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Bausch & Lomb (BOL)

Bausch & Lomb
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18/11/201611:10Business WireBoliden: Hans Jönsson The New General Manager at Boliden’s Aitik Copper MineNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
20/10/201606:04Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Q3: Strong Earnings and High Mine ProductionNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
20/10/201606:01Business WireBoliden: Q3 Interim Report for 2016NYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
06/10/201614:36Business WireIncreased Focus on Core Zinc Operations at Boliden OddaNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
09/08/201607:07Business WireKlas Nilsson New Director Group Communications of BolidenNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
19/07/201605:48Business WireBoliden: Q2 Interim Report for 2016NYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
19/07/201605:41Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Q2: Good Production Levels and Strong Cash FlowNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
01/06/201615:38Business WireBoliden completes Kevitsa mine acquisitionNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
24/05/201606:39Business WireBoliden Signs EUR 1,390 Million Credit AgreementsNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
03/05/201617:42Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Q1: Good Result in SmeltersNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
03/05/201613:26Business WireCommuniqué from Boliden AB’s Annual General Meeting held on 3rd May 2016NYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
03/05/201605:59Business WireBoliden: Q1 Interim Report for 2016NYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
29/04/201605:08Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Acquisition of Kevitsa Mine Approved by Competition AuthoritiesNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
24/03/201611:38Business WireJason Morin New General Manager Boliden TaraNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
23/03/201612:12Business WireAnnual General Meeting of Boliden AB (publ)NYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
16/03/201607:55Business WireBoliden’s 2016 Capital Markets Day: Continuing to Deliver Stable PerformanceNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
10/03/201606:41Business WireBoliden to Acquire Kevitsa Mine in FinlandNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
09/03/201607:03Business WireBoliden publishes its 2015 Annual Report and GRI ReportNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
19/02/201607:38Business WireBoard Composition Proposal by Boliden’s Nomination CommitteeNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
11/02/201607:41Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Exploration Yields Increased Mineral Resources and Mineral ReservesNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
11/02/201607:28Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Profits: Strong Performance for 2015 Despite Significant Impact from Falling Q4 Metal PricesNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
11/02/201607:26Business WireBoliden: Q4 Interim and Year-End Report for 2015NYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
17/12/201508:10Business WireBoliden Invests in a New Sulphuric Acid Plant at the Harjavalta SmelterNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
20/11/201507:38Business WireNew appointments in Boliden's Management GroupNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
23/10/201506:09Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Q3: Strong performance by SmeltersNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
23/10/201506:05Business WireBoliden: Q3 2015 Interim ReportNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
14/08/201506:15Business WireThomas Söderqvist appointed Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility BolidenNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
17/07/201510:11Business WireBoliden: Boliden’s Q2: Robust Production and Strong Cash FlowNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
17/07/201510:10Business WireBoliden: Q2 2015 Interim ReportNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
25/06/201506:38Business WireMikael Staffas – Acting Director, Boliden MinesNYSE:BOLBausch & Lomb
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