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RNS Number:1551Q Caffe Nero Group PLC 25 September 2003 CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC ("Caffe Nero" or "the Group") Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 May 2003 Caffe Nero Group plc, the largest independent coffee bar operator in the UK, announces preliminary results for the year ended 31 May 2003, marking its sixth consecutive year of sustained growth and its movement into pre-tax profit. Highlights * Turnover up 48% to #39.4m (2002: #26.6m), with like-for-like store sales up 4% * Store profitability increased 77% to #7.3m (2002: #4.1m) * EBITDA increased by 277% to #4.2m (2002: #1.1m); * Operating profit (before amortisation) jumped to #1.6m against a loss last year (2002: #0.8m loss) * Pre tax profit (before amortisation) was #1.0m (2002: #2.3m loss) * Cash balances of #5.7m at year end, plus up to #5.0m of available bank financing to fund continued expansion * Rated the number one coffee bar brand in the UK by consumers for the fourth consecutive year (Allegra Report 2003) * Currently 131 stores operating in 42 UK towns and cities, confirming the Group's position as the largest independent coffee bar operator in the UK. Expect to have 160 stores by May 2004 (May 2003: 121 stores). * Current trading is encouraging with revenues significantly up, positive like-for-like sales growth and strong EBITDA profit increases. Gerry Ford, Chairman and Chief Executive of Caffe Nero Group plc, commented: "This has been an excellent year in which the Group has successfully delivered both top-line growth and bottom-line profitability, whilst maintaining its number one consumer ranking. These figures are testament to the fact that Caffe Nero has clearly delivered its growth objectives and proven the coffee bar model. "The retail coffee sector continues to offer attractive prospects and Caffe Nero enters the current year well positioned to capitalise on these growth opportunities. Trading in the current year has started well; the Directors are particularly encouraged by the performance of the Group's recent openings and prospects for the sites in the Group's forthcoming pipeline." 25 September 2003 ENQUIRIES: Caffe Nero Group Plc. Tel: 020 7457 2020 (Today) Gerry Ford, Chairman & Chief Executive Tel: 020 7520 5150 (Thereafter) Ben Price, Finance Director College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020 Justine Warren CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 May 2003 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Introduction I am pleased to report that in the Financial Year ended 31 May 2003 (FY2003), Caffe Nero Group plc ("the Group") achieved excellent results. It was a year of strong revenue growth, of record cash flow profit (EBITDA), and of the emergence of bottom-line Group profitability. Additionally, our brand continued to be rated number one by UK coffee consumers and we were able to solidify our strategic position--becoming not only one of the three dominant UK coffee house players, but, amongst the three, the brand growing market share the fastest. In short, this past year's performance reinforces that Caffe Nero is a fast growing and profitable retail roll-out business, which is gathering momentum. Financial Performance Our financial numbers for the 12 months ended 31 May 2003 were strong. Sales for the year increased by 48% to #39.4m (2002:#26.6m) and like-for-like store sales were above the average for high street retailers, coming in at positive 4%. While revenues increased substantially, our cost management remained disciplined. The result was that Caffe Nero's store profit (profit before central overheads) grew sharply for the second year in a row, rising by 77% to #7.3m (2002:#4.1m). During the year, only marginal increases in central overheads were necessary, consequently Caffe Nero's cash flow profit (EBITDA) rose by a notable 277% to #4.2m (2002:#1.1m). This significant jump reflects the following: having reached a threshold size, our business model is more efficient, meaning that a large portion of each new store's profit now flows down to the Group's profit line. The Group's Operating Profit before Amortisation of Goodwill and Exceptionals also improved markedly. It moved to a profit of #1.64m in 2003 (2002: loss of #798k). Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Caffe Nero recorded profit at the pre-tax line, well in advance of market expectations and whilst operating in a difficult trading environment, including slow macro-economic growth and the Iraq War. The Group's adjusted pre-tax profit (before Amortisation of Goodwill) came in at #1.015m, whilst its non adjusted pre-tax profit was #519,000. These results mark a watershed year for Caffe Nero: they show a business able to deliver both exceptional top-line growth and bottom-line profitability. Balance Sheet and Funding At yearend 31 May 2003, Caffe Nero's cash balances stood at a healthy #5.7 million. Net debt was #5.4m (conservative when compared to last year's EBITDA of #4.2m). For the current year, FY2004, in addition to the #5.7 million cash deposit, the Group should gain access to a further #5 million in debt plus whatever funds are generated internally. In July 2002, Caffe Nero changed banks, moving to Bank of Scotland, and, in so doing, negotiated a further loan facility of up to #5 million, which has yet to be drawn on. The Group generates cash through its own operation, and at today's rate more than #4 million would be available in the year. Combining these elements, for the current year (FY2004) we anticipate that Caffe Nero should have a total of approximately #15 million available, more than sufficient to finance a continuation of its organic roll-out programme. Other Developments Brand Caffe Nero is a European-style coffee house brand serving high quality espresso based coffee, and top quality Italian deli food that changes throughout the day. Increasingly, our brand and offering are becoming well recognised and regarded nationally. Brand awareness for Caffe Nero among coffee consumers reached 67% last year, undoubtedly driven by the fact that today we operate in 42 UK towns and cities and serve approximately 50,000 customers a day. Caffe Nero's brand strength also remained firmly intact