Ah but isn't that just the trap to get you to actually confirm the reason why MMs don't hold much and limit buys and sells.
Also it confirms there can be a massive overhang of unsold shares not held by MMs... Next up you explain who holds all these unsold shares that the MMs don't?
I feel we're finally getting somewhere.
So share price is not determined by buys or sells, that's something else I made a point of, we could also produce links to confirm or deny this statement? |
10% not 3%
Filtered I'm afraid, for stupidity and idleness. |
So yes they have to declare holdings lolol
Thanks for posting proof this is true.
And so your original point was wrong and MMs barely bothered want or hold much Groc plus limit buys and sells.
Perfect now don't you look stupid! |
UKLA Technical Note - Market makers |
 As to China restrictions I thought they said they weren't trying to blackmail the world just inspire it to find more of its own resources and not being so reliant on them.
Now in news stories we see all the success stories of countries who became less reliant and even Africa stepping up to start producing almost %50 of the worlds graphite needs very soon.
Your understanding of shares and the market is so very drill, Groc was always a long long long shot, when car companies went looking they found an infinite supply of assets with better prospects, infrastructure and size/grade elsewhere.
Grade really means nothing, some small caps band it round but all mines produce grades from high to low as well as being able to refine lower into more higher grades. This means a bigger deposit at lower grade than yours still supplies more high grade tonnage than you ever could. Look at some of the high grade products coming out of low grade deposits......
The market is also super saturated, there's no lack of it prices and production actually cut due to not enough demand. What happened was many new mines came on line as well as present ones upgrading capacity. Not once has someone said they can't get hold of a few thousand tons ever in recent years.
The EV industry also stalled making all predictions of a shortage very wrong even laughable reading them now in almost the year 2025.....
Some boards just want to be blinkered because they mainly consist of people holding a loss. The best Groc can hope for is to be bought for a few million. Ideally that would help the share price although not enough and allow the management to go and repeat the cycle on another asset. Isn't that what the CEO here and at Alba its main holder and IPO issuer have a record of.....
I don't believe in many companies but I see profits to be made from their losses and occasional short lived gains. You seem to want to back them personally, I just care about making some money and transparent ethics, you seem to want actual graphite ignorant to all the money you could have made with a simple traders view not personal one.
Goes without saying here, a few companies provide no real results but a great PR story and tasty wages bills for years. The initial hype soon wears off on that long slog doesn't it.... as you well know! |
MJ - not true - different rules for MMs. Probably best to shut up when you clearly don't know what you're talking about. |
Why do you think they have to issue holdings in company rns's?
Because if you own over three percent you have to declare it and MMs will never want to hold that much to avoid filling in declarations of holdings as MMs are not traders!
All on Google you idiots! |
On a more sensible bulletin board many are pointing out the difficulty in acquiring a decent line of stock here, for example currently the market only has 50,000 shares at offer price and then they want a premium.
The penny looks to be dropping and new investors are taking positions.
It was interesting that Greenroc liked this tweet
This could be the share of 2025 by way of % gain. |
Utter nonsense..Enjoy your ridiculous conspiracy theories..FILTERED! |
You don't understand how shares work, all the unsold are held by institutions, MMs will buy and sell what they need on a day to day basis from them.
If the Mcap is so low MMs won't buy many to avoid holding there percent and hence why you can't buy many.
The reality is there tons to buy you just can't get access, why criminals avoid small Mcap companies you can make large trades!
Don't be thick do some actual research or.e how markets work! |
Bagged myself 205,000 shares earlier, but it was really difficult to get them and I had to do it in 4 trades. Once I bought the max I could get outside of an NT trade, that being 100,000, the max dropped to 50,000 then 25,000, but managed to get 30,000 on my final trade..I'd have bought more but it was getting silly only being offered 25k trades, I'd have been at it for ages..Roll on the re-rating, mining and electrode plant, I don't mind the waiting for the huge upside in the long run. |
Talking anode plants and billions for a mine.....
Back down this share price goes! |
I would concentrate your investment minds on a longer term target price based on the proposed Anode Plant for which GROC has advised us:."Total gross revenue of USD6.5Bn over the 22-year period, with total gross profit totalling USD2.7Bn.".USD2.7bn / 22 years is USD122,727,272 per annum gross profit..If we said the net profit was say half that, USD60m, at a P/E of 10 it would make GROC worth USD600m or GBP470m at today's exchange rate..If GROC can get project funding without dilution, as it is trying to do, that would give us a share price of 470m / 194.88m = GBP2.41, over 100x the current ASK price..People often wish they could get in at the bottom of a stock that goes up exponentially. Well, here's one that has a good chance of doing so over the next year or two. |
Worth watchinghttps://youtu.be/W7W02zBaFmo?si=H8c30nPFp9pq4YSH. |
For a company that's only valued right now at GBP3.9m, it's planned Anode Plant is worth "total gross profit totalling US$2.7Bn." on top of the revenue the mine makes. |
Ummm grade is pretty irrelevant in the graphite market...
Alba has high grade so what, a mine with much lower grades but larger size will still produce ten times the high grade Groc could!
Isn't it about time you understood the ACTUAL graphite market, then you'll see the reason why much lower grades get investment and Groc gets nothing!
Oh dear me best learn before you act like you know! |
Many thanks for that haggis, good day so far with QED, we seem to have a "similar taste" in stocks. If you're not in APTA, have a gander, long cash runway and many exciting opportunities with blue chips. There's a Webinar next week, 12th Dec at 6.00 p.m. You can see it after the event here. I'm up to my neck in GROC, QED and APTA. Happy days! |
Graphite Market worth $36.40 billion by 2030.hTTps://finance.yahoo.com/news/graphite-market-worth-36-40-110000534.html. |