares. To be honest I think the more people that bail out of DXR the better it looks price wise. It's hard to value either of them at the moment. I certainly wouldn't sell either one to go into the other. DXR currently has no investments and we don't know what HRE holds other than Ascot. Owning both takes away the brain strain of deciding.

sat novice - I have emailed HRE to ask what plans they have for letting us know about the investments and am waiting for a reply. I understand that there may be reasons for not telling us some of it, like perhaps they are buying (or selling)shares in a stock over a period of time so as not to bump the price up(down), and they don't want other investors piling in. I have no problem with that because the idea would be to buy shares cheaper which means we get a greater NAV. There is also the theory that if we are given lists say every 3 months when the NAV is calculated, they could be out of date before they are printed due to buys and sells. Again I don't have a problem with that because at least we can see how the fund is being managed and get an idea of where we are headed. Hopefully news soon but as I have not contacted the company before I have no idea how long it will take to receive a reply.
Posted at 08/12/2010 13:40 by marab
moormoney - Welcome. The important word there is 'holding'. The term 'small' is relative, I know that because I have an uncle who is only 4 feet tall. Patiently waiting is all we can do at the moment due to lack of information. I am hoping that the BOD of Athol will realise the long term advantages of having a good information flow. It's taken me a while to appreciate the fact that TW was brought on board to manage the investments, and information flow is not something he can address without having BOD approval. Very hard to get excited about a company when you have no clue what, if anything, they are doing. At least we know about Ascot which is a start. Actually I was thinking that someone should email the BOD and ask them what their intentions are regarding informing shareholders. I will do that now in fact.

I have made the odd profit (and loss)here and there through people mentioning other shares on the boards so will ask if you have had a look at DXR, basically the sister of Athol, although DXR ( now called Woodburne Square Silver)will be investing mostly in silver. Silver, as you know, hasn't been going up as fast as gold and looks like a good opportunity for next year. Share price is about 3.2p, less than the 3.8p (I think)that TW's Funds paid for some of the previous directors shares. Share price is being hammered because lots of investors want out, probably because of lack of any news. Currently waiting for announcement of an EGM date to allow TW to start investing. No news is bad news for most of us. It's a Kennyruss board so there is lots of info on it to get you started. Read some of the later posts for a feel of what's happening. If you want the worst case scenario read Pwhite's posts. Bear in mind he also said that DXR would be wound up months ago. I got in late here at Athol at over three times the price TW paid, but at DXR I can now buy shares cheaper than his. DYOR and see what you think.

No apologies for the O/T post because I think it's worth a look at least. I own shares in both and for the same reasons, I believe TW can do more deals like the one with Ascot Gold.

Link to DXR
Posted at 03/12/2010 08:06 by marab
4m is nowhere near 3%. Time yet though eh. I feel a lot more comfortable if preferred investors are getting in at only a little less than the current price. I have been buying more too as funds come free, only quarter what you have but adding. I suppose really I am buying for the warrants to buy Ascot at 20p more than anything else.
Posted at 01/12/2010 12:27 by marab
Please correct the following as needed for HRE
Number of shares = 165 million
Current price = 0.75p
Total cap = £1,230,000
Ascot deal
£429,999 convertible at 20p per share = 2,149,995 shares
warrants convertible at 20p per share = 3,009,993 shares
Total on conversion = 5,159,988 shares
Current price of Ascot 40p = £1,031,998 profit if all options were converted and sold plus we get the £429,999 back (0.887p per share).
For every 10p in price of Ascot HRE would make another £516,000 profit (0.31p per share)
Ascot share price at £1.00 would = share price of 2.5p
I have ignored the dilution of the convertibles and warrants as it will only add 0.3% to the number in issue. Also ignored RRR investment.

Ascot is producing gold now and ramping up production to hopefully 150 tonnes per day.
Both RRR and T1ps will be pushing Ascot up to the AIM market as soon as possible. The market and liquidity in the shares will improve as will its visibility to investors.

Any thoughts on the future share price of Ascot just on a move to the AIM market?
Or the value of Ascot on producing 1,200 oz per month ( targeted for first quarter of 2011)?

Picked up some more this morning because if a gold mine can't do well at this point in time there is a severe problem with management. The fact that AB from RRR is happy with the management is a plus point for me, so happy to buy and wait for the move to AIM.
Posted at 30/11/2010 15:31 by 4johnb
Marab, I agree with your points. The egm update and the investments addressed all of the concerns that many investors had when they heard the original news. I am a holder, and will stick with this. I just hope that the overall capital base is increased a bit more in order to increase liquidity.
Posted at 12/11/2010 12:40 by englishbeakfast

What am I missing here if anything ? Why would anyone invest ?

Jim Mellon's EML hasn't produced the stellar returns that he indicated would happen. Now EML appears to be just another trading company.

If HRE are investing up to £43,000 in various companies that isn't going to majorly impact on the share price of the companies in question. If you are attracted to their investments then why not just invest in the company yourself, rather than through HRE while paying directors' salaries which will erode your profits ?

The company website has little to say apart from that they are registered in the Cayman Islands and investors may have less protection because of this !

Please let me know if I am missing anything.