Darwin Professional Underwriters (NYSE:DR)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2020 to Mar 2025

A.M. Best Co. has downgraded the financial strength rating (FSR)
to A- (Excellent) from A (Excellent) and issuer credit rating (ICR) to “a-”
from “a” of Vantapro
Specialty Insurance Company (Vantapro) (Chicago, IL) (formerly
Midway Insurance Company of Illinois) (Midway). The ratings have been
placed under review with negative implications.
Vantapro’s ratings were based upon a 100%
reinsurance cession to its former parent, Fireman’s
Fund Insurance Company (FFIC) (Novato, CA). In connection with the
acquisition of Midway by Darwin National Assurance Company (DNA),
the lead member of the Darwin Group (Darwin), which is rated A-
(Excellent), FFIC reinsured and indemnified Midway from all remaining
liabilities and obligations as of November 30, 2007. Midway had not
written new and renewal premiums since 2002. In February 2008, Midway
was renamed Vantapro Specialty Insurance Company.
The management of Darwin Professional Underwriters, Inc.
(Wilmington, DE) (NYSE: DR), the publicly traded parent of Darwin, has
filed for regulatory approval to redomesticate Vantapro to Arkansas from
Illinois, and shortly thereafter, management plans to implement a
reinsurance agreement between DNA and Vantapro, similar to the
reinsurance agreement currently in place between DNA and its other
wholly owned subsidiary, Darwin Select Insurance Company. Once
the reinsurance agreement has been approved and implemented, A.M. Best
will likely affirm and remove the ratings from under review.
Management is seeking to obtain additional license approvals for
Vantapro in a number of states to enhance distribution flexibility for
Darwin’s products. Vantapro will be available
to offer coverage in situations where other Darwin insurance companies
cannot due to its existing program relationships or other contractual
For Best’s Ratings, an overview of the rating
process and rating methodologies, please visit www.ambest.com/ratings.
Founded in 1899, A.M. Best Company is a global full-service credit
rating organization dedicated to serving the financial and health care
service industries, including insurance companies, banks, hospitals and
health care system providers. For more information, visit www.ambest.com.