over the past year. Our brand was chosen as the favourite of UK coffee consumers (the Allegra report on coffee 2003) for the fourth consecutive year. Not only were we ranked number one overall, but Caffe Nero came out top among the major brands in each of the key individual sub-categories: coffee quality, service, atmosphere and food offering. While our brand awareness has grown and our reputation has remained high, over the past 12 months the competitive landscape for the UK retail coffee market has also become much clearer. Three brands now stand out amongst the rest as the dominant players: Caffe Nero, Starbucks and Costa Coffee. These three represent 58% of the UK branded market. The two growing market share the fastest are Caffe Nero and Starbucks, which may reflect that the UK retail coffee market seems to have divided into two segments: a European offering and a North American offering - with Caffe Nero the highest rated by consumers on the European side and Starbucks on the North American side. Stores During FY2003, Caffe Nero opened 18 sites and sold five ex-Aroma outlets, taking our total store numbers from 108 to 121 outlets. This was a slower roll-out schedule than originally anticipated, held in check by the prospect of acquiring Coffee Republic. However, in late 2002, once we decided not to move forward in the short term with Coffee Republic, our organic roll-out programme returned to full speed. Our roll-out programme currently reflects a two pronged strategy: (1) build up clusters of sites in larger urban areas, and (2) target smaller, desirable, regional towns. For example, in the greater Manchester area we now have nine stores; in Scotland, after opening four stores in FY2003, we have a total of seven outlets; in greater Birmingham, our store numbers are up to four; and, in the Leeds area we currently have three sites. Likewise, we are trying to build up our presence in smaller regional towns. Stores such as those in Worthing, Chesham, Maidstone, Durham and Rickmansworth fit into this mould. Management On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all our employees for their hard work and commitment this past year. We now have approximately 1,100 employees from 53 countries, and over the last twelve months they have pulled together in an impressive fashion to achieve these notable results. Additionally, on 22 September 2003, Chris Reeve stepped down from the Caffe Nero Group Board. The Board would like to extend its gratitude to Chris for his commitment to the Group over the past three years. Chris oversaw Store Operations, HR and Training, and we wish him well in the future. The UK Retail Coffee Market For the last six years, Caffe Nero has participated in one of the fastest growing niche retail segments in the UK: the retail coffee sector. While observers have routinely predicted the sector's demise or saturation, the reality has been very much the opposite: explosive growth. As the smoke clears over the coffee sector, the facts stand out. The average compound growth for the last five years for the branded segment has been a remarkable 37%. This has created a UK market value for the branded retail coffee area of approximately #540 million. Allegra Strategies, the UK coffee industry experts, predict strong future growth as well: the branded segment will grow by a robust 11% per annum for at least the next few years, if not longer, and branded cafes will continue taking market share from independents. Allegra also forecasts that the branded UK coffee market will reach #1 billion within a few years. All of this is good news for Caffe Nero. Current Trading Caffe Nero is off to an encouraging start to the current year, FY04. Trading for the First Quarter (Jun-Aug 03) is up by approximately 20% on the equivalent period last year, and like-for-like store sales remain single-digit positive. We are also optimistic about the remainder of the year; there are currently some real opportunities in the retail property market. More retail sites are available at more reasonable prices than at any time since we started Caffe Nero in 1997. Given the success we have had so far with our brand, we are diligently trying to take advantage of these numerous property opportunities. Proof of this is that we have already opened 10 new stores in the first 15 weeks of our current financial year. The results have been extremely positive. Recent successes include: Canary Wharf-London, Selfridges-Birmingham, Winchester, Highgate-London, Maidstone, Glasgow-Airport and Watford. In addition, we recently negotiated the purchase of three Coffee Republic sites (two in London and one in Leeds) which we believe will become successful under the Caffe Nero banner. Likewise, we are excited about opening our seventh airport site, this one at Gatwick (due to commence trading in November 2003) and we are currently in construction on three sites: Preston, Bournemouth and Tower Bridge-London. At a glance, our estate currently stands at 131 stores and, at our present pace, we are on target to have 150 stores trading by January 2004. Future Prospects Caffe Nero is now well positioned to have another outstanding year. The reasons are: (1) the UK retail coffee sector is still growing strongly, (2) Caffe Nero is the number one rated brand with consumers, (3) the current retail property market is awash with available space, and (4) Caffe Nero has sufficient funds to continue to finance its roll-out. Hence, we anticipate the coming year will bring further strong top-line growth and increased bottom-line profitability. Our goals for this year therefore are: (1) to retain a high consumer rating for our brand, (2) to achieve our Profit and Loss objectives, and (3) to grow our UK estate to a level that will enable Caffe Nero, through its own cash-flow, to self-finance (at a rate of 35-40 stores per annum) all further UK stores. If these goals are met, this year will be another major step forward for Caffe Nero and its shareholders. CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 May 2003 Group Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31 May 2003 Notes 2003 2002 Total Total #'000 #'000 Turnover 39,396 26,581 Cost of sales (32,096) (22,451) Gross profit 7,300 4,130 Administrative expenses before depreciation, (3,124) (3,022) impairment of tangible fixed assets, amortisation and operating exceptional items EBITDA profit 4,176 1,108 Administrative expenses - depreciation and (2,538) (1,906) impairment of tangible fixed assets Operating profit/(loss) after depreciation and 1,638 (798) impairment of tangible fixed assets but before amortisation and operating exceptional items Administrative expenses - amortisation (496) (386) Administrative expenses - operating exceptional - (1,103) items Total administrative expenses (6,158) (6,417) Operating profit/(loss) (after depreciation, 2 1,142 (2,287) impairment, amortisation and operating exceptional items) Bank interest receivable 130 133 Interest payable and similar charges - Interest payable (706) (452) - release of issue costs and other fees of debt (47) (71) restructuring (753) (523) Profit /(loss) on ordinary activities before 566 (1,503) exceptionals & taxation Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before 519 (2,677) taxation Tax on profit/ (loss) on ordinary activities - - Profit/(loss) for the financial year 519 (2,677) Earnings per share - basic (pence) 3 0.76p (3.96p) Earnings per share - diluted (pence) 3 0.76p (3.96p) There are no recognised gains or losses other than as shown above CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 May 2003 Group Balance Sheet at 31 May 2003 2003 2002 #'000 #'000 FIXED ASSETS Intangible assets 3,238 3,716 Tangible assets 16,168 14,900 Fixed asset investments 854 - 20,260 18,616 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 340 298 Debtors 1,341 1,736 Cash at bank and in hand 5,667 4,114 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (8,203) (11,310) NET CURRENT LIABILITIES (855) (5,162) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 19,405 13,454 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year 10,562 4,972 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 595 758 8,248 7,724 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 341 338 Share premium 9,390 9,388 Other reserve 6,249 6,249 Profit and loss account (7,732) (8,251) Shareholders' funds: Equity 8,248 7,724 CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 May 2003 Group Statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 May 2003 2003 2002 Notes #'000 #'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2 3,544 2,413 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 130 133 Interest paid (642) (443) Issue costs of new long-term loans (156) (93) (668) (403) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (2,859) (6,152) Payments to acquire Coffee Republic Shares (854) - (3,713) (6,152) ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS Purchase of the business of Aroma Limited 298 (755) Net overdraft acquired with Aroma Limited - (1,785) 298 (2,540) NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE FINANCING (539) (6,682) FINANCING Issue of ordinary share capital 5 2 Share issue costs - (224) New long-term loans 11,200 4,500 Repayment of long-term loans (9,113) (452) 2,092 3,826 INCREASE /(DECREASE) IN CASH 1,553 (2,856) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2003 2002 #'000 #'000 Increase /(Decrease) in cash 1,553 (2,856) Cash inflow from new long term loans (11,200) (4,500) Repayment of loans 9,113 452 Issue costs of long-term loans 156 93 Change in net (debt)/funds resulting from cash flows (378) (6,811) Other non-cash movements (67) (135) MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT (445) (6,946) NET (DEBT)/FUNDS AT 1 JUNE (4,950) 1,996 NET DEBT AT 31 MAY (5,395) (4,950) CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31 May 2003 NOTES 1. The above results for the year ended 31 May 2003 are audited. 2. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2003 2002 #'000 #'000 Operating profit / (loss) 1,142 (2,287) Amortisation 496 386 Depreciation 2,408 1,828 Impairment of tangible fixed assets 130 78 Exceptional - write off of fixed assets of Aroma Limited - 265 Increase in stocks (42) (131) (Increase) in operating debtors and prepayments (8) (862) (Decrease)/Increase in operating creditors and accruals (169) 2,446 (Decrease)/Increase in Provisions for liabilities and (413) 757 charges Other non -cash Movements - (67) 3,544 2,413 3. EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of the earnings per ordinary share for the year ended 31 May 2003 is based on a profit of #519,000 (2002 - #2,677,000 loss) and 68,103,720 (2002- 67,593,035) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. In 2003 the result attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per ordinary share are identical to those used for basic earnings per ordinary share. This is because the average share price during the year was 24.05p which is below the exercise price of any of the share options in issue. In 2002 the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating the diluted loss per ordinary share are identical to those used for basic loss per ordinary share. This is because the exercise of share options would have the effect of reducing the loss per ordinary share and is therefore not dilutive under the terms of FRS14. 4. STATUTORY INFORMATION The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the years ended 31 May 2003 or 31 May 2002 (but is derived from and has been prepared on the same basis as, those financial statements). Statutory financial statements for Caffe Nero Group Plc for the year ended 31 May 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for the year ended 31 May 2003 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those financial statements; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. CAFFE NERO GROUP PLC Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31 May 2003 NOTES (cont'd) 5. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 May 2003 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. Copies will be sent to shareholders shortly and will also be available on request from the Company Secretary Ben Price at 3 Neal Street, London, WC2H 9PU. The Annual General Meeting is to be held on 12 November 2003 at 10am at College Hill, 78 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6HH. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange END FR SEAFALSDSEDU
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